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Author Topic: 006o Hotfix  (Read 47719 times)
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Lt_Apollo Offline
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« Reply #100 on: July 07, 2009, 12:27:38 pm »

there not mirror fractions, dont compair them. closest thing to wher is americans and thats for balance reasions. brits like PE are difrent.

Ununoctium Offline
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« Reply #101 on: July 07, 2009, 12:30:53 pm »

this list has no m18 or m10 repair prices.

Quote from: shockcoil
Quote from: CrazyWR
My tigers get penetrated by everything.  Its really really frustrating.
Your tiger is a whore
Warlight Offline
Posts: 304

« Reply #102 on: July 07, 2009, 12:31:54 pm »

Only Commandoes has any sort of offmap. And no other British doctrine besides RCA has any sort of onmap. Compare this to Wehrmacht or the US, where every doctrine has access to a nondoctrinal onmap arty asset, and every doctrine has some sort of offmap selection.

So, the Brits really need FOO as part of their arsenal, that needs balancing within the faction. A similar argument has been made for the pricing of the US and Wehr snipers, despite the Wehr sniper's faster ROF.

I understood that all brit players could get a Captain with FOO.  Thats not bad,  Two PE factions don't have off or on maps short of four stuka rockets.  

All axis players can get a Officer... with a reinfocment package.  Not complaning, but battles arn't all won and loss by artillery, and they shouldn't be.

Once you accept that all factions won't be mirrors of each other, things are alot better.  

Ununoctium Offline
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Posts: 1256

« Reply #103 on: July 07, 2009, 12:34:23 pm »

this list has no m18 or m10 repair prices.
they are both still at 40.
why would anyone pay 40 munitions to repair them when its 40 munitions for a sherman. m18 should be 20 mun repair and m10 maybe 30 or something less.
acker Offline
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« Reply #104 on: July 07, 2009, 12:40:02 pm »

there not mirror fractions, dont compair them. closest thing to wher is americans and thats for balance reasions. brits like PE are difrent.

If you don't want to compare factions across the board, then simply compare FOO within the British faction itself, don't bother comparing it to the Wehr Officer barrage.

Lack of British offmaps? Lack of British onmaps? No dedicated nondoctrinal artillery whatsoever? Then why was the Captain's FOO increased?

I understood that all brit players could get a Captain with FOO.  Thats not bad,  Two PE factions don't have off or on maps short of four stuka rockets.

Tell me, what is the cooldown on the Hotchkiss rocket battery? What's the range on the thing? At least every PE doctrine gets some sort of nondoctrine artillery, 2/3 Brit doctrines don't even get "4 Stuka rockets". as you put it.

All axis players can get a Officer... with a reinfocment package.  Not complaning, but battles arn't all won and loss by artillery, and they shouldn't be.

All battles aren't won or lost by artillery, but artillery is an essential part of battles. And, as you've said earlier, stop comparing factions. Wehrmacht gets offmaps on every single doctrine they have, and has nondoctrinal artillery. If you really want to compare that to the British (who have 1 doctrine with onmaps, 1 doctrine with offmaps, and no nondoctrinal arty), go right ahead, I'm not stopping you.
DasNoob Offline
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Posts: 3430

« Reply #105 on: July 07, 2009, 12:49:46 pm »

Actualy, there was not even a single ranting post about captain FOO being bullshit.

A little insight for you and the community.  Ranting posts are largely ignored anyway  Wink

Quote from: fldash on Today at 06:22:34 PM

You have DasNoob who uses the mod as COHTV
Rocksitter Offline
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« Reply #106 on: July 07, 2009, 12:57:37 pm »

 Just take out off maps all together ...

deadbolt Offline
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« Reply #107 on: July 07, 2009, 01:55:21 pm »

Improved armour should work for pershing too

Like Jesus, Keeps died for us

He made a funny thread for bear, and got banned.

Now bear makes his own funny thread. It's unsurprisingly not funny.

Keeps died for our funny threads.
Raio Offline
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Posts: 243

« Reply #108 on: July 07, 2009, 01:56:15 pm »

Draw it mild Sthalin.
DEvs cant listen all, they cant do everything for everyone.
Mod is ok as it is.
salan Offline
Synergies TL2 mod!
Posts: 6290

« Reply #109 on: July 07, 2009, 02:39:09 pm »

this list has no m18 or m10 repair prices.

ya i noticed that and kept them to their vehicle type but didn't have time to update the list while doing it, had to go work (night shift)..

salan Offline
Synergies TL2 mod!
Posts: 6290

« Reply #110 on: July 07, 2009, 02:51:04 pm »

Actualy, there was not even a single ranting post about captain FOO being bullshit.

A little insight for you and the community.  Ranting posts are largely ignored anyway  Wink

Now we know for sure the community is absolutely ignored, and the devs are making the mod purely for themselves, not the community. Might as well just delete all non-dev accounts and forbid to create new ones - you guys will have less lag on the server.

myst, I have supported you a lot and talked to you enough times that your 'anger' and what is rather misplaced.

I'll gladly re-increase the price on foo and put it back to 1 use for you if you dislike the change so much, as unknown said it was never intended to be a 8 minute timer.

you really can not compare the FOO ability to the officer either, until those units that cast it become restricted as much as the officer is and come stapled with the FOO as part of their price.  they are completely fundementally different units, with completely different functionality.

allied picks up weapons
allied has a n aura that effects all units around it
allied can be purchased without the artillery option
allied are NOT doctrinated and are available to the whole faction from account creation and are available through reinforcements.

axis upgrades smgs through vet
axis supervision effects single units at a time and has to follow RIGHT beside them
axis must pay for artillery at purchase
axis is found in 1 doctrine and later can be purchased in reinforcements.

they're just as different as all other units in eirr when you look at them cross faction, can't compare directly sorry.
Mukip Offline
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« Reply #111 on: July 07, 2009, 02:59:38 pm »

The CCT needs looking at if not the captain.  As it stands you need to get it to vet 2 just to make it perform slightly worse than the previous CCT at vet 0.  Why was the Firefly reload removed? 
salan Offline
Synergies TL2 mod!
Posts: 6290

« Reply #112 on: July 07, 2009, 03:01:27 pm »

The CCT needs looking at if not the captain.  As it stands you need to get it to vet 2 just to make it perform slightly worse than the previous CCT at vet 0.  Why was the Firefly reload removed? 

we will be doing a full audit of all the aura/supervision powers hopefully for the next patch, and address all concerns there.

I'll even start a public thread about it for feedback soon!
salan Offline
Synergies TL2 mod!
Posts: 6290

« Reply #113 on: July 07, 2009, 03:09:10 pm »

fixed repair cost on quad (20), marder/m10/m18 (30) and the price off Foo on lieut (140).

darn oversights Wink
Mysthalin Offline
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« Reply #114 on: July 07, 2009, 03:41:57 pm »

Please take into account, salan, that I have never, once, in this thread compared Wehr Officer Barrage and FOO. If anything, I am more surprised at the fact that it was nerfed, when it was doing quite OK as it was, without any kind of tuning. It was powerful, but it was not OP, especialy considering that 2 of the brittish doctrines get no kind of on-map artilery whatsoever, not even through reinforcements. Only one of these doctrines gains an off-map.

Considering the restrictions that have to be fullfilled for the captain to drop his barrage, and the restrictions of the whole brittish faction, it was a fair trade-off between the skill and resource demands and the possibly high pay-offs(it didn't kill all that much, at any rate, versus good players - it just made the enemy not blob). It was working perfectly. The axis mortar annihilates entire squads, and deals quite as big suppresion, with much less cooldown, higher range, and no requirement of LOS over the enemy unit. Not to mention it also gibs infantry in houses. However, it is not broken, and thusly nothing is being changed. Why is a CW ability, that manages to do simmilar damage that an axis mortar does, and has proven to be not complained about by the axis team, nerfed, even if the intended, hidden plans were of different nature?

Even more demoralising is the brittish captain's suppresion resistance nerfs. It's what made the captain useful - your units, on the defence in an owned sector, could actualy not go down to the floor from a single IHT/HMG42 burst, or a single mortar shell. I fully support the removal of several command units stacking, and even the recieved damage/health nerfs, but with the tremendous nerf to suppresion reistance, it has changed to basicaly to taking 2 more K98 shots at your guys, with a vet 2 captain being in the same sector as your guys, to suppress them. A single HMG42 will now make your attempted defence of a sector impossible without armor support.

The most demoralising of all, however, is the fact that blitzkrieg and terror, already having half of their doctrine trees implemented, gain 1 more doctrine ability each! One T3, and one T4. Why not a PE doctrinal ability implementation(not luft)? Why not a CW one(mandos in particular)? Why not WM defensive gaining T1s? Why not US AB?
What ever happened to the old, countless times repeated promise of the doctrines being implemented tier by tier, so that balance is not borked?

Aren't commandos using just one, single T2, which is the tetrarch?
They have but 1, single T4, that buffs tommies, not the doctrine's centerpiece unit, no T3s.
They only have 1 doctrine choice that buffs commandos, the other 2 T1s are both unit unlocks - a commando jeep and commando support weapons.
So 5 doctrine choises total, 3 of which are unit unlocks. The least implemented doctrine of the brittish.

RCA seems to be a bit better off.
It has 5 T1s, 3 T2s and a T3.
Only 2 of those 9 are unit unlocks.

RSE is a bit better than commandos, but the abilities that would make the doctrinal unit useful, are exactly the ones that aren't implemented :
3 T1s, 2 T2s, 2 T3s.
2 of those 7 are unit unlocks, 1 of them is an upgrade unlock.

US infantry is CONSIDERABLY better off than the brittish doctrine trees.
4 T1s, 4 T2s, 2 T3s, 3 T4s.

A total of 13 doctrine choises implemented, of which only 1 is a unit unlock, and 2 are unit upgrade unlocks. However, a T3 of extremely easy implementation - which is ranger availability increase, is still not done, and one of the T4s happens to be not fully finished.

US Armor is also better off than any of the brit doctrines :
3 T1s(the most important T1 of all being neglected - mobility).
5 T2s(of which 3 have been nerfed for no apparent reason a few patches before).
3 T3s
1 T4 (which has always, even in EiR has been considered the shittiest one of all, and now it comes in a nerfed version).

A total of 12 doctrine choises implemented, of which 2 are unit unlocks, 1 is a unit upgrade unlock.

US Airborne :
4 T1s
3 T2s
1 T3
2 T4s

The neediest of all US doctrines - 10 choises total, of which one is a unit unlock.

Werhmacht Blitzkrieg :
4 T1s
2 T2s
3 T3s
1+1 T4s

10 Doctrine choises had already been implemented, and an 11th one is added with this patch.
2 Unit unlocks, apparently double LMGs isn't implemented yet.

Wehrmacht Defensive :
2 T1s
3 T2s
4 T3s
2 T4s

10 doctrine choises, 2 unit unlocks, extremely needy in T1s.
Double panzershrecks also is said to be unimplemented.

Wehrmacht Terror :
4 T1s
2 T2s
2+1 T3s
2 T4s
10 doctrine choises is what it used to be, now it's 11, with a new unit upgrade unlock, 1 single unit unlock, not really needy at anything, other than T2s(for example, zeal).

PE Luftwaffe :
4 T1s
3 T2s
2 T3s
2 T4s
11 doctrine choises, 2 unit unlocks - a particular spit in the face to their "counterpart" - the commandos.

PE Scorched Earth
3 T1s
1 T2
2 T3s
1 T4

7 doctrine choises, 1 being a unit unlock, 3 being unit upgrade unlocks.

PE Tank Busters
4 T1s
2 T2s
1 T3
1 T4

8 Doctrine choises, 1 being an unit unlock, 3 being unit upgrade unlocks.

yet again, I shall stress this sentence :
What ever happened to the old, countless times repeated promise of the doctrines being implemented tier by tier, so that balance is not borked?

Mukip Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 450

« Reply #115 on: July 07, 2009, 03:58:28 pm »

In short, the next patch would be a great time for all the devs to show how much they love the brits.

Artist's interpretation of an eir developer giving the commando doctrine some love:

salan Offline
Synergies TL2 mod!
Posts: 6290

« Reply #116 on: July 07, 2009, 04:09:04 pm »

Myst my mission is to give the brits as many Doctrine unlocks as I can for the next patch!
DasNoob Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 3430

« Reply #117 on: July 07, 2009, 04:15:50 pm »

AH just refund him his money.....
« Reply #118 on: July 07, 2009, 04:28:31 pm »

lol brits pwn

i tried every doctrine and each of them just pwn

there are some doctrine unlocks that would tripple this but even with this low doctrine unlocks currently the brits are by far the most diverse faction to play when it comes to doctrine and company builds
many people just cant play brits and are not creative enough for their unit usage
Warlight Offline
Posts: 304

« Reply #119 on: July 07, 2009, 04:42:48 pm »

How big an article would I have to write in order to get some Tank hunters doctrains...  Maybe Tank awareness, you know....
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