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Author Topic: BotB mod Hotfix out now!!  (Read 16663 times)
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Unkn0wn Offline
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Posts: 18379

« Reply #40 on: January 03, 2009, 03:22:39 pm »

Not to break anyone's hopes but I very much doubt any COH mod can compete with mods like PRMM, FH2, etc. Mods that rely on a MUCH much bigger community basically. Although with some luck you could get the MOTY editor's choice like EIR did in 2007.

Best of luck anyway :p
« Last Edit: January 03, 2009, 03:33:07 pm by Unkn0wn » Logged
Duckordie Offline
Community Mapper
Posts: 1687

« Reply #41 on: January 03, 2009, 03:32:09 pm »

Some times, I feel like Unkown is the only one with a brain, I was so ROFL my self at this, so i could not say what Unkown Said...

^<-- Duck ™ and ©

 We need more axis players!:
tskross Offline
EIR Regular
Posts: 19

« Reply #42 on: January 03, 2009, 04:16:36 pm »

Well, yeah its highly unlikely but of course one doesn't come right out and say that about your own mod... Lips sealed
but by voting for botb (or any other mod) you are also voting to get it into the top 100 mods of the year. Also the top 10 players choice mods get prizes as do all of the editor's choice mods (which are ad hoc, such as most underplayed, best use of physics, etc) Currently we're at 40 something, so it doesn't seem entirely outside of the range of possibility!
Also it should be noted that EiR is not eligible this year since they won last year, which is one reason I felt comfortable posting this on these forums.

But really what this is all about increasing exposure, which just placing in the top 100 would do...bottom line the more players the better and that's what we're after
« Last Edit: January 03, 2009, 04:27:27 pm by tskross » Logged
Prydain Offline
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Posts: 287

« Reply #43 on: January 03, 2009, 05:29:27 pm »

Ulterior motive located! Prezzie snatcher targeted!

tskross, can you do one thing for me with Botb. Make it playable with infantry please. And not just for HMGs and Mortars, I am not content with overpowered tanks. Please, the mod would be good if I could just use a Rifleman squad without a tank coming up and raping the shit out of it while my anti-tank is engaged killing the rest of the enemy units, which by the way, all seem to be tanks...

Less tanks, more line infantry.

The Germans in Greek
Are sadly to seek;
Not five in five score,
But ninety-five more;
All, save only Hermann,
And Hermann's a German.
Chaos Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 52

« Reply #44 on: January 03, 2009, 05:56:07 pm »

well i voted for botb for game of the year mainly because tskross seems to actually care about his mod and that in and of itself is admirable and has convinced me to give the mod a second shot here's hoping i like it Tongue
Tymathee Offline
Posts: 9741

« Reply #45 on: January 03, 2009, 06:47:22 pm »

my fav mod personally is pofia...i recommend peole play it, especially since the AI has been tweaked so that anti tanks unit will attack tanks first even if an infantry unti is directly in its face. Hell, i've seen hmg's ignore tanks and wait for infantry to come into range to fire.

also pofia will give you a very good single player experience, it makes it more difficult and fun.

"I want proof!"
"I have proof!"
"Whatever, I'm still right"

Dafuq man, don't ask for proof if you'll refuse it if it's not in your favor, logic fallacy for the bloody win.
tskross Offline
EIR Regular
Posts: 19

« Reply #46 on: January 03, 2009, 08:17:31 pm »

@ Chaos
Thanks! Its our view that exposure for all coh mods is important. Relic has no reason to provide further mod support (object editor, not just to create totally new units and animations but in order to mod old ones, or just to get the muzzle flash to actually come out of the gun etc etc) if people aren't playing the mods, the more people play the more important they become, period. Whether or not it will affect any actual change is definitely debatable, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try.
Well as far as prizes go they would go to halftrack (its his baby) as I'm not that into the technical side of the mod (skinning, maps, graphics and PR for me!) And he wasn't responsible for the moddb page and he didn't  even know about the moddb contest. I really was talking about bragging rights Grin
Also in the next update there has been talk of making bazooka upgrades available to all allied infantry (who don't already have them) just as shrecks are for axis now. But really in the newest version (V.2) there haven't been that many complaints about infantry being UP (except in the US infantry doctrine, which we're working on as stated in a previous post)
I've seen the pofia thread at relic news, I'll have to give it a try, sounds good!!
« Last Edit: January 04, 2009, 04:32:05 pm by tskross » Logged
tskross Offline
EIR Regular
Posts: 19

« Reply #47 on: January 27, 2009, 08:25:14 pm »

Big News!!!


Well, you were all probably expecting to have to wait at least another month for this but we wanted to whet your appetites for the full patch (due out after Halftrack returns from his Asian trek)! But we know you have already waited long enough for this so here it is;
This hotfix will take care of many of the gameplay issues with BotB, including the 'ubershreck bug' (see below for a full changelist).

We strongly advise that everyone playing online downloads this hotfix as you will not be able to play online against people who do not have it installed!!

download it here: hotfix-201
and don't forget to vote for BotB as one of your favorite mods of the year!!

Installation instructions:
Installation is easy:
 download the zip file
 extract it to your Company of Heroes root folder (ie c:/programfiles/THQ/companyofheroes)
 click 'yes' to overwrite the old attribarchive
Enjoy playing!


-Hummel/Wespe howitzer barrage UI error. Stated 'Hummel' for Wepse Barrage; replaced with 'SP gun.'

-Fallschirmjager AT nade does more damage.

-Maultier fire-angle adjusted. Will match unanimated model, but if animation is given it will have to be re-adjusted.

-Panzerschreck team adjusted to fix bug. Action removed from Loader, weapon cooldown reset, Gunner given new Critical type.

-Op.Grief M3 Halftrack given speech.

-Fallschirmjager FG42 upgrade removed. FG42 remains for Paradrop squad.

-Goliath Pioneers are functional. They are not yet constructable.

-SS/PanzerGrenadier UI errors stating they can upgrade to Panzerschrecks replaced with stating they can upgrade to Panzerfausts.

-LMG42 marginally improved. The weapon was taking away from the 'damage
per second' compared to a Basic Rifle at long range; the long range
accuracy and overall damage were marginally increased.

-Jagdpanther weapon tracking adjusted. The weapon was firing at angles that were not possible for the animation to extend to.

-Repair bunker repairs Axis Howitzer and Flak 88mm.

-Counter Battery now shares timer with Howitzer Barrages.

-Fixed some UI Issues with 76mm AT Gun and Munitions Halftrack.

-Fixed m1919 .30 cal showing up on Airborne HMGs.

-Calliope Main Cannon removed.

-Flak 88 has more hitpoints.

-M3 (Op. Grief) Halftrack Gunner now works properly.

-Axis Healing Station now requires to be constructed before applying healing aura.

-Fixed damage bug with MG42 and .30cal (minimum damage was higher than maximum.)

-Fixed bug where Scout Teams required certain members to use Recon.
Hotkey fixes:

-Panzerschreck Teams

-M21 Mortar Halftrack

-M3 Quad Halftrack


-US Recon Team

-Opel Blitz repair trucks

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