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[Beta] Woodland Ridge NEW now 2v2 only
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Topic: [Beta] Woodland Ridge NEW now 2v2 only (Read 8688 times)
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Posts: 304
[Beta] Woodland Ridge NEW now 2v2 only
August 14, 2009, 12:36:40 am »
So This is my first map, for COH and for Europe in ruins.
The idea is a fight in the forest, with plenty of trees to get run over and blasted to hell. It centered around a ridge, which should, if I've done it right count as negative cover, because climbing a steep ridge isn't easy, let alone if you get cought by the enemy while your doing it. Anyway, it just seemed like a good Idea at the time.
I've got some buildings around the map, so as to give you some points to hold.
I'm pretty sure of a couple things at this point.
First, you'll say its two open.
Second, its probubly horrible sectored.
Most up today pictures can be found later in the thread.
Any way, a days worth of work, oand my first map ever. Don't be to hard on me.
Lastest version:
It looks nice, and short of getting rid of those field howies hiding under a rock. I need more info to figure out how to fix my sectors.
There it should work, I had to adjust the sectors again, since I forgot to after I took out the 5th and 6th players. So the previous one won't work.
My next map will have the square sectors like those that are most common.
Last Edit: September 22, 2009, 11:56:12 am by Warlight
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Re: [Beta] Woodland Ridge 4/6 player
Reply #1 on:
August 14, 2009, 02:39:31 am »
You done that in a day :O
My first map i managed to place 2 buildings and and make 2 straight line roads spaming the splats to make them, im sure theres a road tool or something somewhere
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Re: [Beta] Woodland Ridge 4/6 player
Reply #2 on:
August 14, 2009, 02:40:59 am »
looks like a great map.
Hopefully theres a lot of arty holes in it. Also put some small buildings everywhere so you can throw some MGs in it and you have some proper hard cover.
Posts: 304
Re: [Beta] Woodland Ridge 4/6 player
Reply #3 on:
August 14, 2009, 09:31:24 am »
Ok, I've cleaned up and messed with the sectors. If you play this you may or may not see the shotblocker boxes. I'm trying to figure out hot to make them work and to help stop things from shooting threw the big rocks.
Here is the beta map .sga it will show as "6p_beta" in the game.
<Link Remoeved for newer version see top post>
Also under teh big rocks are some german 150mm howies, please ignore them. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to remove them.
Ok, everythings working, I've tested it twice myself. Everything caps, the sectors are still wonky but I'd like some feedback for I fix those.
The big rocks aroudn the middle block shots, so you'll have a place to hide from an 88. I'll probubly have to add more shot bocking rocks in the future though.
Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 12:47:51 pm by Warlight
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Re: [Beta] Woodland Ridge 4/6 player
Reply #4 on:
August 14, 2009, 10:31:19 am »
open the console (~) and type in wb_orphan_nuke_entity.
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Re: [Beta] Woodland Ridge 4/6 player
Reply #5 on:
August 14, 2009, 10:41:15 am »
Hrm, it didn't work because they are "multi objects" and you can't NUKE them. Or something.
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Re: [Beta] Woodland Ridge NEW now 2v2 only
Reply #6 on:
August 14, 2009, 12:51:01 pm »
So it's a 2vs2 only map now?
I'll add it to the .module as '4p_Woodland_Ridge' ASAP if that's okay with you
Posts: 304
Re: [Beta] Woodland Ridge NEW now 2v2 only
Reply #7 on:
August 14, 2009, 12:55:04 pm »
Alright, I'll start packaging it as that. I'll mess around with corsix to do it.
I just need more games on it
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Re: [Beta] Woodland Ridge NEW now 2v2 only
Reply #8 on:
August 14, 2009, 12:57:27 pm »
I'll take a look at it in the WB and give a more in-depth review soon.
Alright, didn't work in WB so checked it out ingame.
The concept of the map is great, we don't really have any forest maps these days and that's why it was an excellent choice. It's very good for your first map, if you hang in there while you gather more skill and experience I'm absolutely confident that soon you'll have some top notch quality maps out for us all to enjoy.
Now on to the important stuff
- Rectangular size would've probably been a better call for a forest map as they don't offer the needed amount of choke points to make square maps work. You could make it do-able with proper sector management I guess but it'll still remain chaotic, especially since it's only a 2vs2.
In general I would very much advise your future maps to be rectangular, they're the easiest to get right game play wise
- Excellent start on the details, especially for a first map. Your next step will have to be getting down dirty with the details, this includes adding lots more splats and splines. I'd especially advise giving the forests a little more love and adding more side paths/tracks/etc
To give you an idea:
See what I did there? It makes your forests a lot more appealing, especially when you're covering large amounts of land with trees it's important that you make them look attractive. Additionally, you'll also have to offer some variety with rocks/little sheds/damaged areas and all that kinda stuff.
- Your map will need a lot of extra cover all around else the map will be a hell hole for infantry. I'd recommend things like: logs, bushes, craters, random sandbags, trenches, etc
- Atmosphere, the current one you are using is a little dull, try something a little more daring in terms of lightning. Atmospheres can make or break your map, don't forget that you can (and should) load relic presets. There's loads of great ones out there.
Best of luck with updates and any feature endeavours
Also, be sure to check out a relic or EIR map in the WB, it will learn you A LOT on how other mappers have made it look good and all.
Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 01:23:18 pm by Unkn0wn
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Re: [Beta] Woodland Ridge NEW now 2v2 only
Reply #9 on:
August 14, 2009, 01:24:49 pm »
Wow unkn0wn great feedback with the example! We need another unkn0wn quality map soon too!
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Re: [Beta] Woodland Ridge NEW now 2v2 only
Reply #10 on:
August 14, 2009, 01:25:15 pm »
Working on it (about 70% done), and coincidentally it's going to be a forest map too
It's going to be a snow map though, 2vs2.
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Re: [Beta] Woodland Ridge NEW now 2v2 only
Reply #11 on:
August 14, 2009, 01:27:08 pm »
snow is lame, better have good lighting on it tbh
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Re: [Beta] Woodland Ridge NEW now 2v2 only
Reply #12 on:
August 14, 2009, 01:30:01 pm »
Quote from: Unkn0wn on August 14, 2009, 01:25:15 pm
Working on it (about 70% done), and coincidentally it's going to be a forest map too
It's going to be a snow map though, 2vs2.
snow is a bit blinding ;(
with the right lighting if you dull down the glare from snow it could be good i guess
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Re: [Beta] Woodland Ridge NEW now 2v2 only
Reply #13 on:
August 14, 2009, 01:31:58 pm »
Depends what snow map we're talking about, it's only blinding if it didn't get touched up with splats.
The Abbeville Winter snow for example is pretty 'dirty'.
Anyway, enough with the thread hijack eh chaps.
I was going to put it into the .module right now but I have to wait till Che's around so hopefully by tomorrow!
Posts: 1871
Re: [Beta] Woodland Ridge NEW now 2v2 only
Reply #14 on:
August 14, 2009, 01:32:30 pm »
Please include rain as an option in all future maps. Whenever I can get the people with the PC performance together I love playing with rain as the weather, it adds a whole new look to a map.
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Posts: 304
Re: [Beta] Woodland Ridge NEW now 2v2 only
Reply #15 on:
August 14, 2009, 02:37:35 pm »
Well, when it does get put in the module, here is the splatted (well, the splatier version) version.
Last Edit: September 22, 2009, 11:55:03 am by Warlight
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Re: [Beta] Woodland Ridge NEW now 2v2 only
Reply #16 on:
August 15, 2009, 07:18:55 am »
Now in .module
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Re: [Beta] Woodland Ridge NEW now 2v2 only
Reply #17 on:
August 19, 2009, 08:55:51 pm »
Hey, Played a 1v1 on this just to try it out. I have to say that the map looks sweet. The only thing that it is missing seems to be heavy cover spread through out the forrest. Overall it looks like it will play really nice, seeing as we only played a 1v1 most of the action was centered around one end of the ridge. With more players, or at least a 2v2 there should be plenty of action all along the front.
Quote from: Speigass on September 06, 2009, 12:19:49 pm
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Posts: 304
Re: [Beta] Woodland Ridge NEW now 2v2 only
Reply #18 on:
September 21, 2009, 08:42:29 pm »
Resectored. Its a smallish map, but the idea is that because its (the map is) small, the territorie should be small and plentiful. I don't know if this is a good thing, but in my mind it works.
More bushes for infantry. And there are groups of uncrushable trease for infantry to hide out in. The idea being they'll make nice little strong holds and give your infantry a chance.
Here is the link:
It has also been updated on the first post. And I have removed the old file from file front so even if I have forgottne a link somewhere there will be no confusion.
Please play this, I'd like to get this on the official maps list.
Last Edit: September 22, 2009, 11:56:28 am by Warlight
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Re: [Beta] Woodland Ridge NEW now 2v2 only
Reply #19 on:
September 22, 2009, 02:51:11 am »
Maybe just MAYBE there should be some way to get around on the extreme sides of the map, becasue if a 88 is deployed in the middle this map looks like it will be overly good for the 88.
I'd definitely try putting a 88 near middle and see how far it reaches. This might change how you look at the map yourself as well.
It all depends on whether you think the map should be very 88-friendly (which isn't truly a good or a bad thing, just a map design thing) or give room for players not having to ram their heads into the middle. I've included a image of how you could add some shotblockers to give mortars from both sides some protecting against direct fire and allow armor to hide behind.
With some shotblockers like this, you stop the 88 from becoming useless while still allowing smart players some leverage in attacking it.
Alternatively, you could go the cheap way and add some hedges to allow for pushes up the side to stop camping middle and spreading out from it from being the only way to go here.
Last Edit: September 22, 2009, 03:23:25 am by Smokaz
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