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Author Topic: [RP] Fallschirmjäger  (Read 20559 times)
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DonkeyRadar2 Offline
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« Reply #40 on: May 10, 2008, 02:59:14 pm »

The bullet had pierced the skin, the flesh and most importantly, the uniform of the overeager Gefreiter. At the point of impact of metal on flesh, the whole world slowed around him, silence fell over the battlefield and the only sense was the overwhelming pain stemming from the wound. Hitting the pavement hard brought Wolfgang back to the fact he was in the middle of battle, yet he could not stop screaming in pain.

Grenades. Grenades. Get out your grenade Wolfgang. Get the grenade out.

He tried to move his arm but it was too painful, another scream escaped, and at this point it was obvious to all around he had at least been struck in the shoulder.

The sound of the MG returned like sweet music to his ears, it was a chance to move, adrenaline and zeal now powered this man’s muscles. He tried to stumble to his feet, to run straight towards the nearest cover and hit it hard for he daren’t slow down to stop.
A figure became apparent through his tunnelled vision, it was clear an ally had helped him into the cover, but his words were lost on Wolfgang as he clenched his eyes in pain, almost delirious. Wolfgang didn’t know his location, the outcome of the engagement or the extent of the wounds he had sustained, all he could feel was a burning pain throughout his whole left arm.

CommanderHolta Offline
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« Reply #41 on: May 10, 2008, 03:24:07 pm »

After letting lose rounds into the Target building and surrounding sandbags and could confirm at least 1 Kill, Gefreiter Dienhardt quickly reloaded his MG thanks in part for having one already on the ground near him. As he reloaded, he heard a scream and one of his squadsmates fell on the cold road.

Shit! Need to get more rounds on to them! (And reload faster)

He had his MG ripping up round even before he finished his mental train of thought.

After the enemy seemingly took cover behind the building A, he saw somebody in a tower firing on his squads to the East. He quickly switched his attention on to the Tower and noticed the nearby sandbags and was suspicious of it even though nobody fire from them yet. He decided to move up later once his squadmates manage to clear the Obj A. He asks Obergefreiter Busch to stick with him for now to guard him.
//OOC If my guy sees someone near the sandbags near the tower I take note on that and put covering fire on tower first and ask Obergefreiter Busch (If he stays with me) to shoot the guy at the sandbags. If I don't see anybody near the sandbags I proceed to lay  fire on the tower.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2008, 03:26:50 pm by CommanderHolta » Logged
They Call Me SpitFire Offline
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« Reply #42 on: May 10, 2008, 05:21:49 pm »

Obergefreiter Busch watchs the sandbags with all attention his rifle to his shoulder and mounted ready abruptly two men pop their heads up. Busch shoots one through his "pot" head.(Helmet)And fires upon another. The other man was overwhelmed as he howled into the night. "Stop,Stop, Momma!" As Dienhart fires his mg34 on him (damn I hope i got the name right)

Nothing compares to a quiet evening alone
Just the one-two of us, who's counting on
That never happens
I guess I'm dreaming again
Let's be more than
No, oh
Crush, crush
(Two, three, four!)
Warbirds Offline
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« Reply #43 on: May 11, 2008, 09:28:21 am »

The Feldwebel spotted a few enemy soldiers behind sandbags, where the MG34 was firing suppression.  He could just see the top of one of their helmets, so he aimed, and took the shot.  They target seemed to have ducked right before he shot, but he was not sure if it was from his rifle, or from the soldier's own actions.

Hoffmann breathed out and cycled the bolt of his rifle, putting a new round in the chamber.

He added local brush and grass bits to the mesh covering his helmet while the fire was not directed at him.
Afan Offline
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« Reply #44 on: May 12, 2008, 10:23:18 pm »

After hearing Wolfgang's scream, Dirk runs forward to pull him to the safety of the forest, he was not noticed because of the presence of the machine gun firing at the Cretin defenders. After pulling him into the forest he begins to take Wolfgang's field dressing kit and applied it to the wound in his shoulder.

UnLimiTeD Offline
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« Reply #45 on: May 13, 2008, 05:03:23 am »

As some of his mates seemed worried about the sandbag cover Gerhard decided to throw an incendiary composition behind them to clear out that position.
While he had the needed materials, it would take im atleast a minute to manufacture, so he asked Leutnant Ritter whether to do it or not.

Hey, it's not going to happen
Thtb Offline
The German Guy
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« Reply #46 on: May 13, 2008, 08:55:30 am »


3./LL-Sturm-Rgt., 4. Kompanie, 1. Zug:
- Cpl. Gerhard Boese (UnLimiTeD) [Fallschirmjäger - Demo Engineer]  Can open fire on Gamma Commander, take cover, throw grenade, Search glider, take cover

- Pfc. Deinhardt Hans (CommanderHolt) [Fallschirmjäger - Machine gunner] Can shift to Tower or move up to building A (but how will watch the tower then?)

- Lt. Gabriel Ritter (Apex) [Fallschirmjäger - Squad Leader] Has entered the building, finds the wounded Andrew Sanders, can do w/e he want to him, stay, open fire on tower, move to a other building or get pos. at a window.

- Feldwebel  Klaus Hoffmann (warbirds) [Fallschirmjäger - Sniper] Enters building with apex finds the wounded Andrew Sanders, can do w/e he want to him, stay, open fire on tower, move to a other building or get pos. at a window.

-Désir de nuits can move up to building A, keep supporting commanderholt or he coud move towards the tower while the mg supports him...

- Pfc. Wolfgang Schütze (DonkeyRadar) [Fallschirmjäger - ??] Wounded, can’t do much ;(... yet. Could try to get a radio to contact Com. Newb
VIII. Fliegerkorps, 4./St.G.2 (Lead aircraft, 6. Kette):
- Lt. Heinrich Müller (CommanderNewbie) [Pilot] Sees the sky, can describe airbattle, AA fire or therelike
« Last Edit: May 13, 2008, 11:15:42 am by Thtb » Logged

DonkeyRadar2 Offline
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« Reply #47 on: May 13, 2008, 10:36:42 am »

[OOC] Wasn’t Apex (Lt. Ritter) in the command post and only communicated by radio? That’s just what I inferred from the posts, but I guess it doesn’t affect my immediate situation in the battle.

I also assume that Objective A is NOT the fuel supply?

Dirk Protz, this is the man who had helped Wolfgang in immediate battle, an Iron Cross would be the least Wolfgang would give him if he made it out alive, and if he were in any sort of position to award medals. The brave soldier had helped Wolfgang apply his medical kit to his shoulder.
“You’re bleeding soldier, I’m bandaging you now. Also, your morphine is gone.”
Morphine was a godsend, whoever invented that, deserved a medal too.

The morphine turned a debilitating injury into something manageable. Wolfgang’s breathing was depressed, more shallow than usual, he was clam and almost happy. The bleeding was stopping, neither men were sure whether Wolfgang had broken any bone or even if the bullet had gone straight through him. There only seemed to be one wound at the front of the shoulder, and it was tightly bandaged now.
“Where… Where is the squad?”
“I believe they have moved up ahead onto objective A.”
“Help me up comrade.”
Dirk grabbed Wolfgang by the arm and eased him up to his feet.

Wolfgang looked over himself. His Fallschirmjäger uniform was coverer in blood marks, with his left shoulder being positively soaked in blood. Wolfgang seemed uneasy on his feet, he swayed slightly before being able to stand.
“Thank you, Excellent work Schütze. We move on to Objective A.”
Wolfgang stumbled after a few steps towards the building, he almost fell but Dirk caught him before he hit the ground again. Suddenly Wolfgang lifted himself off of Dirk’s arm and crouched down slightly. It was his Luger, he had dropped it in the previous engagement. He picked it up, and pointed it towards where his would-be killer had been standing when he took the shot.
“How am I supposed to load this now?”
Wolfgang chuckled, he stood tall and proud, and even with his left arm limp and useless next to his side under a bandage, he was an awesome figure of German resilience.

“Continue on to Object A soldier. I’ll meet you there.”
Wolfgang’s breathing was no longer so weak, it was acutely depressed if at all, and his walking was more stable if slightly wonky. The morphine gave him an almost carefree attitude, and he continued on towards the objective.

I guess my actions for this round are moving up into the building of Objective A to find the rest of the squad.

- When Wolfgang arrives at the objective he will inform the highest ranking personnel he is ready to take command of the firebase and LG40, although may need extra help to assemble or guard it, given his wound.
- If by the time I am at the Objective no glider supplies have been retrieved Wolfgang will remark “What have you been doing with all this god damn time then?!” Then continually push for action that involves retrieving the supplies and setting up the LG40.
- If Wolfgang is not allowed to be a part of retrieving the supplies or must stay at the objective any other orders not related to direct combat, he will ask to operate any radio equipment to inform air support that there is AA fire covering their position, or whomever else to get to work on that.

Combat will be met with emptying the remaining Luger rounds and then throwing his 2  Model 24 Stielhandgranate.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2008, 02:53:38 pm by DonkeyRadar2 » Logged
CommanderHolt Offline
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Posts: 600

« Reply #48 on: May 13, 2008, 12:00:37 pm »

After laying down fire on the Tower's occupent, Gefreiter Dienhardt quickly moved to a more foward postions among the Trees while Obergefreiter Busch layed down accurate rifle fire on the Tower.

While hurring to his new postion he lightly touched his MG34 barrel after he noticed his MG gave out a steady stream of steam. It was Unbearably HOT even with his gloves that prevented most of the scorching heat from reaching his nerves (and frying them).

"Now is the time to change barrels as in any..." he whispered to himself.

He quickly changed barrels and winced when he touched the burning metal dispite his gloves which thankfully shielded most of the heat from his precious skin. He quickly remembers the time where he had forgotten his gloves and subsequently had his hands very tender and sore for 2 days in which he never forget to bring his glove to any other exercise.

His mind suddenly warped back to the present where he remember he had a life or death job of suppesing that Tower. As he fired rounds into it, he shouted "Can somebody rush that tower and secure it?!"

All the while his MG34 rattled on hot death towards it foe.....

I have 6x 50 Drum rounds left and 2 more replacement barrels and a Luger.
Warbirds Offline
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« Reply #49 on: May 13, 2008, 01:06:17 pm »

[OOC] I will wait for Ritter to give me orders.

And Thtb, my name starts with a capital letter.   Smiley
They Call Me SpitFire Offline
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Posts: 563

« Reply #50 on: May 13, 2008, 01:14:25 pm »

Obergefriegter Busch slung his rifle on his back and ripped out his precious Mp40. He charged up the tower and slung lead everywhere. Killing two greek miltia members stuck up there. One of them did get a shot off which ripped into my thigh.
UnLimiTeD Offline
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Posts: 554

« Reply #51 on: May 13, 2008, 01:58:35 pm »

// Who is Predator?
// Where has everybody got this fragmentation grenades from? As far as I
// know I'm the only person carrying some.

Gerhard Böse deciedes to to take offensive actions, throws a Nb.39 Nebelgranate and fires a full clip of his MP40 into the sandbags before moving on.
He reloads in the cover of the smoke and decides to take on the glider as there are already 2 men of his squad in the building where he heard the victims of his actions.
He feels a certain approach of bad conscience, but quickly thinks it away.
This is a success, and they will burn.
he will take care of that.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2008, 02:25:44 pm by UnLimiTeD » Logged
CommanderHolt Offline
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Posts: 600

« Reply #52 on: May 13, 2008, 03:42:51 pm »

After seeing the Obergefriegter Busch climb into the tower, Gefreiter Hans Dienhardt followed his footsteps, getting out his Luger just in-case somehow the Obergefriegter failed somehow.

He was relieved that Busch is still alive when he got to the top of the Tower, but saw that he was wounded. Hans helped the Obergefriegter apply some bandages on his wounds. The Obergefriegter order him to observe the battlefield from their new postion.

Dienhardt peered to the north and saw the blazing 20mm AA gun which had cruelly swatted down his comrades glider to their deaths. He also had a great vantage point where he could see Building B too. He had also, however spotted something suspious to the Northeast, though he couldn't make it out what it was.

"Probably a Bunker...." He whispered to himself

He reported what he saw to Obergefriegter Busch (who was still tending to his wounds and was probably injecting morphine.) and asked if we should open fire on the unsuspecting AA crew now, or should one of them keep watch in the tower while the other report to the Leutnant or the Feldwebel?

They needed to think fast for the chaos of battle reigned all around them and every second in delaying could mean another comrade death....
Thtb Offline
The German Guy
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Posts: 3875

« Reply #53 on: May 15, 2008, 03:25:38 pm »

Apex and Warbirds will spot DerangedFerret crawling towards the door of the building while he bleeds like a pig. What do you do?
UnLimiTeD Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 554

« Reply #54 on: May 15, 2008, 03:30:46 pm »

"Leutnant Ritter" "...  chrrrrrt"  "Gerhard Boese, I have visual *chrrrrt* , repeat, I have visual contact on the glider, I can reach it in ..chrrrt, awaiting orders!"
CommanderHolt Offline
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Posts: 600

« Reply #55 on: May 15, 2008, 04:47:08 pm »

Gefreiter Hans Dienhardt saw a plane in the distance coming and could see that there were German marking on it.

"Finally! We have some god forsaken Air support!" shouted the Gefreiter.

After seeing the plane Obergefriegter Busch and Gefreiter Hans Dienhardt disided there was no time to tell the Leutnant or the Feldwebel of the AA gun position and had to take it out NOW before the CAS can get fired upon. With the AA gun crew distracted by the incoming plane and frantically swinging the gun to face the Plane. The Obergefriegter and Gefreiter opened fire on the AA crew without warning....
CommanderNewbie Offline
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Posts: 1240

« Reply #56 on: May 15, 2008, 05:22:50 pm »

As Heinrich craned his neck over his instruments to get a better view of the island, his kette passed over the timultuous shoreline.  Squinting as the sun had eclipsed the horizon, he struggled to distinguish what was happening on the battlefield below.

Suddenly, his radio crackled to life.  "Dragoon flight, this is Saber lead.  Skies are clear, we will cover your approach."

He brought the recieved to his mouth.  "Understood, Saber flight."  Heinrich glanced to the left and right of his canopy, eyeing his companion aircraft as they tightened formation.

Heinrich banked his aircraft to to the left, maintaining his new course to fly over from the north side of the island.  "Do you see anything, Frederick?"

Frederick was out of his seat at this time, trying to get a better view of the ground below.

CommanderNewbie - Allied
Prydefalcn - Axis
Afan Offline
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Posts: 17

« Reply #57 on: May 16, 2008, 02:52:07 pm »

Dirk responds to Wolfgang "Yes sir", and starts to run to catch up with the rest of his squad at objective A.
They Call Me SpitFire Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 563

« Reply #58 on: May 17, 2008, 12:43:22 pm »

The fuel supply?I'm guessing it'll be by Obj. B or maybe somewhere near the AAgun for defense ya'know.
They Call Me SpitFire Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 563

« Reply #59 on: May 17, 2008, 04:55:40 pm »

//Occ Thtb is making me change my last post about charrging up the stair well in the tower..

Okay I charged up the tower stairs,firing violently with my Mp40. I threw fragmentation grenade in the topfloor before charging in. I stood at the the head of the stairs and "sprayed&prayed" I hit two soldiers one fell instantly, and the other reached for his rifle. I clicked the trigger. Nothing fired. I drew my knife from my shealth. He pulled his rifle to his shoulder and tried to cock the bolt,but it jammed. I dove on him with my knife.He held my wrist trying to hold me back.We wrestled back and forth. I quickly punched him in the ribs, and he punched me in the stomache, and across my face. I took my knife as it slipped from his hand,but it ricocheted back across my leg. I tackled him again and slashed the knife across his face. He reattempted to grab my arm, and got my wrist. I shove my might into shoving my knife into his breast. He screamed out something in greek, but I didn't know Greek; so I shoved the knife into his breast slowly. I shushed him unto he stopped moving and screaming. I took my hand across his eyelids and closed them. I then noticed the other had a pistol in hand.I reached for my luger, but he got off two shots left in his magazine. I ripped my luger from its shealth, and tore three bullets into the pore Greek.
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