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Author Topic: The new Churchil Tank Shock  (Read 7542 times)
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WinIsOp Offline
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« Reply #20 on: October 11, 2009, 06:58:54 pm »

puddin your not asking for logic your asking for uniformity of gameplay or massive reliance on precedence.
lionel23 Offline
Posts: 1854

« Reply #21 on: October 11, 2009, 07:03:48 pm »

But he brings up a good point, why the heck are we restricting upgrades when we have to pay the price for said upgrades?  If I want my riflemen to have BARs and Stickys, I should not be penalized for doing so, as I'm paying for the risk (high MU cost on a single, fragile unit) to offset its versatility.  To limit riflemen would be counter to what you say and force that all infantry players for US accept some blanket uniformity in that all your men are only able to carry one thing, which is unrealistic in and of itself.

Now back to the Churchill topic at hand, I have noticed one glaring problem with the new tank shock.  If the churchill is on an angle (say on the elevated roads on Linden) and activates Tank shock, and the tank is slightly pointing upwards from its target, the MGs will not fire and burn an entire activation of tank shock for no suppression.  That makes any hilly or very rough terrain area a very hard deal for churchill tanks, slow as they are when crossing said terrain, to effectively suppress infantry.  Yet the main gun can still fire.  Maybe if we can up the suppression on main gun too to help with those situations?

Congratulations, dear sir...I must say, never before have I seen such precise gunnery displayed. - CrazyWR (on Leaderboard Howitzers)

puddin Offline
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« Reply #22 on: October 11, 2009, 07:34:11 pm »

puddin your not asking for logic your asking for uniformity of gameplay or massive reliance on precedence.


Puddin' spamtm
i cant really blame smokaz i mean playing against puddin is like trying to fight off breast cancer. You might win and do it and be a bad ass but you'll feel sick and mutilated forever.

Puddin' spamtm is soulcrushing... what's hard to understand about that?
nated0g Offline
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« Reply #23 on: October 11, 2009, 07:41:45 pm »

Anyone here who has played me will know I used Churchills exclusively in my company (3 Crocs, 1 AVRE, 1 MKVI) and I would like to give some anwsers to the questions being ask:

1) TO Spinn72: Crocs can tankshock, it is much slower and in effective but it does work; it sill surpresses using the Co-axle MG. Its not the best thing in the world, but you get used to it.

2) You might not being seeing it very often these days because it is very expensive as a form of supression (and often very slow)

3)I find the current tank shock fine with the Mark IV and VIs. However, you might not be seeing much since very few people actually use them.(There are 8 Mark VIs on the leaderboard and 7 Crocs from 3 players)
Additonally it takes ALOT of getting used to. And frankly I'm actually now using Croc churchills as what they're are;infantry killers which is to say very effective (All my churchills came close to Vet 2 in one game).
Face the business end of the churchill towards enemy infantry, it'll do it automatically.

4) I love my churchills and even I dont think it should go back to its former version. its totally borken when used in conjuction with 2 FOO Captains.

5) In fact, Im not sure why no one is complaining about the awesome Flame Range on the Croc( and firing thru cover). Its so insane its awesome. Especially since its soooo much better than the American Croc in everyway.  Bloody Americans, no idea how to make use of a good idea Smiley

I do think the cost of tank shock needs to be lowered slightly, like to 45 Munitions( at least on the croc)
CrazyWR Offline
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« Reply #24 on: October 11, 2009, 07:44:56 pm »

the croc is a t3, thats why.  Its supposed to be damn good.  Also, it can't really take on tanks.

1. New tactics? it's like JAWS, first one in the water dies

RCA-land where shells fall like raindrops and the Captain is an invincible god
nated0g Offline
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« Reply #25 on: October 11, 2009, 07:56:42 pm »

To be fair crazy, its like i said, its god the ability to defend itself vs medium vehicles and the potential to engage light vehicles( 50mm Halftacks/ Pumas,etc.)

Its multipurposeness is awesome for a T3. Far superior to the US croc in everyway (except the flammer is fixed to forward firing). I think its fine as a T3, considering its probably the poorest designed doctrine atm.

Which is one thing I would like to see improved in the RE tree in the future.
Demon767 Offline
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« Reply #26 on: October 11, 2009, 08:07:17 pm »

i have complained about the flame range, but i was waaay wrong.

Generalleutnant of The Reichs Wolves

BaleWolf Offline
Posts: 147

« Reply #27 on: October 11, 2009, 10:13:56 pm »

To be fair crazy, its like i said, its god the ability to defend itself vs medium vehicles and the potential to engage light vehicles( 50mm Halftacks/ Pumas,etc.)

Its multipurposeness is awesome for a T3. Far superior to the US croc in everyway (except the flammer is fixed to forward firing). I think its fine as a T3, considering its probably the poorest designed doctrine atm.

Which is one thing I would like to see improved in the RE tree in the future.

I'm sorry but no Churchill has the ability to single handedly face a 50mm Halftrack unless they pop flank speed and drive it into a corner, at least if the 50mm microer has half a brain.

I only use crocs in my Engies build and I love them to death, I have to say that the last version of Shock was completely broken (Instapinning Alphastriking Shreck stormies was my favorite) but there needs to be something done with this new version as I don't think it's even worth buying anymore (at least for the croc)

nated0g Offline
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Posts: 90

« Reply #28 on: October 11, 2009, 11:14:45 pm »

I said it had the ability to DEFEND itself (Unlike the US Croc, which unless you are using Haxors, has no way to defend itslef against ANY vehicle type, except MAYBE a kettenrad). Even if it simply deters enemy vehicles (namely halftracks with shreks) i'm extremely happy.
The surivial rate is improved greatly VS the US croc.

Additionally, if you're losing a full health Churchill Frontal armour to a 50mm halftrack, you're doing something wrong. I have never lost a Churchill to a halftrack at full health. I would like to see such a replay.

Additionally, I have the engine upgrade and Ablative armour which boosts their defensive abilities up somewhat.

I do agree tank shock as it stands now needs its cost appropriately to its effect. But to be honest I'm ok with it.

PS. Balewolf, what is your Brit account name?
BaleWolf Offline
Posts: 147

« Reply #29 on: October 12, 2009, 06:50:26 am »

I've killed off full health Churchills with a 50mm and it's not too hard (I don't have a replay available but if I keep playing PE I can probably throw one up soon)

But yes the Croc can defend itself against less nimble foes as I've had them finish of P4s, Marders and such, but when they go against fast vehicles is when they are screwed.

Like all of my accounts my name is BaleWolf and if your are going to ask why I don't have any vet Crocs it's because I always use mine until they are burnt wreckage strewn across the battlefield, even when I have ample time to get it off the field, just ask my brother or the people I play with.
nated0g Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 90

« Reply #30 on: October 14, 2009, 12:27:05 am »

I have 3 vet 2 crocs. Never had a problem with 50mm halftracks.

Louy and I will be be attempting a shoutcast about a game (octide/Kartoff/myslef vs Grob88/Sakki/ ??). I'll point that part out. I left a churchill in front of a 50mm and 10 seconds later it was still at half health.

Nothing is impossible. Its just damn unlikely.

Additionally, this thread is going off topic. Could we lock it or move it somewhere else?
« Last Edit: October 14, 2009, 12:31:53 am by nated0g » Logged
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