I wrote a batch file wich solves the problem automaticly
If you want to use it heres the code:
@echo off
del ".\German\*.*" /Q
xcopy ".\English" ".\German\" /Y
rename ".\German\EuropeInRuins.English.ucs" EuropeInRuins.German.ucs
rename ".\German\EuropeInRuinsBattle.English.ucs" EuropeInRuinsBattle.German.ucs
If you dont know what a batch file is read on
Go to the directory COH\EuropeInRuins\Locale\ and create a folder called "German". then create a new textfile. Put in the code written up there^^ rename it to whateveryouwant.bat Now it copys the files to the "German" Directory and renames them. (If you have the French or whatever Version do the same, but replace "German" with your language...) Now you can also create a shortcut of this batch file next to the europe in ruins shortcut.
HOW to use:
Start the EiR shortcut as usual. type in the Battle ID. click download. If it askes you if you want to extract the data click "YES". Now the program askes you if you want to start the game. DONT DO THAT NOW. first you have to execute the batch file (or its shortcut). NOW you click YES (you want to start the game) after that, you dont have anymor "NO RANGE" descriptions in your game