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Author Topic: The EIR:R Manual  (Read 15241 times)
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salan Offline
Synergies TL2 mod!
Posts: 6290

« on: February 05, 2009, 04:00:36 am »

EIR:R Prestige Point System

This system is our representation of your pull and weight within your army's structure.  To have prestige amongst your peers, your quartermasters and your superiors.  To be able to use your earned battlefield experience and reputation to get you what you want, when you want it.  You call in your favors, as in real life, yet need to constantly earn the right to do so.

The Prestige Point (PP) System is a major part of EIR:R.  Prestige points replace both CPs and RBs. The reason behind this change was that CPs and RBs were promoting strong overpowered companies.  This in turn rewarded 'grinders' and penalized casual players.

PPs will be gained in a similar way as we now generate CPs and RBs.  However, while CP gain was limited to a certain number a day, PP gain will not be. Instead, PP will have diminishing returns over the course of a week.  So while you can play 7 games in a week for full PP gain (5 per battle), if you continued playing games that week, it would gradually diminish.  The next 7 games would only give you 4 per battle, and any after that you would receive only 3 per battle.

PP will be spent on:
- Doctrine trees
- Advantages (resource bonuses amongst them)
- Veterancy
- Availability of units.

The biggest change is that PP spending will be what we call a 'point soak' or a point of attrition.  With CPs at present, once you have filled your doctrine there is nothing more to spend them on.  PPs will alter the equation by being required constantly - for example, a Tiger tank that was purchased (using normal resources *and* Prestige for availability) cannot just be replaced as easily when it is lost.

Now the player's have a choice:  Do I keep saving PPs for 'that doctrine ability' or do I replace the Tiger?  Or do they need to spend PPs on purchasing a resource advantage?  What the PP system allows us to do is have players experience persistence in many different ways.  They could spend PP to push into their doctrine choices, or perhaps spend PP to expand the size of their army through supply or resource bonus's; or even spend the PP and watch their company grow into an incredibly experienced group.

« Last Edit: February 23, 2009, 06:22:37 am by Unkn0wn » Logged

salan Offline
Synergies TL2 mod!
Posts: 6290

« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2009, 04:01:38 am »

EIR:R Standardized Advantages

Advantages take on two forms in EIR, in this thread we will discuss the 'newbie advantages' aka Standardized Advantages, and will cover Battle Advantages, and normal Advantages in a future thread.

One thing that has always been an issue in EiR is the steep learning curve.  This is often caused by the older, more experienced players beating up on newer players.  In EIR:R, we hope to relieve some of the problems caused by 'noob-bashing' by introducing a system of Standardized Advantages (more often called Newbie Advantages).  Because of this, we also needed to introduce a ranking system based upon how much has been spent on your company.

Standardized Advantages are given to players who are fighting against a higher ranked player.  They earn a certain number of points simply to try and help them out.

Players are ranked between 1 - 10 (10 being the highest).  This rank is not based on leaderboard level, but instead based upon how much PP value is currently part of their company.  Team ranks are averaged and rounded up to determine how many battle advantages should be given.

<Rank - Rank title - PP value of company>
1 - 2nd LT between 0 - 30
2 - 1st LT between 31 - 60
3 - Captain between 61 - 90
4 - Major between 91 - 130
5 - LT Colonel between 131 - 170
6 - Colonel between 171 - 210
7 - Brigadier General between 211 - 250
8 - Major General between 251 - 300
9 - Lieutenant General between 301 - 351
10 - General 351+

Rank 10 vs 1 = 9 difference.

9 / 2 (rounded down)
= 4 newbie advantages.

At any stage.
Therefore, a rank 4 player vs a rank 8 = (8-4) / 2 = 2 newbie advantages.
Or, a rank 10 vs a rank 2 (10 - 2) / 2 = 4 newbie advantages.

But how would this system work in a team environment?
First, work out the ranks of each TEAM.

Axis 8 4 2 = 14 / 3 = 4.66 (round up at .5) = 5

Allies 8 6 6 = 20 / 3 = 6.66 (round up at .5) = 7

Then, each *player* compares to the others *team* rank.

Axis 1 = 8 vs 7 = no adv
Axis 2 = 4 vs 7 = 3 / 2 = 1.5 = 2 adv
Axis 3 = 2 vs 7 = 5 / 2 = 2.5 = 3 adv

Allies 1 2 & 3 are all above the average of 5, thus get no advantages.

So what are these bonuses?  To give an example, here are the Allied Newbie Advantages.


Fighting for Freedom - Units gain 8% more XP
Unit Citation - Gain 1 more PP from fighting
Basic Scout - Gain 1 Recon Run
Smoke Barrage - Gain 1 Offmap Smoke Barrage
Close to the Front - Call-in Timers reduced by 8 seconds
Supply Drop - Drops a pair of crates containing MG/Mortar

« Last Edit: February 05, 2009, 04:38:30 am by salan » Logged
salan Offline
Synergies TL2 mod!
Posts: 6290

« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2009, 04:03:51 am »

EIR:R Repair Rates

Europe in ruins has long decided to restrict repairs of multiple repair units from repairing one target at a time.  This is coming to an end.  With the release of EIR:R you will again see the days where multiple repairers are able to repair anything, at the same time.  This also includes a players ability to buy more then 1 repair bunker and have multiples on the field at a time.   To balance stacking of repair units we have lowered the overall repair rate of individual units across the board.  You will find that 1 unit repairs slower in EIR:R then in the current EIR environment, yet there are many additional forms of repair bonus's in EIR:R, on top of the stacking mechanism.

Specifics to note on which units CAN repair, and how their repair may be different then VCoH.   For the PanzerElite army the only infantry that can repair is the PanzerGrenadiers.  The Tank Busters and Assault Grenadiers have lost this functionality.  EIR wishes to maintain our posture on having specific units being able to repair, this means that the PE needed a smaller list of units with that functionality.  Both the PanzerGrenadiers and Sappers have upgrades which will aid them in repairing quicker, while the Wehrmacht has its now stacking repair bunkers, and the Americans will continue to gain repair bonus's through vet and doctrine choices.  Also to note the Berge tiger is a more restricted repair unit in EIR:R.  The Berge Tiger will not be able to revive dead vehicles, will be limited through availability, and obviously be a bigger target with more survivability, but more on the pricing and availability in future releases. 

Also to note, Over repair will be a doctrine ability which will be covered later.

Numbers are hit points per second.

Panzer Grenadiers: 0.4
Standard factions (Engi/Pio/Sapper): 0.5
Repair Bunker: .5 for pioneer + .5 for special function. 1.0
Panzer Elite (Advanced Repair): 0.6
Standard factions in current EiR: 0.66
Expert Engineers: 0.9
Berge Tiger: 1.25
« Last Edit: February 05, 2009, 04:09:47 am by salan » Logged
salan Offline
Synergies TL2 mod!
Posts: 6290

« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2009, 04:08:49 am »

EIR:R Availability

Availability is something we have all wanted in some form or another since it was removed almost a year ago. What we all learned through this time is that balance based only on pricing is not sufficient enough to stop unit-spamming while allowing units a balanced cost. So now we introduce to you, the Prestige Availability System!

EIR:R takes Availability a new direction from the form you saw earlier in Europe in Ruins history. This is a soft capping system. So long as you have the resources needed to buy the unit, you can buy the unit. There are a few terms you will need to know, and understand how they work.

This conversation assumes your force is called a battalion

First you have units that are In Reserve. The in reserve number equates to the number of units you have readily on hand at any given time, these do not cost you prestige to purchase. When you purchase a unit past the In Reserve quota, that unit will become In Supply.

Secondly you have units that are In Supply. The in supply number equates to what your division would have in their reserve pool to be drawn on by battalion commanders. There would be fewer units, and it would take longer and be harder to get units from this source, as others are also requesting the same supplies. These troops will cost you an amount of prestige based on the rarity of the unit requested.  When you purchase a unit past the In Supply quota that unit will become Out of Supply.

Thirdly you have units that are Oversupplied. The over supply numbers equates to your ability to beg, borrow and steal from any source you can to get what you need. There is a premium cost involved here and the prestige needed to get these units is doubled from the in supply Prestige Cost. A lot of the heavier vehicles will be out of supply quickly compared to basic infantry types, recreating the feeling that some units are rare in Europe in Ruins and will likely only be seen once in a battle per player.

These numbers and costs do not change as you purchase units.
If you had 2 in reserve, 2 in supply and a cost of 1 pp, this will always be the case even if you lose one in battle. The soft cap is there to make it where you have a dynamic choice in creating your company from the moment you create it to the end of the war.


<UNIT, in reserve, in supply, pp cost>
Engineers, 8, 4, 1
Riflemen, 12, 6, 1
Rangers, 4, 2, 1
Airborne, 4, 2, 1
Jeep, 4, 2, 1
.30 Cal, 4, 2, 1
Mortar, 3, 2, 1
Sniper, 1, 1, 1
57mm, 4, 2, 1
Airborne 57mm, 3, 2, 1
M3 Halftrack, 5, 3, 1
Quad .50, 4, 4, 1
M8, 3, 2, 1

M10, 3, 2, 1
Sherman, 4, 2, 1
Crocodile, 1, 2, 1
Calliope, 0, 2, 3
Howitzer, 2, 1, 1
Pershing, 0, 2, 3


Tommy Infantry Section, 12, 6, 1
Tommy Recon Element, 2, 2, 1
Sappers, 8, 4, 1
Lieutenant, 3, 2, 1
Captain, 2, 2, 1
Commando's, 4, 2, 1
Piat Commando's, 3, 3, 1
Mortar Commando's, 2, 1, 1
HMG Commando's, 2, 1, 1

Bren Gun Carrier, 5, 3, 1
Bren MMG Carrier, 3, 2, 1
Tetrarch Light Tank, 3, 2, 1
Stuart Light Tank, 3, 2, 1

Cromwell, 4, 2, 1
Cromwell Command tank, 2, 2, 1
Sherman Firefly, 2, 2, 1
Churchill MK IV, 2, 2, 1
Churchill Avre , 1, 1, 2
Churchill Crocodile, 0, 2, 2
Priest Self Propelled Artillery, 0, 2, 3

17 pndr Anti Tank gun, 4, 2, 1
Bofors 40mm emplacement, 1, 2, 1
25 pnd emplacement, 2, 1, 1
Vickers MG emplacement, 4, 2, 1
3in Mortar emplacement, 3, 2, 1

Pioneers, 8, 4, 1
Volksgrenadiers , 8, 6, 1
Bike, 4,2,1
MG42, 4, 2, 1
Mortar, 3, 2, 1
Sniper, 1, 1, 1
Officer, 1, 1, 1
PaK, 4, 2, 1
Grenadiers, 8, 6, 1
Stormtroopers , 4, 2, 1

Halftrack, 5, 3, 1
Walking Stuka, 1, 1, 1
Flammenwerfer, 3, 2, 1
Puma, 3, 2, 1
Nebelwerfer, 1, 2, 1
KCH, 4, 2, 1

Flak 88, 1, 3, 1
StuH, 3, 3, 1
StuG, 4, 2, 1
Ostwind, 4, 2, 1
PzIV, 4, 2, 1
Panther, 1, 1, 2
Tiger, 0, 2, 3
Tiger Ace, 0, 1, 4
King Tiger, 0, 1, 4


Panzer Grenadiers, 12, 6, 1
Assault Grenediers, 4, 2, 1
Tank Buster Grenadiers, 8, 4, 1
Luftwaffe Infantry, 10, 6, 1
Fallschirmjager, 4, 2, 1
Flakverling 38, 1, 2, 1
Flak 88, 1, 3, 1

Kettenkrad, 4, 2, 1
Scout Car, 4, 2, 1
Radio Scout car, 2, 2, 1
Armored Car, 3, 2, 1
Infantry Halftrack, 6, 4, 1
Munitions Halftrack, 3, 2, 1
Vampire Halftrack, 3, 2, 1
Mortar Halftrack, 2, 2, 1
Light AT Halftrack, 3, 2, 1
WirbleWind, 2, 4, 1

Panzer IV 'IS', 3, 2, 1
Marder III, 3, 2, 1
Hetzer, 2, 2, 1
Panther, 1, 1, 2
Jagdpanther, 0, 1, 4
Hummel, 0, 1, 3
Berge Tiger, 1, 1, 2

Things to note:

-All units fall under the soft cap.

-The availability numbers are subject to change as balance decisions are made and needed.

-Some units will cost pp for the first purchase, ie: heavy tanks / mobile artillery.

-Some unit upgrades were separated into separate units, and have their own availability.

-ALL Prestige spent is REFUNDABLE if you sell the item back, if it DIES its price is permanent.

-Maintaining your unit will not cost you more PP, re-buying your unit when it dies will if you are above the in reserve state.

Free spamming of units is coming to an end. You can spend your PP to go straight down your doctrine tree and be more restricted through availability, or you can attempt to have a more customized force with the potential re-occurring cost of PP's while slowly gaining points towards doctrine choices.

Hopefully you can think of this with an open mind.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2009, 02:20:45 am by stumpster » Logged
salan Offline
Synergies TL2 mod!
Posts: 6290

« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2009, 04:12:32 am »

EIR:R The Units

Europe in Ruins has to date attempted to stay very much to the vanilla Company of Heroes functionality when it comes to units, and their stats and abilities. This will change in minor ways with the release of EIR:R.

The biggest thing that we found with testing EIR:R is that the inclusion of the new factions meant tweaking some of how those factions worked in vanilla COH.


The American faction has not had much of a face lift as it has been around for the last 2 years in Europe in Ruins. We have done a few alterations which are:

-The Quad is its own unit now. This allows a different population then the un-upgraded halftrack.

-Weapon crews have an abandon button assigned to it. Troops will abandon the weapon and flee to safety to retain their vet.

-All weapon crews will automatically retreat when only 1 man is left alive instead of dieing with the second man.

-Rangers are now 6 popcap and are bought without bazooka's.

-Triage is now open to all Allied players


As a new faction in EIR there was a lot of tweaking done from its vanilla COH stats.

-British units are not effected by movement modifiers.

-Trenches will only give green cover to units within them, units die a lot faster, and trenches take a while to build.

-Emplacements come on the field as weapon teams without their weapons, which when ordered to build their emplacement and then crew them.

-All weapon teams will retreat automatically at 1 man left, even the built and unbuilt emplacement teams.

-Emplacements health have been lowered to make them not godly in a indirect fire, or direct fire, fight. You need to support your emplacements if you wish them to survive.

-Emplacements can unpack, reform a weapon builder squad and rebuild their emplacement somewhere else. This fixes the issue of British being stationary and easy to flank in the EIR:R environment.

-Gliders will land as if coming from your spawn. They have lowered health so beware of dropping on objects and losing units before they ever make landfall.

-Gliders will be effected by the airdrop 30 second delay timer.

-Bren gun Carriers were created as two separate units, and are un-upgradeable as the base unit. The un-upgraded bren carrier is a transport and has lost its ability to button vehicles. The MMG carrier maintains its Armor piercing rounds upgrade as well as gains the functionality of the Button vehicle upgrade.

-The tommy Recon Upgrade was turned into its own unit, becoming the sniper and sniper detector for the British army.

-The Churchill Avre will be classified as a mobile artillery piece and handled in manners as the Priest, Calliope and Hummel. It has a timer based petard and will need to be supported to be effective.

-The 25 pounder is restricted to the Royal Canadian Artillery doctrine.

-Victor Target is restricted to the Royal Canadian Artillery doctrine.

-The casualty clearing center is on a activated recycle timer. Unlike the triage it is not on passively. Maximize your usage of this unit wisely.

-Over repair will be a doctrine choice and is currently turned off.


-All weapon teams will retreat automatically at 1 man left,

-Weapon crews have an abandon button assigned to it. Troops will abandon the weapon and flee to safety to retain their vet.

-Stuka is been removed from being a doctrine specific unit, all axis players can again enjoy dropping rockets from the sky. This may change with little notice.

-There are no current restrictions on side skirts for the Wehr tanks.

-Repair bunkers can be built in multiples again by 1 player.

-The Stuka and Flammenwerfer halftracks have their own unit designation now, resulting in different population costs from base un-upgraded halftracks.

-Tiger Ace makes a come back.


-Only PanzerGrenadiers and the Berge tiger have the functionality to repair,

-Berge Tiger does not revive dead tanks.

-Fallschirmjagers paradrop on to the field when in a squad by themselves.

-Vampire halftrack gains infantry awareness when locked down

-Munitions halftrack can lay mines and build Goliaths, as well as a quicker reload aura for your units.

-The scout car upgrade 'radio equipped scout car' has been moved to its own unit type. This unit acts as the PE's version of the Triage center when locked down. The lock down of the radio car has the mobility of the scout car, the lack of build time of stationary structures, and the ability to unpack and move and reset up. As such it replenishes life on a slower scale. It is also equipped with the lock down MG on the scout car for defense.

-The Kettenrad and Scout car both have sniper detection radius, the Kettenrad's being much like an American jeep.
salan Offline
Synergies TL2 mod!
Posts: 6290

« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2009, 04:19:17 am »

EIR:R: Battle Advantages and Other Advantages

In Europe in Ruins we are all used to a style of play that mimics VCoH units and abilities.  The abilities in EiR have been given static uses that for the last two years have pummeled our opponents with easily recognizable results.  2 artillery barrages from an infantry player and you know he is out, unless the first shell landed a second after smoke, at which point you know they would have 5.  A very easy ability to spot the difference of and be prepared for its amount of uses.

This is about to change.

Off-map abilities are going to get a bit of a revamp in EIR:R.  Unlike in EIR currently, you will not have a set number of uses for an off-map ability.  Instead, you will receive one free off-map use with most doctrine unlocks and the option to purchase additional uses with PP on a per battle basis.  Obviously, this will have a maximum to keep griefers from stockpiling PP to unleash an enormous off-map barrage.

This battle advantage system will also take effect on global abilities like Inspired assault, and field repair to say a few, furthering the depth of our Prestige system.

Besides Battle Advantages, in EIR:R we are also going to have another screen for Other Advantages.  These are passive or out-of-battle Advantages and take the place of and expand on the old RB system.  Advantages are abilities that apply to each army that can be purchased by PP.  Resource bonuses are not cumulative and do not stack.  You need to have the previous skill (1) to get the later skill (2) and even later (3).

There are some specific units, and upgrades which will fall into the global unlocks which this system presents, mostly health regeneration buildings and specific repair boosting units or upgrades.


Manpower 1 - 15 - Adds 10% Manpower
Manpower 2 - 20 - Adds 20% Manpower
Manpower 3 - 25 - Adds 30% Manpower, cannot purchase Munitions 3 or Fuel 3
Munitions 1 - 15 - Adds 10% Munitions
Munitions 2 - 20 - Adds 20% Munitions
Munitions 3 - 25 - Adds 30% Munitions, cannot purchase Manpower 3 or Fuel 3
Fuel 1 - 15 - Adds 10% Fuel
Fuel 2 - 20 - Adds 20% Fuel
Fuel 3 - 25 - Adds 30% Fuel, cannot purchase Manpower 3 or Munitions 3
Triage Center - 7 - Unlocks Triage Center
Overwhelming Power - 8 - Platoon limit increased from 25 to 30
American Officer 1 - 5 - Unlocked (Has a slight Offensive/Defensive aura)
American Officer 2 - 7 - American Officer gains 15% increased experience aura
American Officer 3 - 9 - American Officer can fire a flare into FoW to reveal an area


Manpower 1 - 15 - Adds 10% Manpower
Manpower 2 - 20 - Adds 20% Manpower
Manpower 3 - 25 - Adds 30% Manpower, cannot purchase Munitions 3 or Fuel 3
Munitions 1 - 15 - Adds 10% Munitions
Munitions 2 - 20 - Adds 20% Munitions
Munitions 3 - 25 - Adds 30% Munitions, cannot purchase Manpower 3 or Fuel 3
Fuel 1 - 15 - Adds 10% Fuel
Fuel 2 - 20 - Adds 20% Fuel
Fuel 3 - 25 - Adds 30% Fuel, cannot purchase Manpower 3 or Munitions 3
British Field Hospital - 6 - The Infantry Support Truck/HQ turns into a mobile medic station with 45 second deploy/setup time. Heals at a 75% rate of a triage center.
British Field Workshop - 6 - The Armoured Support Truck/HQ turns into a mobile repair bunker with a 55 second deploy/setup time . Repairs at 80% of the rate that repair bunkers do.
Training 1 - 6 - Infantry start with 3xp
Training 2 - 8 - Infantry start with 3xp, Vehicles start with 7xp
Training 3 - 10 - Infantry start with 3xp, Vehicles start with 7xp, Tanks start with 12xp


Manpower 1 - 15 - Adds 10% Manpower
Manpower 2 - 20 - Adds 20% Manpower
Manpower 3 - 25 - Adds 30% Manpower, cannot purchase Munitions 3 or Fuel 3
Munitions 1 - 15 - Adds 10% Munitions
Munitions 2 - 20 - Adds 20% Munitions
Munitions 3 - 25 - Adds 30% Munitions, cannot purchase Manpower 3 or Fuel 3
Fuel 1 - 15 - Adds 10% Fuel
Fuel 2 - 20 - Adds 20% Fuel
Fuel 3 - 25 - Adds 30% Fuel, cannot purchase Manpower 3 or Munitions 3
Repair Bunker - 5 - Unlocks Repair Bunker
Stuka Zu Fuss - 7 - Unlocks Walking Stuka
Ostfront Troops 1 - 7 - Volksgrenadiers can throw a Smoke Grenade
Ostfront Troops 2 - 8 - Volksgrenadiers and Grenadiers can throw a Smoke Grenade
Ostfront Troops 3 - 9 - Volksgrenadiers and Grenadiers get two uses of Smoke Grenade

Panzer Elite:

Manpower 1 - 15 - Adds 10% Manpower
Manpower 2 - 20 - Adds 20% Manpower
Manpower 3 - 25 - Adds 30% Manpower, cannot purchase Munitions 3 or Fuel 3
Munitions 1 - 15 - Adds 10% Munitions
Munitions 2 - 20 - Adds 20% Munitions
Munitions 3 - 25 - Adds 30% Munitions, cannot purchase Manpower 3 or Fuel 3
Fuel 1 - 15 - Adds 10% Fuel
Fuel 2 - 20 - Adds 20% Fuel
Fuel 3 - 25 - Adds 30% Fuel, cannot purchase Manpower 3 or Munitions 3
Bergetiger - 6 - Unlocks Bergetiger
Tactical Superiority - 4 - Population minimum decreased from 8 to 6
Group Zeal 1 - 5 - Gain a group zeal bonus (Maxes at 2 squads)
Group Zeal 2 - 7 - Gain a group zeal bonus (Maxes at 3 squads)
Group Zeal 3 - 9 - Gain a group zeal bonus (Maxes at 4 squads)
« Last Edit: February 05, 2009, 04:21:11 am by salan » Logged
salan Offline
Synergies TL2 mod!
Posts: 6290

« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2009, 04:24:37 am »

EIR:R Veterancy

In the current version of Europe in Ruins there is no cost structure for Veterancy.  This is causing companies to be full of fully vetted troops, with no cost incurred and no negatives to be had.  This fact has a very large impact on those who do not have a vetted company be it new players, returning players, or casual players.

EiR:R plans to change this circumstance.

We will be implementing a Veterancy unlock system with Reinforcements.  A unit is basically unable to obtain any further vet once it reaches the vet 2 threshold,  It will hover 1 point short of vet 2, unless the player buys the training on a unit per unit basis; aka upgrade the unit to vet 2.  This is repeated again 1 point shy of vet 3.

This training will further the prestige environment by using PP as its cost.  The Prestige cost of the training is also dynamic based on the unit itself, yet once it is finalized it is non refundable in any manner.

Also to note there is not going to be any exp penalties in EIR:R at this time, nor will there be FREE exp for simply owning the unit.  Your units must now earn the exp they gain, and as stated many times in the past we have taken large steps to make units more survivable when it comes to things that previously never had a means to get away and survive a fight.

We understand that having to invest your hard earned Prestige into vet unlocks means that you indeed need the vet to be worth the investment as well as a full disclosure of what you are buying when you are indeed buying it.

Quote from: notepad
*Cover Ability: When we're Vet3, we get a new ability that, when in cover, we're harder to hit. This will stack with the Vet bonuses and encourage Veteran units to stick to cover.
The ability is always active (like Zeal) and the modifier will be Recieved Accuracy 0.85 OR Damage 0.85.

*Moving Ability: When the Tank is moving, it doesn't lose accuracy.

*Vehicle Cover+: better Vehicle cover.

Engineers (2.0)
-Vet1 Received damage 0.85
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.15, Received Accuracy 0.9, Received Suppression 0.85
-Vet3 Health 1.1, Cover ability*, Damage 1.2

Riflemen (1.6)
-Vet1 Received damage 0.85
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.15, Received Accuracy 0.9, StickyBomb Range +10
-Vet3 Health 1.1, Cover ability*, Damage 1.2,  Received Suppression 0.8

HMG Squad (1.8 )
-Vet1 Received Accuracy 0.8
-Vet2 Sight 10, Damage 1.2
-Vet3 Health 1.1, Accuracy 1.15, Suppression 1.2

Mortar Squad (1.6)
-Vet1 Received Accuracy 0.8
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.15, Reload 0.8
-Vet3 Health 1.1, Cover Ability*, Range +10

Sniper (1.0)
-Vet1 Received Accuracy 0.8
-Vet2 Health 1.2
-Vet3 Range +10, Received Accuracy 0.9

Airborne (1.0)
-Vet1 Received damage 0.80
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.15, Received Accuracy 0.9, Fireup -30s
-Vet3 Health 1.1, Cover ability*, Damage 1.2, Fireup -30s

Rangers (0.8 )
-Vet1 Received damage 0.85
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.15, Received Accuracy 0.9, Fireup -30s
-Vet3 Health 1.1, Cover ability, OR Assault bonus*, Damage 1.2, Fireup -30s

57mm AT Gun (1.4)
-Vet1 Speed 1.1, Received Damage 0.85
-Vet2 Received Accuracy 0.85, Penetration 1.15
-Vet3 Damage 1.25, Penetration 1.15, Range +5

Jeep (2.5)
-Vet1 Received Accuracy 0.75
-Vet2 Damage 1.2, Speed 1.2, Sight +5
-Vet3 Accuracy 1.2, Received Damage 0.8, Sight +5

M3 Halftrack (2.0)
-Vet1 Received Accuracy 0.75
-Vet2 Damage 1.2, Speed 1.2, Health 1.15
-Vet3 Accuracy 1.2, Received Damage 0.8

Quad (1.7)
-Vet1 Received Accuracy 0.75
-Vet2 Damage 1.2, Speed 1.2, Health 1.15
-Vet3 Accuracy 1.2, Received Damage 0.85, Reload 0.9

M8 Greyhound (1.6)
-Vet1 Received Accuracy 0.75
-Vet2 Speed 1.2, Health 1.15, Damage 1.2, Additional Mine Use
-Vet3 Accuracy 1.2, Received Damage 0.85

M10 Tank Destroyer (1.5)
-Vet1 Received Accuracy 0.8
-Vet2 Penetration 1.1, Accuracy 1.15, Moving Ability*
-Vet3 Speed 1.2, Reload 0.9

Sherman (0.8 )
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.85
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.15, Received Damage 0.9, Range +5
-Vet3 Penetration 1.2, Damage 1.2

Crocodile (1.0)
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.85
-Vet2 Speed 1.1, Accuracy 1.15, Received Damage 0.9
-Vet3 Damage 1.2, Turret Rotation 1.2

Calliope (0.4)
-Vet1 Speed 1.15
-Vet2 Recharge -20s, Range +10
-Vet3 Damage 1.2, Recharge -20s

Pershing (0.4)
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.85
-Vet2 Penetration 1.1, Accuracy 1.15, Health 1.2,
-Vet3 Received Penetration 0.8, Damage 1.2

Howitzer (1.6 )
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.75
-Vet2 Range +25, Recharge -30s
-Vet3 Reload 0.75(rate of fire), Recharge -30s

Pioneers (2.0)
-Vet1 Received damage 0.85
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.15, Received Accuracy 0.9, Health 1.2
-Vet3 Health 1.1, Cover ability*, Damage 1.2

Volksgrenadiers (1.6)
-Vet1 Received damage 0.85
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.15, Received Accuracy 0.9, Extra Panzerfaust
-Vet3 Health 1.15, Cover ability, or Assault Bonus*, Damage 1.2, Range (K98 only) +5

Grenadiers (1.0)
-Vet1 Regeneration (0.028)
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.15, Received Accuracy 0.9, Received damage 0.85,
-Vet3 Health 1.1, Cover ability*, Damage 1.2

MG42 (1.8 )
-Vet1 Received Accuracy 0.8
-Vet2 Sight 1.15, Suppression 1.15
-Vet3 Health 1.1, Accuracy 1.15, Damage 1.2

Mortar (1.4)
-Vet1 Received Accuracy 0.8
-Vet2 Suppression 1.15, Accuracy 1.15
-Vet3 Health 1.1, Cover Ability*, Damage 1.2

Sniper (1.0)
-Vet1 Health Regeneration (0.035)
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.25
-Vet3 Cooldown 0.7

Officer (2.0)
-Vet1 Received damage 0.85, Regeneration (0.035)
-Vet2 Upgrade Armor to infantry Elite, Will use a Mp40
-Vet3 Health 1.15, Cover ability*, Barrage Cooldown -120s

Stormtroopers (0.8 )
-Vet1 Received damage 0.85
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.15, Received Accuracy 0.9, Additional Bundle Nade
-Vet3 Health 1.1, Cover ability, Or Assault Bonus*, Damage 1.2

Knights Cross Holders (0.7)
-Vet1 Received damage 0.857
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.15, Received Accuracy 0.9
-Vet3 Health 1.1, Assault Bonus*, Damage 1.2, Received Suppression 0.5

PAK 38 ATG (1.4)
-Vet1 Speed 1.1, Received Damage 0.85
-Vet2 Received Accuracy 0.85, Penetration 1.15
-Vet3 Damage 1.25, Penetration 1.15

Motorcycle (2.5)
-Vet1 Received Accuracy 0.75
-Vet2 Health 1.2, Speed 1.2, Sight +5
-Vet3 Accuracy 1.2, Received Damage 0.8, Sight +5

Axis Halftrack (2.0)
-Vet1 Received Accuracy 0.75
-Vet2 Damage 1.2, Speed 1.2, Health 1.15
-Vet3 Accuracy 1.2, Received Damage 0.85

Flammenwerfer HT (1.8 )
-Vet1 Received Accuracy 0.75
-Vet2 Damage 1.2, Speed 1.2
-Vet3 Accuracy 1.2, Received Damage 0.85, Health 1.1

Walking Stuka HT (1.0 )
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.8
-Vet2 Speed 1.15, Recharge -15s
-Vet3 Damage 1.2, Recharge -15s

Puma AC (1.6)
-Vet1 Received Accuracy 0.75
-Vet2 Damage 1.2, Speed 1.15, Range +10
-Vet3 Accuracy 1.2, Received Damage 0.85

Ostwind (1.0 )
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.85
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.2, Reload 0.9, Received Damage 0.9
-Vet3 Damage +1.2, Reload 0.9

StuG (1.3)
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.9
-Vet2 Penetration 1.1, Accuracy 1.15, Received Damage 0.85
-Vet3 Received Penetration 0.8, Vehicle Cover+*

StuH (1.0)
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.9
-Vet2 Damage 1.2, Accuracy 1.15, Received Damage 0.85
-Vet3 Received Penetration 0.8, Speed 1.15

Panzer IV (0.8 )
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.85
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.15, Received Damage 0.9, Range +5
-Vet3 Received Penetration 0.8, Damage 1.2

Panther (0.3)
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.9
-Vet2 Penetration 1.1, Accuracy 1.15, Received Damage 0.9
-Vet3 Speed 1.2,  Received Penetration .8

Tiger (0.3)
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.9
-Vet2 Penetration 1.1, Accuracy 1.15, Health 1.15
-Vet3 Received Penetration 0.8, Turret Speed 1.1

Tiger Ace (0.1)
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.95
-Vet2 Penetration 1.05, Accuracy 1.05, Health 1.05
-Vet3 Received Penetration 0.95, Health 1.1

King Tiger (0.2)
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.9
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.15, Health 1.1 Speed 1.15
-Vet3 Received Penetration 0.9, Speed 1.15

Nebelwerfer (1.7)
-Speed 1.2
-Vet2 Received Accuracy 0.9, Suppression 1.15, Recharge -10s,
-Vet3 Recharge -10s, Damage 1.2

Flak 88 (1.8 )
-Vet1 Regeneration (0.035), Received Damage .85
-Vet2 Received Accuracy 0.8, Sight +5
-Vet3 Damage 1.2, Rotation Speed 1.25, Sight +10

Sappers (1.8 )
-Vet1 Received damage 0.85
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.15, Received Accuracy 0.9,
-Vet3 Health 1.1, Cover ability*, Damage 1.2

Recon Tommies (1.4)
-Vet1 Received damage 0.85, Detection +5
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.15, Received Accuracy 0.9, Marksmanshot -30s,
-Vet3 Health 1.1, Cover ability*, Damage 1.2, Marksmanshot -30s

Tommies (1.0)
-Vet1 Regeneration (0.028)
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.15, Received Accuracy 0.9, Received damage 0.85
-Vet3 Health 1.1, Cover ability*, Damage 1.2

Lieutenant (1.5)
-Vet1 Received damage 0.8, Regeneration (0.035)
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.2, Received Accuracy 0.8
-Vet3 Health 1.2, Assault Bonus*, Damage 1.2, Aura Radius +10

Captain (1.5)
-Vet1 Received damage 0.8, Regeneration (0.035)
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.2, Received Accuracy 0.8
-Vet3 Health 1.2, Cover ability*, Damage 1.2

Commandos (0.8 )
-Vet1 Received damage 0.85
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.15, Received Accuracy 0.9, -30s Smoke Recharge
-Vet3 Health 1.1, Assault Bonus*, Damage 1.2, -30s Smoke Recharge

PIAT Commando (1.5)
-Vet1 Received damage 0.85
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.2, Received Accuracy 0.9, -30s Smoke Recharge
-Vet3 Health 1.1, Cover ability*, Damage 1.2, -30s Smoke Recharge

Mortar Commando (1.6)
-Vet1 Received Accuracy 0.8
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.15, Reload 0.8
-Vet3 Health 1.1, Cover Ability*, Range +10

HMG Commando (1.8 )
-Vet1 Received Accuracy 0.8
-Vet2 Sight 10, Damage 1.2
-Vet3 Health 1.1,  Accuracy 1.15, Suppression 1.1

Mortar Team (1.8 )
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.75
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.15, Received Damage 0.9
-Vet3 Health 1.25, Reload 0.8, Range 10

Vickers MG Team (2.0 )
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.75
-Vet2 Received Accuracy 0.8, Accuracy 1.15, Suppression 1.15
-Vet3 Suppression 1.15, Damage 1.2

17 Pounder (1.8 )
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.75
-Vet2 Range +5,  Reload 0.9
-Vet3 Damage 1.25, Range +5, Sight +10

25 Pounder Howitzer (1.8 )
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.75, Reload 0.9, Range 10
-Vet2 Reload 0.8, Range 10, Recharge -30s,
-Vet3 Reload 0.8, Range 10, Recharge -30s

Bofors (2.0)
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.75
-Vet2 Received Accuracy 0.85, Damage 1.2, Accuracy 1.15
-Vet3 Damage 1.2, reload 0.95, Sight +10

Bren Carrier (2.5)
-Vet1 Received Accuracy 0.75
-Vet2 Damage 1.2, Speed 1.2, Sight +10
-Vet3 Accuracy 1.2, Received Damage 0.8, Detection +10

MMG Carrier (2.0)
-Vet1 Received Accuracy 0.8
-Vet2 Damage 1.2, Speed 1.2, Health 1.15
-Vet3 Accuracy 1.2, Received Damage 0.8

Tetrarch Light Tank (1.6)
-Vet1 Received Accuracy 0.75
-Vet2 Damage 1.2, Speed 1.15, Penetration 1.2
-Vet3 Accuracy 1.2, Received Damage 0.85

Stuart Light Tank (1.8 )
-Vet1 Received Accuracy 0.75
-Vet2 Damage 1.2, Speed 1.15, Additional use of Canister Round
-Vet3 Accuracy 1.2, Received Damage 0.85

Cromwell Command Tank (1.0)
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.8
-Vet2 Received Damage 0.8, Speed 1.1, Aura Radius +5, Addition Creeping Smoke Barrage
-Vet3 Received Penetration 0.8, Aura Radius +10

Cromwell (1.0 )
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.85
-Vet2 Penetration 1.2, Accuracy 1.2, Range +5
-Vet3 Damage 1.2, Penetration 1.15

Sherman Firefly (0.4)
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.85
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.15, Received Damage 0.9
-Vet3 Damage 1.2, Reload 0.9

Churchill (0.8 )
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.9
-Vet2 Penetration 1.2, Accuracy 1.15, Health 1.2, Tank Shock Cooldown -30 seconds
-Vet3 Penetration 1.15, Damage 1.2, Tank Shock Cooldown -30 seconds

Churchill Crocodile (0.6)
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.9
-Vet2 Penetration 1.2, Accuracy 1.15, Speed 1.15
-Vet3 Received Penetration 0.8, Damage 1.2

Churchill AVRE (1.0)
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.85, Speed 1.10
-Vet2 Turret Rotation 1.2, Range +10, Recharge -30s
-Vet3 Received Damage 0.85, Recharge -30s

Priest (0.7)
-Vet1 Speed 1.25, Reload 0.9
-Vet2 Reload 0.8, Recharge -20s, Additional Creeping Barrage
-Vet3 Reload 0.8, Recharge -20s

Panzer Elite
Panzer Grenadiers (1.6)
-Vet1 Received damage 0.85
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.15, Received Accuracy 0.9, Sprint Ability
-Vet3 Health 1.1, Cover ability*, Damage 1.2

Assault Grenadiers (1.0 )
-Vet1 Received damage 0.85
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.15, Received Accuracy 0.9, Sprint Ability
-Vet3 Health 1.1, Assault Bonus*, Damage 1.2, Received Suppression 0.7

Tank Buster Infantry (1.2)
-Vet1 Received damage 0.85
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.2, Received Accuracy 0.9, Sprint Ability
-Vet3 Health 1.1, Cover ability*, Damage 1.2

Luftwaffe Infantry (1.6)
-Vet1 Received damage 0.85
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.15, Received Accuracy 0.9, Sprint Ability,
-Vet3 Health 1.1, Cover ability*, Damage 1.2

Fallschirmjaegers (1.0)
-Vet1 Received damage 0.85
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.15, Received Accuracy 0.9, Sprint Ability, Additional Panzerfaust use
-Vet3 Health 1.1, Assault Bonus*, Damage 1.2,

Kettenkrad (2.5)
-Vet1 Recieved Accuracy 0.75
-Vet2 Speed 1.35, Received Damage 0.9, Sight +5
-Vet3 Received Damage 0.8, Sight +10

Scout Car (2.5)
-Vet1 Received Accuracy 0.75
-Vet2 Damage 1.2, Speed 1.2, Sight +10
-Vet3 Accuracy 1.2, Received Damage 0.85, Detection +10

Radio Scout Car (2.0)
-Vet1 Received Accuracy 0.75
-Vet2 Received Damage 0.85, Sight +10, Aura Radius + 10
-Vet3 Damage 1.2, Accuracy, 1.2, Aura Strength Increase

Munitions Halftrack (2.0)
-Vet1 Received Accuracy 0.75
-Vet2 Received Damage 0.85, Aura Radius +5
-Vet3 Speed 1.2, Aura Radius +10

Vampire Halftrack (2.0)
-Vet1 Received Accuracy 0.75
-Vet2 Received Damage 0.85, Infantry Awareness +5
-Vet3 Speed 1.2, Infantry Awareness +10

Infantry Halftrack (2.0)
-Vet1 Received Accuracy 0.75
-Vet2 Received Damage 0.75, Damage 1.2, Speed 1.2,
-Vet3 Accuracy 1.2, Received Damage 0.85

Mortar Halftrack (1.4)
-Vet1 Received Accuracy 0.75
-Vet2 Speed 1.2, Accuracy 1.15, Incendiary Barrage cooldown -30s
-Vet3 Damage 1.15, Incendiary Barrage cooldown -30s

Light AT Halftrack (1.8 )
-Vet1 Received Accuracy 0.75
-Vet2 Penetration 1.2, Speed 1.2, Focus fire cooldown -40s
-Vet3 Penetration 1.25, Damage 1.2, Accuracy 1.15, Treadbreaker cooldown -40s

Armoured Car (1.9 )
-Vet1 Received Accuracy 0.8
-Vet2 Damage 1.2, Speed 1.15 Received Damage 0.8
-Vet3 Accuracy 1.2, Received Damage 0.85

Marder III (1.4)
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.85
-Vet2 Penetration 1.15, Received damage 0.90
-Vet3 Damage 1.25, Penetration 1.15,  Accuracy 1.10

Panzer IV IS (1.0)
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.85
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.2, Damage 1.2, Range +5
-Vet3 Reload 0.9, Range +5

Panther (0.3)
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.9
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.15, Received Damage 0.9, Range +10
-Vet3 Received Penetration 0.9, Range +10

Bergetiger (2.5)
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.8
-Vet2 Received Damage 0.8, Speed 1.15
-Vet3 Received Penetration 0.8, speed 1.15

Hummel (0.5)
-Vet1 Received Damage .75
-Vet2 Damage 1.2, Speed 1.1, Barrage cooldown -20s,
-Vet3 Damage 1.1, Speed 1.2, Barrage cooldown -20s

Hetzer (1.2)
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.85
-Vet2 Penetration 1.1, Accuracy 1.15
-Vet3 Received Penetration 0.8, Damage 1.2,  Vehicle Cover*

Jadgpanther (0.2)
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.95
-Vet2 Accuracy 1.15, Health 1.1, speed 1.1
-Vet3 Received Penetration 0.9, Health 1.1

Wirbelwind (1.2)
-Vet1 Received Damage 0.85
-Vet2 Reload 0.8, Accuracy 1.15, Damage 1.2
-Vet3 Reload 0.9, Accuracy 1.10, Damage 1.1

Flakvierling (2.0)
-Vet1 Regeneration (0.035), Received Damage 0.75
-Vet2 Received Accuracy 0.85, Damage 1.2, Accuracy 1.2
-Vet3 Damage 1.25, Range +15, Rotation Speed 1.25

Flak 88 (1.8 )
-Vet1 Regeneration (0.035), Received Damage 0.85
-Vet2 Received Accuracy 0.8, Sight +5
-Vet3 Damage 1.2, Rotation Speed 1.25, Sight +10
« Last Edit: April 30, 2009, 09:50:34 am by Unkn0wn » Logged
salan Offline
Synergies TL2 mod!
Posts: 6290

« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2009, 04:27:55 am »


Engineers - 110 MP, 3 pop
Riflemen - 200 MP, 5 pop
Rangers - 330 MP, 80 Mun, 6 pop (Fireup - 300 seconds)
Airborne - 300 MP, 6 pop  (Fireup - 300 seconds)
Jeep - 110 MP, 5 F, 3 pop
.30 Cal - 270 MP, 30 Mun, 3 pop
Mortar - 420 MP, 50 Mun, 4 pop
Sniper - 540 MP, 200 Mun, 7 pop
57mm - 380 MP, 110 Mun, 4 pop
Airborne 57mm - 400 MP, 110 Mun, 4 pop
M3 Halftrack - 200 MP, 20 F, 3 pop
Quad .50 - 350 MP, 120 Mun, 30 F, 5 pop
M8 - 290 MP, 50 F, 8 pop
M10 - 300 MP, 170 F, 10 pop
Sherman - 395 MP, 250 F, 12 pop
Crocodile - 400 MP, 275 F, 12 pop
Calliope - 600 MP, 450 F, 10 pop (Recharges 160 seconds)
Howitzer - 400 MP, 160 F, 9 pop (Recharges 180 seconds)
Pershing - 620 MP, 610 F, 17 pop


Flamethrower - 50 Mun
Demolitions - 70 Mun (1 use)
Mine Detector - 10 Mun
MG Nest - 50 Mun (1 use)
Triage Center - 140 Mun (1 use)
Mines - 35 Mun (2 use)
Grenade (Riflemen) - 35 Mun (2 use)
Grenade (Rangers/Airborne) - 45 Mun (2 use)
BAR - 75 Mun (Suppression Fire - 240 seconds)
Sticky Bombs - 80 Mun (3 use)
SMG - 140 Mun
Recoiless Rifles - 165 Mun
Satchel - 45 Mun (1 use)
AP Rounds - 50 Mun (2 use)
AP Burst - 30 Mun (2 use)
M8 Mines - 35 Mun (1 use)
M8 Skirts - 100 Mun
76mm Upgun - 100 Mun
.50 Upgrade - 50 Mun
Mine Flail - 40 Mun
Sherman Smoke - 30 Mun (2 use)
Bulldozer - 35 Mun


Tommy Infantry Section - 265 MP, 5 pop
Tommy Recon Infantry Section - 210 MP, 35 ammo, 5 pop (Marksman Shot - 240 seconds)
Sappers - 210 MP, 4 pop
Lieutenant - 155 MP, 40 Mun, 3 pop
Captain - 150 MP, 50 Mun, 3 pop
Commando's - 320 MP, 160 Mun, 6 pop (Smoke - 300 seconds)
Piat Commando's - 180 MP, 100 Mun, 3 pop (Smoke - 300 seconds)
Mortar Commando's - 495 MP, 60 Mun, 4 pop (Smoke - 300 seconds)
HMG Commando's - 280 MP, 40 Mun, 3 pop (Smoke - 300 seconds)
Bren Gun Carrier - 180 MP, 15 F, 3 pop
Bren MMG carrier - 270 MP, 60 MU, 35 F, 4 pop (Button - 240 seconds)
Tetrarch Light Tank - 340 MP, 80 F, 8 pop
Stuart Light Tank - 295 MP, 50 F, 8 pop
Cromwell - 370 MP, 220 F, 12 pop
Cromwell Command tank - 220 MP, 115 F, 3 pop
Sherman Firefly - 615 MP, 390 F, 14 pop
Churchill MK IV - 410 MP, 275 F, 12 pop
Churchill Avre - 490 MP, 315 F, 8 pop   (Recharges 85 seconds)
Churchill Crocodile - 490 MP, 415 F, 14 pop
Priest Self Propelled Artillery - 465 MP, 355 F, 11 pop   (Recharges 160 seconds)
17 pndr Anti Tank gun - 350 MP, 150 Mun, 4 pop
Bofors 40mm emplacement - 295 MP, 110 Mun, 4 pop
25 pnd emplacement - 430 MP, 140 F, 9 pop   (Recharges 180 seconds)
Vickers MG emplacement - 140 MP, 30 Mun, 3 pop
3in Mortar emplacement - 450 MP, 65 Mun, 4 pop


Bren Light Machine Gun - 90 Mun (Button - 240 seconds)
Rifle Grenades - 100 Mun (Smoke Grenade - 120 seconds)
Piat - 100 Mun (PIAT Ambush - 60 seconds)
Demolition Charge - 70 Mun (1 use)
Expert Engineers - 65 Mun
Commando Grenade - 45 Mun  (2 use)
Commando Democharge - 80 Mun (1 use)
Tank Commander - 45 Mun
HVAP Rounds - 55 Mun (2 use)
Bren Gun AP Rounds - 25 Mun (2 use)
Speed - 30 Mun (Recharge 120 seconds)
Mine Plow - 50 Mun
Tank Shock - 60 Mun (Recharge 300 seconds)
Littlejohn Adapter - 70 Mun (Smoke Shell - 120 seconds)
Canister Round - 85 Mun (1 use)
Creeping Barrage - 160 Mun  (1 use)
Creeping Smoke Barrage (Cromwell Command Tank) - 50 Mun (2 uses)
Casualty Clearing Station - 80 Mun, takes no population, can heal once every 4 minutes
Victor Targetting - 140 Mun (Recharge 480 seconds)
FOO - 140 Mun (1 use)


Pioneers - 110 MP, 2 pop
Volksgrenadiers - 185 MP, 5 pop
Bike - 90 MP, 5 F, 3 pop
MG42 - 270 MP, 40 Mun, 3 pop
Mortar - 480 MP, 65 Mun, 4 pop
Sniper - 500 MP, 200 Mun, 7 pop
Officer - 180 MP, 210 Mun, 3 pop
PaK - 400 MP, 140 Mun, 4 pop
Grenadiers - 240 MP, 5 pop
Stormtroopers - 300 MP, 5 pop
Halftrack - 195 MP, 20 F, 3 pop
Walking Stuka - 280 MP, 220 F, 8 pop (Recharges 120 seconds)
Flammenwerfer - 240 MP, 65 Mun, 55 F, 5 pop
Puma - 300 MP, 50 F, 8 pop
Nebelwerfer - 400 MP, 35 Mun, 10 F, 7 pop (Recharges 90 seconds)
KCH - 320 MP, 110 Mun, 6 pop
Flak 88 - 450 MP, 220 F, 8 pop
StuH - 380 MP, 180 F, 8 pop
StuG - 300 MP, 165 F, 8 pop
Ostwind - 400 MP, 175 F, 11 pop
PzIV - 400 MP, 260 F, 12 pop
Panther - 610 MP, 500 F, 16 pop
Tiger - 860 MP, 635 F, 17 pop
Tiger Ace - 900 MP, 700 F, 18 pop
King Tiger - 920 MP, 680 F, 19 pop


Flamethrower - 50 Mun
Mine Detector - 10 Mun
Bunker - 5 Mun (1 use)
Bunker (MG42) - 55 Mun (1 use)
Bunker (Repair) - 160 Mun (1 use)
Goliath - 90 Mun, 10 F (1 use)
StuG/H Armor Skirts - 60 Mun
PIV Armor Skirts - 80 Mun
Panther Armor Skirts - 90 Mun
MG42 Upgrade - 50 Mun
Mine - 15 Mun (1 use)
Medkit - 15 Mun (1 use)
Panzerfaust - 50 Mun (2 use)
MP40 - 70 Mun
MP44 - 100 Mun
Panzershreck - 120 Mun
Second Panzershreck - 130 Mun
Panzershreck (Stormtroopers) - 150 Mun
LMG42 - 75 Mun
Grenade - 30 Mun (2 use)
Bundled Grenade - 45 Mun (1 use)
Assault (Volksgrenadiers) - 70 Mun (1 use)
Assault (Grenadiers) - 60 Mun (1 use)
Assault (Stormtroopers) - 65 Mun (1 use)
Assault (KCH) - 50 Mun (1 use)
Puma Upgun - 65 Mun


Panzer Grenadiers 175 MP, 4 pop
Assault Grenediers 215 MP, 95 Mun, 4 pop
Tank Buster Grenadiers 205 MP, 110 Mun, 4 pop
Luftwaffe Infantry - 190 MP, 5 pop
Fallschirmjager - 280 MP, 5 pop
Flakverling 38 - 290 MP, 70 F, 6 pop
Flak 88 - 450 MP, 220 F, 8 pop
Kettenkrad - 95 MP, 5 F, 1 pop
Scout Car - 145 MP, 10 F, 3 pop
Radio equipped Scout Car -   145 MP,95 Mun, 10 F, 3 pop
Armored Car - 310 MP, 60 F, 6 pop
Infantry Halftrack - 210 MP, 35 F, 4 pop
Munitions Halftrack - 200 MP, 35 F, 3 pop (Can deploy Goliath and Mines)
Vampire Halftrack - 210 MP, 30 F, 3 pop (Can deploy for Infantry Awareness/Stealth Detection)
Mortar Halftrack - 440 MP, 60 Mun, 60 F, 6 pop
Light AT Halftrack - 275 MP, 50 F, 3 pop
WirbleWind - 310 MP, 140 F, 8 pop
Panzer IV 'IS' - 350 MP, 265 F, 12 pop
Marder III - 305 MP, 170 F, 8 pop
Hetzer - 400 MP, 245 F, 10 pop
Panther - 610 MP, 500 F, 16 pop
Jagdpanther - 895 MP, 685 F, 18 pop
Hummel - 515 MP, 390 F, 10 pop   (Recharges 140 seconds)
Berge Tiger - 320 MP, 155 F, 6 pop


Logistik Upgrade (Scout Car) - , allows Scout Car to lockdown.  Also gives a healing aura when locked down (1/3rd Triage Center)
AT Grenade - 25 Mun (2 use)
Incendiary Grenade - 30 Mun (2 use)
Anti-building grenade - 40 Mun (2 use)
Panzerfaust - 50 Mun (2 use)
FG42 - 140 Mun
Overdrive - 35 Mun (120 seconds)
Hetzer Spotting Scope - 55 Mun
Treadbreaker - 95 Mun (240 seconds)
Focused Fire - 40 Mun (240 seconds)
G43 - 70 Mun (Volley Fire - 240 seconds)
Incendiary Mortar Rounds - 65 Mun (240 seconds)
Armor Skirts - 80 Mun
MG42 Upgrade - 50 Mun
Teller Mine - 70 Mun (1 use)
Mun HT Mine - 25 Mun (2 use)
Goliath - 90 Mun, 10 F (1 use)
Squad Size +1 (PG's) - 50 MP, 1 pop
Squad Size +1 (Assault Grens) - 55 MP, 15 Mun, 1 pop
Squad Size +1 (Tank Busters) - 50 MP, 1 pop
Advanced Repairs - 40 Mun
« Last Edit: April 30, 2009, 09:51:18 am by Unkn0wn » Logged
salan Offline
Synergies TL2 mod!
Posts: 6290

« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2009, 03:00:14 pm »

Notable Posts:

The EIR:R ultimate guide:


The EIR:R launcher Tutorial:

Unkn0wn Offline
No longer retired
Posts: 18379

« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2009, 12:31:22 pm »

EIR:R Doctrines
« Last Edit: June 03, 2009, 12:26:20 am by Unkn0wn » Logged
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