I can answer some of your questions based on what is already certain amongst the developers.
(But obviously alot of things are still subject to changing throughout the development cyclus.)
1) Western Europe, I think for now you should only expect Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, France and Germany. Each country divided into plenty of sectors that you can fight for.
2) The turn-based system is being reviewed and might be redone, more TBA.
3) There will be different ranks, the higher your rank, the more command points you receive per "turn" and if you're at the top (as for instance a general) you'll likely have the possibility of issueing orders, etc
4) You get more resources based on achievements.
In time, every sector will have its own resource values attached to it, so the more valuable sectors you take or lose, the more resources you gain or lose per turn. (This will not be a 100% slippery slope though)
5) Currently there's going to be 3 modes: Attacking, Neutral (both sides start at the same time) and Defending. Attacking/Defending will be the most frequently seen scenario though.
We are also experimenting with gamemodes such as victory point annihilation,(the current game mode) victory point based and population cap based.
6) 1.7 is the next upcoming version, this version that will introduce new balance changes, the new gamemodes (last 2 gamemodes mentioned in question 5) and hopefully basic company persistancy. (Win/Loss tracking, etc)
Welcome btw!