1st EiR Community War Awards
Hello all and welcome to the 1st EiR Community War Awards where I will be handing out non-persistent non-game affecting awards related to how players were viewed and acted throughout the war. It will also relate to what members did in games and out of games.
This is non-serious and should be looked upon as a joke and taken as such. If you get offened at all with the awards, then I am sorry, as I didn't mean to be offending.
Now onto the awards!
The first lot of awards relate to
in game behaviour.
Most helpful team mate award
The 'Most helpful team mate award' goes to the player who I've seen being the most helpful throughout the entire war.
And the winner is.....
DuvkaSpammable Award
The 'Spammable Award' goes to the member who has well... spammed the most out of 1 unit throughout the war and who actions have been talked about doing such thing.
And the winner is......
Dr. Nick with his close to 50 Airborne
Old Guard Slayers award
The Old Guard slayers award goes to the member who has consistently fought and won against older users in Europe in Ruins.
And the winner is......
The entire KdKIIII clan who have shown you don't need to have been playing EiR for the past year to be good.
Most Improved Award
The most improved award goes to the players who has improved the most throughout the war.
And the winner is......
Stuart who has greatly improved since he first started to play Europe in Ruins long ago.
Most Avoided Award
The most avoided award goes to the member who other members tried their hardest to avoid playing against.
And the winner is.....
thtb for when he got those airborne, it seemed that no one wanted to see them on the opposite side of the battlefield.
Now; onto none game related related awards!
Best Online Name Award
The best online name award goes to the member who has the best online name in Europe in Ruins.
And the winner is.....
Alcapwned for his cheeky combination of two words.
Bitch, but not playing award
The Bitch, but not playing award goes to the member who consistently complained about things changing in Europe in Ruins and actually didn't play.
And the winner is.....
AckerDon't piss him off award
The don't piss him off award goes to the member who you just don't want to piss of after a battle has ended, for you will be showered with rage.
And the winner is....
Scrapking for his colourful raging in the ventirllo server
Most hated
The Most Hated award goes to a member who has been the most loathed and hated throughout the entire war.
And the winner is.....
Ucross because everytime he changes something, more people hate him. But we really actually love him <3
Most complained about Strategy award
The most complained about strategy award goes to the player who developed a strat so powerful than it was deemed overpowered and lead to a balance change.
and the winner is....
Stumpster with his m8 spam company.
Most hard working award
This award goes to the member who has put the most effort into the mod.
and the winner is...
fldash of course... without him none of this would be here.
Most random post awards
The award goes to the member who has consistantly posted random things in the forums.
and the winner is....
Torjado with his wtf stories.
Most popular award
This award goes to the member who is the most popular member in the community.
and the award goes to.....
Phil because he's awesome.
Most popular new map award
This award goes to the member who has created the new most popular map in the community.
and the award goes to.....
Lolto with his awesome new map Bastion
Thats it for now, but I will be adding more and more as the war gets closer and closer to the end. Feel free to add your own.