First one was Me and Bonte (Axis) vs Blade and Dasfubar (Allies), BATTLE 329
This one we were pretty much beating the hell out of them, though once we got to the end-ish part we started messing around, and it almost cost us the game. I was able to pull through, though. Bonte dropped due to a bad connection near the end. Close game.
Second was Me and Bonte (Axis) vs Demonic Spoon and Dasfubar (Allies), BATTLE 330
This one featured a massive Tank vs AT + MG stalemate in the middle of Rails. Some careful planning on the Axis side was able to break through the wall and push the remainder of his forces back into a sandbagged position on the bottom left of the map near the farmhouse. Features lots of good Sniper action. Dasfubar held on well even though his teammate dropped mid-game due to sniper-frustration.
All I have to say for the two of these is:
Damn, good thing persistancy isn't in yet
GGs to all of you. Was fun.
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