Hi guys,
As of 007, we will be working closer with the community in providing support for things like maps, media and PR coverage.
Thus, I present our new community tags:
DonatorsPeople that have contributed, and wish to have a Donator tag.
For people who wish to have this tag need to PM salan, and tell him your real name + amount that you donated so that we can track the donation down.

MappersIf you have contributed a map to the mod then you are eligible for this tag.
Content CreatorThis tag is to show people who have added content for EIR:R, such as shoutcasts, or skinpacks.
HelpersHelpers are people who help with general problems that newer (or even experienced players) may have while playing or setting up EIR:R.
These players are our first line of help for new entrants, and should have a matching Helper tag in vent.
MentorsMentors, are people who help new players with their in-game play.
Whether it be tactics, company tweaking, or general advice.
These players have the responsibility to train new entrants.
They also have a matching Mentor tag in vent.

If you would like one of these tags, and you fit the criteria, send either myself, salan or Unkn0wn a PM.
Thanks for listening!