That said It should be possible to host a game and select the map so people know what map to expect. This exists in OMG and helps reduce some of the flaming ingame about the map.
Also RTL only means that you have agreed to go into the COH game. Its the readying up ingame that means you have accepted to play. If people decide to leave for whatever reason at that point, its their legal right. If this hurts their reputation, its their loss.
Best thing is when people can be mature and just agree.
Well said. I agree with this post on three levels.
1. It would be very useful for the host in the launcher to display the intended map so that those joining have the option to qualify their decision before getting involved.
2. RTL does only mean that you are going into the COH game. It is irresponsible and a dangerous move for some people to act like once a person has RTL'ed, they can pull whatever map-choosing shenanigans they want because the other side is "locked in" by some social contract. It would make "who can host the game first" in coh a strategy.
3. Fortunately these cases of "shame" are the exception rather than the rule. Thousands of EiR games have been played without incident because for the most part our community is mature enough to agree and compromise. It's a little sad though that one time where this was not the case was thrown up into a dust storm by an overly zealous post.