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Author Topic: Plz help me post playbacks  (Read 3640 times)
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3rdCondor Offline
Posts: 1536

« on: November 22, 2009, 10:59:06 am »

Hi I suck at life and don't know how to post playbacks from my games. I want to be able to watch them again and maybe post some good battles. Help plz

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wildsolus Offline
Posts: 807

« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2009, 11:09:03 am »

you have to save the replay of the game and the battle file

the replay file is in your my documents folder and typically looks like...

"C:\Users\*your name*\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\playback"

if you saved the game it'll appear in the list of games, if you forgot to save it, your last game played is called 'temp.rec'. you can watch it by saving that file and changing the name to something other then temp

the battle file is located typically in this folder...

C:\Program Files\THQ\Company of Heroes\EuropeInRuins\Archives

it is called EuropeInRuinsBattle and is an sga file. any time you want to view the replay you have to use that battle file or it won't work.

to post the games, just upload them to some site and link people to both files. to make it easier, you can .rar or .zip them into one file.

Groundfire Offline
EIRR community manager
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« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2009, 11:15:00 am »

1.) save your europeinruinsbattle.sga file somewhere where you can access it later.

- file path should be... programfiles/THQ/companyofheroes/europeinruins/archives

should be in the archives folder. Save this file into a seperate folder and make sure it corresponds to the correct replay you'd want to watch. This file is rewritten everytime you play a game of EIR.

2.) go save the replay file somewhere where you can access it later too.

- file path should be mydocuments/games/companyofheroes/playback or something like that.

the most recent game you've played will be named temp.rec
just rename this file so you can match it to the europeinruinsbattle.sga file. renaming the file will keep the replay from being overwritten the next game.j

Once you have the playback saved, and the europeinruinsbattle.sga file in their corresponding places, you can watch the replay.

ps. you can always watch the replay of an eir game that you've "just" played untill you've played a new game and both the temp and battle files are rewritten.

hope that helps

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Groundfire Offline
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« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2009, 11:16:18 am »

dammit wild you beat me to it!  Roll Eyes
wildsolus Offline
Posts: 807

« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2009, 03:00:11 pm »

figured i'd wake up from my long slumber to help.......back to afk land
Smokaz Offline
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« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2009, 03:04:26 pm »


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Draken Offline
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« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2009, 03:12:28 pm »

How to Save & Watch Replays!

How to Save your replay

1. Locate your replay file. It is always in /My Documents/My Games/Company of Heroes/playback/

2. Copy it to somewhere like your desktop, or similar easy to find location

3. Locate your last battle file (always called EuropeInRuinsBattle.sga). It is always in Company of Heroes/EuropeinRuins/Archives/

4. Copy it to somewhere like your desktop, or similar easy to find location

5. Zip/RAR them together.

6. Upload the file to a file hosting site. Filefront is good for this.

There you have it, you've saved your replay and uploaded; now just post a thread to let people know!

How to watch a replay

1. Once you've download the zipped/rar file, unpack it's content to somewhere easy to find. Desktop is good for this.

2. Place the .rec file into /My Documents/My Games/Company of Heroes/playback/

3. Place the EuropeInRuinsBattle.sga file into Company of Heroes/EuropeinRuins/Archives/

4. Now, you need to create a shortcut to be able to launcher EuropeinRuins without the launcher. I suggest sending it the desktop because it's easier.

5. The Right click and go to properties.

6. Now, in the Target line, add -mod europeinruins (used to be -modname, was changed since 2.4) to the end after the quotation marks "" It should look like the picture below.

7. Rename the shortcut to something like EIRRReplays, then launch!

Well done, you are now able to watch the many replays that will pop up!
wildsolus Offline
Posts: 807

« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2009, 03:23:27 pm »

we just got one upped ground  Lips sealed
Akranadas Offline
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« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2009, 10:05:47 pm »

It's just  a copy and paste from the thread about replays
3rdCondor Offline
Posts: 1536

« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2009, 08:02:22 pm »

thanks guys  Grin
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