I feel the vain need for a little self-explanation here. People often and probably often correctly label me as a stacker because I host and play games with people I have positive relations with on ventrilo. Yes, I do play a lot of games with Malevolence (Dow2 partner as well), Gamesguy, my beloved Elitegren siamese EIRR win which I am attached to through the balls.
But I do actually team with inexperienced players or people I consider to be a bit worse at the game than I am SOMETIMES. In a lot of these games the response from the other players around in EIRR is to immediatly jump in there with the best opposite team possible because they of course want to play to hunt the vet and win of the guy which has savagely and relentlessly crushed them off the field. (Man with face of rat speaking: "Lets get Smokaz, look He's Weak with FailGuy999 on his team!")
I am fine with that. I dont mind playing with inexperienced players - what I do mind is people with self-imposed mental disability or who just plain suck ass at the game and has no interest in having a good game. Bad english speakers, people who repair at their spawn, people who dont take helpful advice. There arent many of them, but if you ever had a game with one them dropping out or charging his 5 mortar blob against the enemy KT, you know the pain.
Anyways, I asked Hicks to post this game to show both me and the great Baine training each our new guy. In the end I thought it was pretty fun game and I have to say that Baine is thousands of leagues ahead of some of his lesser brüder!
What I did with this guy was that I went through his company for an hour and explained the flaws and strengths of his build and then redid it while we were both logged in to his launcher we were looking at the same thing. Baine did the same for his guy and luckily enough they both started at the same time and we were able to coach our guys respectively.