Anyone here who has played me will know I used Churchills exclusively in my company (3 Crocs, 1 AVRE, 1 MKVI) and I would like to give some anwsers to the questions being ask:
1) TO Spinn72: Crocs can tankshock, it is much slower and in effective but it does work; it sill surpresses using the Co-axle MG. Its not the best thing in the world, but you get used to it.
2) You might not being seeing it very often these days because it is very expensive as a form of supression (and often very slow)
3)I find the current tank shock fine with the Mark IV and VIs. However, you might not be seeing much since very few people actually use them.(There are 8 Mark VIs on the leaderboard and 7 Crocs from 3 players)
Additonally it takes ALOT of getting used to. And frankly I'm actually now using Croc churchills as what they're are;infantry killers which is to say very effective (All my churchills came close to Vet 2 in one game).
Face the business end of the churchill towards enemy infantry, it'll do it automatically.
4) I love my churchills and even I dont think it should go back to its former version. its totally borken when used in conjuction with 2 FOO Captains.
5) In fact, Im not sure why no one is complaining about the awesome Flame Range on the Croc( and firing thru cover). Its so insane its awesome. Especially since its soooo much better than the American Croc in everyway. Bloody Americans, no idea how to make use of a good idea
I do think the cost of tank shock needs to be lowered slightly, like to 45 Munitions( at least on the croc)