Here you have the Final Version of my maps for like 1 year or so. I wont update them.
Unk0wn aided me the last step, cheers for that
Link:, also MODS will have a Pm with the link.
discuss, debate, argue: Are maps a part of the mod? (I feel not)
Due no feedback from EiR:R/OMG I guess my maps are balanced. Yay
And I am tired of mods thinking Maps is not a part of the modification. Witch make me feel sick. Its bullshit
So i spent all day fixing the maps.
Basic for all maps:
Removed Hedges, Remade maps, changed sectors, and changed atmosphere
Around 30% of the maps have been changed.
I hope this last version will be the balanced and right version for all players.
Ps, Mod minus their own maps = No good mod.
Spend some time with the mappers and make them part of the modification.
OMG succeed of aiding their mappers far way better than EiR dose, on the other side many of their maps is "Exclusive" (its kids stuff in my eyes) EiR cant even keep tropic that say how to pack a .sga right or keep Map database updated/right. Its still from 2006 imo.
Somehow it feels like the "coders" and "mods" Push away mappers.
This is a dubbel post, it will be on Eir:r and OMG
The map pack holds 7 maps that I made.
NOTE: for eir payers, these maps will only be in the autoloader when a new major update happens,
Until then, know that if you play my map right now, it will be changed.
In der Hitz have
been updated (due Unk0wn likes it so much <3)
The other maps you have to wait until a new MAJOR updates happens, not a code change. a MAJOR. HUGE
At the next Royal Alabama black snake update, you get
7 (!) Updated maps
Well, It could been 9 maps but I removed Schlaffen land and Viking_8p
EiR dose not paly that many 4vs4 and its not worth putting down the time to change them,