Secrets Revealed 8: Pricing
In EiR, one of the most hotly debated and theory-crafted sections is that of pricing. As I'm sure you all know, we are going to have a period of unit-balance purely to get the pricing as balanced and fair as possible. That being said, here is a section of the pricing containing the British infantry:
Tommy Infantry Section - 265 MP, 5 pop
Tommy Recon Infantry Section - 210 MP, 35 ammo, 5 pop (Marksman Shot - 240 seconds)
Sappers - 195 MP, 4 pop
Lieutenant - 155 MP, 40 Mun, 3 pop
Captain - 150 MP, 50 Mun, 3 pop
Commando's - 350 MP, 180 Mun, 6 pop
Piat Commando's - 270 MP, 100 Mun, 3 pop
Mortar Commando's - 495 MP, 60 Mun, 4 pop
HMG Commando's - 280 MP, 40 Mun, 3 pop
And, as some people requested, the changelog from the beta:
.01 alpha start prices
- Jagdpanther 895 MP, 685 F, 19 pop (from 545 MP)
- WM Volksgrenadiers 185 MP, 5 pop (from 195MP)
- PE Panzer Grenadiers 185 MP, 3 pop (from 175 MP)
- PE Assault Grenediers 275 MP, 150 Mun, 3 pop (from 205 MP, 3 pop)
- PE Tank Buster Grenadiers 270 MP, 110 Mun, 3 pop (from 205 MP, 3 pop)
- PE Mortar HT 440 MP, 60 Mun, 60 F, 6 pop (from 290 MP)
- PE Hetzer - 310 MP, 265 F, 9 pop -> 400MP, 265F, 9 pop.
- CW Cromwell 340 MP, 240 F, 12 pop (from 255 F)
- US M8 - 310 MP, 50 F, 8 pop (From 210 MP)
- WM MP44 - 120 Mun (From 140 Mun)
- WM Panzershreck (Stormtroopers) - 150 Mun (From 170 Mun)
- WM Bundled Grenades - 55 Mun (Wasn't on list before Tongue)
- CW Infantry Section - 245 MP (From 260 MP)
- Standardized the base cost of Bren MMG carrier with Bren gun carrier
- Standardized the base cost of Recon Tommy squad with Tommy squad
- CW Bren Gun Carrier - 220 MP, 35F, 4 pop From (180 MP, 10 F, 4 pop)
- PE Assault Grenediers 275 MP, 120 Mun, 4 pop (275 MP, 150 Mun, 4 pop )
CW - Mortar Commando's - 495 MP, 60 Mun, 4 pop from ( 290 MP, 70 Mun, 4 pop)
CW - HMG Commando's - 280 MP, 40 Mun, 3 pop from (260 MP, 40 Mun, 3 pop )
PE - Mortar Halftrack - 440mp, 110 Mun, 60 F, 6 pop from (440 MP, 60 Mun, 60 F, 6 pop)
PE - Light AT Halftrack - 375 MP, 115 MU, 50 F from (280 MP, 50 F, 5 pop)
PE - WirbleWind - 310 MP, 160 F, 8 pop (from 310 MP, 185 F, 11 pop)
Ami - Recoilless Rifle - 200 Mun (from 220 Mun)
CW - Trench - 0 Mun (from 50 Mun)
PE - Armored Car 6 pop (From 8 pop)
PE - Infantry HT 4 pop (From 5 pop)
- Officer 4 pop -> 3 pop
- Panzer Grenadiers 3 pop -> 4 pop
- Hetzer 9 pop -> 10 pop
- Whirblewind 11 pop -> 8 pop
- Infantry HT 5 pop -> 4 pop
- Vampire HT 4 pop -> 3 pop
- Munitions HT 4 pop -> 3 pop
- Cromwell - 300 MP, 220 F, 11 pop from 340 MP, 240 F, 12 pop
- FOO - 200 Mun from 150 Mun
- Assault Grenediers 255 MP, 120 Mun, 4 pop (From 275 MP, 120 Mun, 4 pop)
- Tank Buster Grenadiers 235 MP, 110 Mun, 4 pop (From 270 MP, 110 Mun, 4 pop)
- Squad Size +1 (Tank Busters) - 50 MP, 1 pop (From 55 MP, 20 Mun, 1 pop)
- Tommy Infantry Section - 250 MP, 5 pop (From 245 MP, 5 pop)
- Tommy Recon Infantry Section - 210 MP, 35 Mun, 5 pop (From 245 MP, 35 Mun, 5 pop)
- Sherman Firefly - 420 MP, 390 F, 14 pop (From 450 MP, 440 F, 14 pop)
- Stuart 9 pop -> 8 pop
- Lieutenant - 155 MP, 40 Mun, 3 pop (From 130 MP, 40 Mun, 3 pop)
- Captain - 150 MP, 50 Mun, 3 pop (From 130 MP, 50 Mun, 3 pop)
- Tetrarch 290 MP, 55 F (From 240 MP, 50 F)
- Stuart 295 MP, 60 F (From 260 MP, 65 F)
- Littlejohn Adapter gains Tetrarch Smoke on a 120 second cooldown
- Littlejohn Adapter 70 Mun (From 40 Mun)
- Firefly 615 MP, 390 F, 14 pop (From 420 MP, 390 F, 14 pop)
- Bren MMG Carrier 270 MP, 60 MU, 35 F (From 220 MP, 60 MU, 35 F, 4 pop)
- Cromwell 370 MP, 220 F, 11 pop (From 300 MP, 220 F, 11 pop)
- Churchill MK IV - 410 MP, 365 F, 12 pop (From 460 MP, 385 F, 12 pop)
- Walking Stuka available for all doctrines
- Officer 180 MP, 210 Mun (From 280 MP, 240 Mun)
- LMG42 75 Mun (From 80 Mun)
- Flak 88 450 MP, 220 F, 8 pop (From 500 MP, 220 F, 8 pop)
Panzer Elite
- Panther 770 MP, 590 F, 16 pop (From 495 MP, 590 F, 16 pop)
- Munitions HT 200 MP, 35 F, 3 pop (From 240 MP, 50 F, 3 pop)
- Vampire HT 210 MP, 40 F, 3 pop (From 230 MP, 45 F, 3 pop)
- Flak 88 450 MP, 220 F, 8 pop (From 500 MP, 220 F, 8 pop)
- Advanced Repair 40 Mun (From 55 Mun)
Suppression Fire - 240 seconds (From 300)
Button - 240 seconds (From 180)
Cromwell Command tank - 220 MP, 115 F, 3 pop (From 295 MP, 165 F, 5 pop)
Assault Grenediers 215 MP, 120 Mun, 4 pop (From 255 MP, 120 Mun, 4 pop)
Tank Buster Grenadiers 205 MP, 110 Mun, 4 pop (From 235 MP, 110 Mun, 4 pop)
Armored Car - 230 MP, 50 F, 6 pop (From 255 MP, 55 F, 6 pop)
Infantry Halftrack - 215 MP, 40 F, 4 pop (From 240 MP, 50 F, 4 pop)
AT Grenade - 35 Mun (From 45 Mun (2 use))
AVRE - Cooldown from 75 seconds to 55.
- Light AT Halftrack - 275 MP, 50 F, 5 pop (From 375 MP, 135 Mun, 50 F, 5 pop)
- Treadbreaker - 95 Mun (240 seconds)
- Focused Fire - 40 Mun (240 seconds)
- FG42 - 140 Mun (From 150 Mun)
- Tetrarch - 340 MP, 80 F (From 290 MP, 50 F)
- FOO removed from Captains, now can only be purchased by LT's.
Armored Car - 260 MP, 30 F, 6 pop (From 230 MP, 50 F, 6 pop)
Infantry Halftrack - 250 MP, 25 F, 4 pop (From 215 MP, 40 F, 4 pop)
Scout Car can now capture territory.
Scout Car given slight Sniper detection (0 -> 9).
Luftwaffe drop timers are 30 seconds (instead of 30 seconds + spawn timer).
Commando's - 320 MP, 180 Mun, 6 pop (From 320 MP, 190 Mun, 6 pop)
Glider health changed to 150 (From 250)
Bren Gun Carrier (non-MMG) given Sniper detection (0 -> 17)
Airborne drop timers are 30 seconds (instead of 30 seconds + spawn timer).
- Ranger Over-Supply cost is 1 (From 2)
- Sniper 540 MP, 250 Mun, 7 pop (From 580 MP, 300 Mun, 7 pop)
- Triage Center 140 Mun (From 80 Mun)
- Sniper 500 MP, 250 Mun, 7 pop (From 520 MP, 250 Mun, 7 pop)
- Panzerfaust 1 use to 2 use (45 second cooldown)
- King Tiger 19 pop (From 20 pop)
- Tiger 17 pop (From 18 pop)
- Jagdpanther 18 pop (From 19 pop)
- Panzerfaust 1 use to 2 use (45 second cooldown)
- Munitions HT aura changed from affected ability cooldowns to a reload/cooldown modifier (25%)
- Marksman Shot - 240 seconds (From 180 seconds)
- Rifle Grenades - 100 Mun (From 90 Mun)
- Cromwell 12 pop (From 11 pop)
- Mortar Emplacement fixed to actually take 4 population...instead of three.
- Gliders changed to be 30 seconds (instead of spawn timer), while the differentiation from airborne was nice, the ability to 'gliderbomb' early in the game with no call-in timer was too powerful.
- Walking Stuka availability changed to lean towards Defensive players.
- Walking Stuka - 280 MP, 220 F, 8 pop (From 280 MP, 275 F, 8 pop (Recharges 120 seconds))
- Halftrack will always have the gunners, even without crew inside.
- Halftrack - 195 MP, 20 F, 3 pop (From 150 MP, 10 F, 3 pop)
- M10 - 11 pop -> 10 pop
- Halftrack will always have a gunner, even without crew inside.
- M3 Halftrack - 200 MP, 20 F, 3 pop (From 150 MP, 20 F, 3 pop)
- Panzergrenaders - 175 MP, 4 pop (From 185 MP)
- Marder 10 pop -> 8 pop
- Infantry Halftrack - 210 MP, 25 F, 3 pop (From 250 MP, 25 F, 4 pop)
- AVRE cooldown increased from 55 seconds to 85 seconds
- Tank Shock - 300 second cooldown from 120 seconds
- Infantry Sections 265 MP (From 250 MP)
- Commando's - 350 MP, 180 Mun, 6 pop (From 320 MP, 180 Mun, 6 pop)
- Bren Gun - 90 Mun (From 75 Mun)
In addition to that, here is a video demonstrating the EIR:R launcher in action, and how to use it! tuned for further EIR:R Secrets Revealed, and the EIR:R launch, coming just around the corner!
Note from EIRRMod: The release is so close that he is recommending every one who wants to get a screenshot of their companies, do it now. They will be wiped very soon.