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Topic: Hobbies Outside of Gaming (Read 23641 times)
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Re: Hobbies Outside of Gaming
Reply #40 on:
April 22, 2008, 11:32:02 pm »
Surprise, Surprise. Americans and their guns.
Don't live up to the stereotype guys
Other than gaming, I do some art work (basic) and dabbling into W40K tabletop.
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Re: Hobbies Outside of Gaming
Reply #41 on:
April 22, 2008, 11:36:20 pm »
Quote from: Akranadas on April 22, 2008, 11:32:02 pm
Surprise, Surprise. Americans and their guns.
Don't live up to the stereotype guys
Other than gaming, I do some art work (basic) and dabbling into W40K tabletop.
We don't even come close to how intense some of the East Asian countries are over airsoft, the Philippines in particular.
Step out of the way. He'll keep going until he hits a wall, that being Akranadas. Let him go unmolested, his journey will take less time.
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Re: Hobbies Outside of Gaming
Reply #42 on:
April 23, 2008, 02:51:04 am »
Airsoft is cool but there are no big groups over here that i know of, i only have a few natural GAS pistols, as guns are slightly shunned here
Posts: 2886
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Re: Hobbies Outside of Gaming
Reply #43 on:
April 23, 2008, 03:05:22 am »
I'd love to try airsoft. If I ever go to the US I'm definately looking up a bunch of people, just to make them take me to some airsoft competition.
Hasn't caught on yet here, and I don't have the money to spend on a gun yet anyway.
As for hobbies.. I have none. I do some programming when I'm bored... other than that, nothing holds my interest for more than two weeks. So snowboarding =D A few weeks whenever I find some money for a trip =D
Quote from: Dr.Nick on April 22, 2008, 11:30:04 pm
[...] Playing paintball is kinda like an online fps but without the anonimity [...]
But the attitude too often remains. The mic's are gone, but the insults still fly =) Still pretty cool if you get a bunch of more stable people =D
Last Edit: April 23, 2008, 03:07:58 am by Phil
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Re: Hobbies Outside of Gaming
Reply #44 on:
April 23, 2008, 03:25:00 am »
oh yea i do skiing... forgot about that.
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Re: Hobbies Outside of Gaming
Reply #45 on:
April 23, 2008, 04:02:38 am »
Music, Drums, Photography, Travel, etc..
I play paintball 1 - 3 times a year or so although I'd rather play Airsoft... I'm a big fan & intend on joining a group sooner or later... haven't gotten to it yet because I want to buy a camera & need some cash to travel
. Getting a full airsoft gear is pretty expensive imho if you want to take it serious.
WW2 reenactment seems awesome too, I definately want to try that one day.
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Re: Hobbies Outside of Gaming
Reply #46 on:
April 23, 2008, 01:36:03 pm »
F = M x A
for airsoft you need a higher A
as to paintball which has a greater M
The bigger the F (in Newtons) is the more it hurts.
I'll post mine in a little....
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Re: Hobbies Outside of Gaming
Reply #47 on:
April 23, 2008, 01:44:44 pm »
does every thread need a random math equasion?
i like paintball but when you have to shell out $90 to play for 1 day it get stupid. airsoft is much cheaper over the long run.
i dont have anything against painball though. il go and play it anytime.
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Re: Hobbies Outside of Gaming
Reply #48 on:
April 23, 2008, 01:49:23 pm »
Meh, buy non-lethal ammo for you real weapon and then start shooting each other. Fear factor anyone?
Quote from: DBSights on April 23, 2008, 02:30:36 pm
I wrestle bears.
Posts: 9755
Re: Hobbies Outside of Gaming
Reply #49 on:
April 23, 2008, 02:02:09 pm »
Quote from: Dr.Nick on April 22, 2008, 11:30:04 pm
I love paintball personally, but I've never played airsoft so I can't comment on it. I play alot of woods games and some scenarious now and then. Playing paintball is kinda like an online fps but without the anonimity and the fact that it hurts when you get shot. I find that you often have to lead a charge on your own cuz your teammates are wussies and don't like the risk of getting shot. The main thing I don't like about paintball is how inaccurate the guns get if you have a crappy barrel or start to get short on CO2 even in the slightest bit. It makes you want to go back and play an FPS where your crosshairs are accurate 100% lol
QFT - I hate all the pussies that do nothing on the field. Every place here is 'woods' except for the speedball courses.
One time playing 'football' (where the flag is in the middle you have to get it to take to the other teams base), I totally owned them flanking the other team entirely. By the time I got there, I was the only one left on my team. The ref announced like 5 minutes left, and I took off in a dead sprint from their base, their team shooting at me from just above every angle. Got the flag and returned it to their base as time was running out.
Got total respect after that. Field was generally a bunch of huge douchebags who played at the course all the time and it was only like my second time there so they basically shunned me until I kicked their asses.
Another time, I had a Ref question my gun/barrel (Using a TL Spyder with can't remember what barrel (not the stupid flatline tho)) because all the people on the other team were complaining... Anyway, passed inspections and gave them the big FU.
That was many years ago tho, haven't played in probably 5 or 6 years...
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Re: Hobbies Outside of Gaming
Reply #50 on:
April 23, 2008, 02:29:02 pm »
Heh nice Dash, I hate it when your playing with people who refuse to move up at all and won't even cover you properly when you decide to move up on your own. My most amusing moment is where we played a close quarters game. Theres 2 big low spots (like a ditch but it goes back and there are trees in it for cover) about 5 feet from eachother with a small road inbetween and trees and some plywood as cover. You can either make a made dash across the road to get on the enemies side or sit back and shoot, OR take the small plastic pipe under the road between the 2 sides. I choose the 3rd option one game. I crawled as fast as I could once the game started and came out shooting everyone I could. Since I was in the middle of their team they had no idea I was an enemy till I shot about 5 or 6 of them then I got shot abunch but none of the shots broke (so no splatter in paintball means you can keep playing, at least where I play) so I sat down and they thought I was dead but my gun had run out of CO2. What a moment ey? So their team was still unaware I kindly asked an enemy if I could use his cleaner rod to make sure my gun wasn't jammed, meanwhile the refs were standing there laughing their asses off and they wouldn't lend me a gun soo I took a paintball, jumped on the guy nearest me and tried popping it on his head. I suceeded in this goal while he was trying to push and shoot me but we both got called out. Good times.
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Re: Hobbies Outside of Gaming
Reply #51 on:
April 23, 2008, 02:30:36 pm »
I wrestle bears.
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Re: Hobbies Outside of Gaming
Reply #52 on:
April 23, 2008, 02:49:05 pm »
I'm sorry airsoft and paintball fails compared to shooting a real gun!
Though I've only paintballed once, how does airsoft compare in accuracy? The most annoying thing about paintballing for me was the balls just go wherever pretty much.
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EIR Veteran
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Re: Hobbies Outside of Gaming
Reply #53 on:
April 23, 2008, 03:24:40 pm »
Yeah I agree Riki, but if you get a good barrel they are much more accurate. Shooting real guns is fun though. We have an old Enfield 303.
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Re: Hobbies Outside of Gaming
Reply #54 on:
April 23, 2008, 03:39:58 pm »
stumpster, why airsoft over paintball? At least Paintball, someone can't lie about whether or not they've been hit. Unless I don't understand airsoft, you can lie, and that sucks... I used to be a damn good CTF paintball player, had a modded TL Spyder way back in the day...
Guns look 10x cooler, bullets are MUCH cheaper, causes less of a mess, you avoid getting your gun clogged up by paint. And then the core reason is unless you have a insanely-priced paintball gun, the bullets travel at a lower speed (although there are 8 or 6mm paintball bullets which avoid this problem).
But, the bullets really are a lot cheaper, I can get a pack of 5000 bullets for less than 10 bucks.
Last Edit: April 23, 2008, 03:41:39 pm by roflmao
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Re: Hobbies Outside of Gaming
Reply #55 on:
April 23, 2008, 04:42:07 pm »
Paint is pretty overpriced
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Re: Hobbies Outside of Gaming
Reply #56 on:
April 23, 2008, 04:48:46 pm »
I play musical instruments, read, play sports...
But, over all other things, I study World War Two.
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Re: Hobbies Outside of Gaming
Reply #57 on:
April 23, 2008, 04:51:00 pm »
Quote from: [AB]RikiRude on April 23, 2008, 02:49:05 pm
I'm sorry airsoft and paintball fails compared to shooting a real gun!
Though I've only paintballed once, how does airsoft compare in accuracy? The most annoying thing about paintballing for me was the balls just go wherever pretty much.
A non-upgraded standard airsoft gun gets about an 8" spread at 100-115 feet. More than enough to still nail a body shot, but not enough to be super-precise. Naturally, wind causes airsoft BB's to fly a hell of a lot more than paintballs though, so there is a flip-side.
And real steel firearms are cool as well, I just don't own any. I've fired:
- Long .22 Rifle
- Mini-14
- .357 Magnum
- Glock 18
- Kimber 1911
- Sig Sauer
All fun, except for the .22. It had a serious jamming problem.
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Re: Hobbies Outside of Gaming
Reply #58 on:
April 23, 2008, 05:09:32 pm »
Hobbies include
Music use to play the saxaphone Listening right now to Nine Inch Nails (the fragile) John Butler Trio (Grand National) and the new Bruce springtein album,
sport european football (soccer) Aston Villa EPL and Juventus and cricket (Australia of course!),
Movies Love old war movies and so on just bought a bridge to far, Downfall (the last days of hitler) and Beowulf directors cut,
And napoleonic military history have over 200 books on the subject at last count really need to catalogue them, reading right now thunder on the danube by John Gill and volume 5 of Sir charles Omans History of the Peninsular War and now slowly branching out into english civil war history. I break gaming into PC gaming and other gaming as im heavily involved with minature wargaming.
Oh and as a bank manager working for the forces of evil (what can i say they have a great dental plan!)
Last Edit: April 23, 2008, 05:12:38 pm by Nevyen
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Re: Hobbies Outside of Gaming
Reply #59 on:
April 23, 2008, 05:18:51 pm »
Aside from playing PC games, I like to watch other people play. I've spent quite alot of time watching/reading Let's Play threads on SomethingAwful.com. Away from the computer, I enjoy reading books, watching documentaries, listening to music, used to practice Origami, and help out around the house.
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