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Author Topic: EIR:R Secrets Revealed 8 - Pricing  (Read 24972 times)
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stumpster Offline
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Posts: 2197

« on: February 07, 2009, 03:40:31 pm »

Secrets Revealed 8: Pricing

In EiR, one of the most hotly debated and theory-crafted sections is that of pricing.  As I'm sure you all know, we are going to have a period of unit-balance purely to get the pricing as balanced and fair as possible.  That being said, here is a section of the pricing containing the British infantry:


Tommy Infantry Section - 265 MP, 5 pop
Tommy Recon Infantry Section - 210 MP, 35 ammo, 5 pop (Marksman Shot - 240 seconds)
Sappers - 195 MP, 4 pop
Lieutenant - 155 MP, 40 Mun, 3 pop
Captain - 150 MP, 50 Mun, 3 pop
Commando's - 350 MP, 180 Mun, 6 pop
Piat Commando's - 270 MP, 100 Mun, 3 pop
Mortar Commando's - 495 MP, 60 Mun, 4 pop
HMG Commando's - 280 MP, 40 Mun, 3 pop

And, as some people requested, the changelog from the beta:

.01 alpha start prices

- Jagdpanther 895 MP, 685 F, 19 pop (from 545 MP)


- WM Volksgrenadiers 185 MP, 5 pop (from 195MP)

- PE Panzer Grenadiers 185 MP, 3 pop (from 175 MP)
- PE Assault Grenediers 275 MP, 150 Mun, 3 pop (from 205 MP, 3 pop)
- PE Tank Buster Grenadiers 270 MP, 110 Mun, 3 pop (from 205 MP, 3 pop)
- PE Mortar HT 440 MP, 60 Mun, 60 F, 6 pop (from 290 MP)
- PE Hetzer - 310 MP, 265 F, 9 pop  ->  400MP, 265F, 9 pop.

- CW Cromwell 340 MP, 240 F, 12 pop (from 255 F)

- US M8 - 310 MP, 50 F, 8 pop (From 210 MP)


- WM MP44 - 120 Mun (From 140 Mun)
- WM Panzershreck (Stormtroopers) - 150 Mun (From 170 Mun)
- WM Bundled Grenades - 55 Mun (Wasn't on list before Tongue)

- CW Infantry Section - 245 MP (From 260 MP)

- Standardized the base cost of Bren MMG carrier with Bren gun carrier
- Standardized the base cost of Recon Tommy squad with Tommy squad
- CW Bren Gun Carrier - 220 MP, 35F, 4 pop From (180 MP, 10 F, 4 pop)
- PE Assault Grenediers 275 MP, 120 Mun, 4 pop (275 MP, 150 Mun, 4 pop  )


CW - Mortar Commando's - 495 MP, 60 Mun, 4 pop from ( 290 MP, 70 Mun, 4 pop)
CW - HMG Commando's - 280 MP, 40 Mun, 3 pop from (260 MP, 40 Mun, 3 pop )

PE - Mortar Halftrack - 440mp, 110 Mun, 60 F, 6 pop from (440 MP, 60 Mun, 60 F, 6 pop)
PE - Light AT Halftrack - 375 MP, 115 MU, 50 F from (280 MP, 50 F, 5 pop)


PE - WirbleWind - 310 MP, 160 F, 8 pop (from 310 MP, 185 F, 11 pop)
Ami - Recoilless Rifle - 200 Mun (from 220 Mun)
CW - Trench - 0 Mun (from 50 Mun)
PE - Armored Car 6 pop (From 8 pop)
PE - Infantry HT 4 pop (From 5 pop)



- Officer 4 pop -> 3 pop


- Panzer Grenadiers 3 pop -> 4 pop
- Hetzer 9 pop -> 10 pop
- Whirblewind 11 pop -> 8 pop
- Infantry HT 5 pop -> 4 pop
- Vampire HT 4 pop -> 3 pop
- Munitions HT 4 pop -> 3 pop


- Cromwell - 300 MP, 220 F, 11 pop from 340 MP, 240 F, 12 pop
- FOO - 200 Mun from 150 Mun



- Assault Grenediers 255 MP, 120 Mun, 4 pop (From 275 MP, 120 Mun, 4 pop)
- Tank Buster Grenadiers 235 MP, 110 Mun, 4 pop (From 270 MP, 110 Mun, 4 pop)
- Squad Size +1 (Tank Busters) - 50 MP, 1 pop (From 55 MP, 20 Mun, 1 pop)


- Tommy Infantry Section - 250 MP, 5 pop (From 245 MP, 5 pop)
- Tommy Recon Infantry Section - 210 MP, 35 Mun, 5 pop (From 245 MP, 35 Mun, 5 pop)
- Sherman Firefly - 420 MP, 390 F, 14 pop (From 450 MP, 440 F, 14 pop)
- Stuart 9 pop -> 8 pop



- Lieutenant - 155 MP, 40 Mun, 3 pop (From 130 MP, 40 Mun, 3 pop)
- Captain - 150 MP, 50 Mun, 3 pop (From 130 MP, 50 Mun, 3 pop)
- Tetrarch 290 MP, 55 F (From 240 MP, 50 F)
- Stuart 295 MP, 60 F (From 260 MP, 65 F)
- Littlejohn Adapter gains Tetrarch Smoke on a 120 second cooldown
- Littlejohn Adapter 70 Mun (From 40 Mun)
- Firefly 615 MP, 390 F, 14 pop (From 420 MP, 390 F, 14 pop)
- Bren MMG Carrier 270 MP, 60 MU, 35 F (From 220 MP, 60 MU, 35 F, 4 pop)
- Cromwell 370 MP, 220 F, 11 pop (From 300 MP, 220 F, 11 pop)
- Churchill MK IV - 410 MP, 365 F, 12 pop (From 460 MP, 385 F, 12 pop)


- Walking Stuka available for all doctrines
- Officer 180 MP, 210 Mun (From 280 MP, 240 Mun)
- LMG42 75 Mun (From 80 Mun)
- Flak 88 450 MP, 220 F, 8 pop (From 500 MP, 220 F, 8 pop)

Panzer Elite

- Panther 770 MP, 590 F, 16 pop (From 495 MP, 590 F, 16 pop)
- Munitions HT 200 MP, 35 F, 3 pop (From 240 MP, 50 F, 3 pop)
- Vampire HT 210 MP, 40 F, 3 pop (From 230 MP, 45 F, 3 pop)
- Flak 88 450 MP, 220 F, 8 pop (From 500 MP, 220 F, 8 pop)
- Advanced Repair 40 Mun (From 55 Mun)



Suppression Fire - 240 seconds (From 300)


Button - 240 seconds (From 180)
Cromwell Command tank - 220 MP, 115 F, 3 pop (From 295 MP, 165 F, 5 pop)


Assault Grenediers 215 MP, 120 Mun, 4 pop (From 255 MP, 120 Mun, 4 pop)
Tank Buster Grenadiers 205 MP, 110 Mun, 4 pop (From 235 MP, 110 Mun, 4 pop)




Armored Car - 230 MP, 50 F, 6 pop (From 255 MP, 55 F, 6 pop)
Infantry Halftrack - 215 MP, 40 F, 4 pop (From 240 MP, 50 F, 4 pop)
AT Grenade - 35 Mun (From 45 Mun (2 use))


AVRE - Cooldown from 75 seconds to 55.



- Light AT Halftrack - 275 MP, 50 F, 5 pop (From 375 MP, 135 Mun, 50 F, 5 pop)

- Treadbreaker - 95 Mun (240 seconds)
- Focused Fire - 40 Mun (240 seconds)
- FG42 - 140 Mun (From 150 Mun)


- Tetrarch - 340 MP, 80 F (From 290 MP, 50 F)
- FOO removed from Captains, now can only be purchased by LT's.



Armored Car - 260 MP, 30 F, 6 pop (From 230 MP, 50 F, 6 pop)
Infantry Halftrack - 250 MP, 25 F, 4 pop (From 215 MP, 40 F, 4 pop)

Scout Car can now capture territory.
Scout Car given slight Sniper detection (0 -> 9).
Luftwaffe drop timers are 30 seconds (instead of 30 seconds + spawn timer).


Commando's - 320 MP, 180 Mun, 6 pop (From 320 MP, 190 Mun, 6 pop)

Glider health changed to 150 (From 250)
Bren Gun Carrier (non-MMG) given Sniper detection (0 -> 17)


Airborne drop timers are 30 seconds (instead of 30 seconds + spawn timer).



- Ranger Over-Supply cost is 1 (From 2)
- Sniper 540 MP, 250 Mun, 7 pop (From 580 MP, 300 Mun, 7 pop)
- Triage Center 140 Mun (From 80 Mun)


- Sniper 500 MP, 250 Mun, 7 pop (From 520 MP, 250 Mun, 7 pop)
- Panzerfaust 1 use to 2 use (45 second cooldown)
- King Tiger 19 pop (From 20 pop)
- Tiger 17 pop (From 18 pop)


- Jagdpanther 18 pop (From 19 pop)
- Panzerfaust 1 use to 2 use (45 second cooldown)
- Munitions HT aura changed from affected ability cooldowns to a reload/cooldown modifier (25%)


- Marksman Shot - 240 seconds (From 180 seconds)
- Rifle Grenades - 100 Mun (From 90 Mun)
- Cromwell 12 pop (From 11 pop)
- Mortar Emplacement fixed to actually take 4 population...instead of three.
- Gliders changed to be 30 seconds (instead of spawn timer), while the differentiation from airborne was nice, the ability to 'gliderbomb' early in the game with no call-in timer was too powerful.



- Walking Stuka availability changed to lean towards Defensive players.
- Walking Stuka - 280 MP, 220 F, 8 pop (From 280 MP, 275 F, 8 pop (Recharges 120 seconds))
- Halftrack will always have the gunners, even without crew inside.
- Halftrack - 195 MP, 20 F, 3 pop (From 150 MP, 10 F, 3 pop)


- M10 - 11 pop -> 10 pop
- Halftrack will always have a gunner, even without crew inside.
- M3 Halftrack - 200 MP, 20 F, 3 pop (From 150 MP, 20 F, 3 pop)


- Panzergrenaders - 175 MP, 4 pop (From 185 MP)
- Marder 10 pop -> 8 pop
- Infantry Halftrack - 210 MP, 25 F, 3 pop (From 250 MP, 25 F, 4 pop)


- AVRE cooldown increased from 55 seconds to 85 seconds
- Tank Shock - 300 second cooldown from 120 seconds
- Infantry Sections 265 MP (From 250 MP)
- Commando's - 350 MP, 180 Mun, 6 pop (From 320 MP, 180 Mun, 6 pop)
- Bren Gun - 90 Mun (From 75 Mun)

In addition to that, here is a video demonstrating the EIR:R launcher in action, and how to use it!


Stay tuned for further EIR:R Secrets Revealed, and the EIR:R launch, coming just around the corner!

Note from EIRRMod: The release is so close that he is recommending every one who wants to get a screenshot of their companies, do it now.  They will be wiped very soon. Smiley
« Last Edit: February 07, 2009, 06:16:33 pm by stumpster » Logged

Step out of the way. He'll keep going until he hits a wall, that being Akranadas. Let him go unmolested, his journey will take less time.
EIRRMod Offline
Administrator / Lead Developer
Posts: 11009

« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2009, 04:31:42 pm »

Sounds awesome!

Cant wait to see it.

Hang on.....

Quote from: brn4meplz
Shit I'm pretty sure you could offer the guy a cup of coffee and he'd try to kill you with the mug if you forgot sugar.
Quote from: tank130
That's like offering Beer to fuck the fat chick. It will work for a while, but it's not gonna last. Not only that, but there is zero motivation for the Fat chick to loose weight.
Quote from: tank130
Why don't you collect up your love beads and potpourri and find something constructive to do.
MyNameIsSpam Offline
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Posts: 4

« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2009, 04:34:39 pm »


anywho...wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooo can't wait!!!!! soo soo close....maybe i work on getting my double vet 3 callies until it's out.
Akranadas Offline
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« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2009, 04:39:09 pm »

Kolath Offline
Commander, 2nd Infantry Division
Posts: 2382

« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2009, 04:41:31 pm »

Launcher! Wooo! 

Kolath's Quote Commandments:
1. Thou shalt not quote the entirety of a post 3 or less posts above you
2. Thou shalt not quote more than 2 nested levels
3. Thou shalt not quote large blocks of text when one sentence would do
4. Thou shalt not quote images!
Spitfire92 Offline
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« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2009, 05:04:01 pm »

Looks complicated....
EliteGrens Offline
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« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2009, 05:05:38 pm »

I prefer the old style of the launcher Undecided
EIRRMod Offline
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« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2009, 05:08:03 pm »

Thats a shame Grens Wink
UnLimiTeDTLS2 Offline
EIR Regular
Posts: 32

« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2009, 05:27:12 pm »

Lol at PE pricing.
4 man tankbusters being more expensive than schreck grenadiers.
Ahh, that made me laugh.
Draken Offline
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« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2009, 05:28:02 pm »

One think make me laugh that u have to drag every single squad on that black thing to delete it. I hope that it will be in old launcher size not only fullscreen, and won't take to much resources. But, nice job, probably if not competition it could never see the daylight ;-).
Draken Offline
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« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2009, 05:28:38 pm »

One think make me laugh that u have to drag every single squad on that black thing to delete it. I hope that it will be in old launcher size not only fullscreen, and won't take to much resources. But, nice job, probably if not competition it would never see the daylight ;-).
stumpster Offline
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Posts: 2197

« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2009, 05:29:39 pm »

It isn't fullscreen, that was just the way fraps works.
Bubblesatan Offline
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« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2009, 05:50:35 pm »

Time to switch to axis.
Sach Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 1211

« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2009, 06:05:02 pm »

launcher really is super duper, gj.

Sach Wins! Cheesy

Would people please stop killing my AVREs. Not cool.
Nevyen Offline
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Posts: 2365

« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2009, 06:13:08 pm »

TY sach, lots of hard work has gone into that, but there will be updates to improve it more so stay tuned. 

VariantThirteen Offline
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Posts: 116

« Reply #15 on: February 07, 2009, 06:17:38 pm »

Great engagement with the community. Absolutely great.
« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2009, 06:22:14 pm »

<3 launcher!!!!
UnLimiTeDTLS2 Offline
EIR Regular
Posts: 32

« Reply #17 on: February 07, 2009, 06:29:21 pm »

Somehow I think the launcher sacrifices intuitive functionality for fance looks...

 Grin Grin  Man, it's funny reading through the original pricings in early alphas..  275 mp for a 3men Tankhuntersquad wahahaha!
Schultz Offline
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Posts: 679

« Reply #18 on: February 07, 2009, 07:17:23 pm »

Somehow I think the launcher sacrifices intuitive functionality for fance looks...

 Grin Grin  Man, it's funny reading through the original pricings in early alphas..  275 mp for a 3men Tankhuntersquad wahahaha!

Launcher rocks unlimited, it really moves Eir into a complete different level.
Don't think, wait till you try it :p
AmPmTLS Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 69

« Reply #19 on: February 07, 2009, 07:17:40 pm »

I like the look, but have always found it awkward to use.
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