whats the point? i have like 25 wins to 100 losses on my axis accounts... and i only ever got 3 vet3 units ... how do people get all these wins and multipul vet 3 units.
Even if i had kept with my blitz i wouldn't have 7 or 8 vet 3 infantry troops like all these inf and AB players have.
I love this mod, but to be honest i rather just help develop it then play it...
It sucks, everyone manages to get t4 in a few days after the war start and people who joined half way though still have far more vet than me, i play like 3 games a day and my companies get gradualy worse - i loose vet and units when they die and i loose more vet from losing the game
Other people go into a game thinking "i can win", i go in thinking "i don't stand a chance" - i have learnt to associate EIR with loosing.
BTW : opps wrong forum - ment for the general one.