Why don't we look at the resource bonuses, and have them change your resource counts by larger increments? We get, what, 8000 MP, 2000 MU, 1200 FU (1600 max iirc) by default, yes? What if, instead of by increments of 400, ?160, and ?80 (without full resources on the warmap I can't recall what the current max is), we had increments of 2000, 500, and 300 (1/4th of the base resource count of your company, at least in original resource-count terms)?
This would necessitate changes to the original resource count (in this case, manpower and fuel) in order to prevent ridiculous spam counts, so we'd end up with
9000 MP (with 3x starting MP advantage; 5000 w. 1x, 7000 w. 2x, 9000 w. 3x)
2000 MU (with 2x starting MU advantage; 1500 w. 1x, 2000 w. 2x, 2500 w. 3x)
900 FU (with 1x starting FU advantage; 900 w. 1x, 1200 w. 2x, 1500 w. 3x)
Now you really need to choose the right resource advantage for your current build. Do you want to field a metric fuck ton of tanks? Great, but that's going to hamstring your force of supporting infantry and ATGs.
Ooh, you want to field a massive horde of infantry; max MP advantage? Whelp, you won't be able to really upgrade a great deal of them with fancy upgrades, nor field massive amounts of AT (or, with massive amounts of AT, no shiny upgrades). And, of course, not much fuel for any sort of vehicular support force. An added side effect is that this would prevent (upgraded) elite infantry spam, since you couldn't slap upgrades on each and every elite squad, opening yourself up to an attrition battle that they might not be able to win vs. a massive horde of cheap units (Volks, Rifles).
What about maximum MU? AK-47s for everyone! Too bad 'everyone' doesn't really count for much; again, it prevents elite infantry spam companies (or severely reduces their size) since you won't have the raw manpower to field a huge mass of elite infantry and supporting AT/healing/vehicles/recrew infantry. Sure, everyone might get a big fancy upgrade, but you won't have a ton of bodies, and if you suck, well, with most of your eggs in very few baskets your supply of call-ins will dwindle very quickly (the same as an all-fuel company).
i like this idea,
and since i didnt want it to dissapear inside a discussion thread that drifted away from its origins long ago, new topic.