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Author Topic: [ALL] Your biggest balance issue  (Read 27912 times)
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LeoPhone Offline
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« Reply #20 on: May 27, 2010, 02:57:43 pm »

comparing the hotchkiss stuka and howi is retarded sx23

I'd just want them to have some little anti infantry capability. Not to mention they only shoot 4 rockets instead of 6 on other axis arty.

not to mention they have a gun and better armour.

i like hoch stuka. it's arty scares off enemies, can take out an atg or inf if you're luckey, dont have the shit range of the mortar halftrack, and can help fighting.
EliteGren Offline
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« Reply #21 on: May 27, 2010, 03:06:19 pm »

Flammenwerfers suck.

i prefer to no u
Don't knock it til uve tried it bitchface, this isn't anything like salads version. Besides u said a semois conversion would never work, now look that's the most played map, ohgodwhy.jpg r u map lead
wildsolus Offline
Posts: 807

« Reply #22 on: May 27, 2010, 03:16:50 pm »

exactly, so the price should reflect that.

EliteGren Offline
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« Reply #23 on: May 27, 2010, 03:17:38 pm »

I wouldn't even buy them if they were 10 mp a piece.
Jinker Offline
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« Reply #24 on: May 27, 2010, 03:30:07 pm »

P iv's and stugs are not worth their price when fighting an army which is able to field AP rounds. Tank reapers (among a few other t4s) changed the game waaaay to much.
Groundfire Offline
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« Reply #25 on: May 27, 2010, 03:34:52 pm »

US half tracks (and Wehr to make things equal) should have a 15-20 munitions cost tied to the gunner. Just anything, they should not be free.

a.) They are a spamable vehicle meat shield if bought for that purpose.
b.) The gun is good enough to be paid for.
    - We use the same gun for the staghound, and everyone buys staghounds for the MG.
c.) Used offensively, they are very pop efficient.
    -used in 6 pop call ins, for hunting down infantry/soft targets is an effective tactic.
d.) Free HT mgs discourages use of Quads and M8s if your going for shear brute force.
    -quad especially. Everything that is good about a quad can be done for less muni
     with 2 HTs

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Killer344 Offline
The Inquisitor
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« Reply #26 on: May 27, 2010, 03:55:58 pm »

m10 missfiring 50% of the times (well I know that it's relic but...)

We did fix it.. partially, a full fix would screw up the animation.

If I get shot and it's a gay medic fixing me up, he's not gonna be fondling my balls while he does it. You can't patch a chest wound and suck a cock at the same time.
Tymathee Offline
Posts: 9741

« Reply #27 on: May 27, 2010, 04:15:10 pm »

Tym's Balance Issues


What groundfire said.
Raise 76mm cost to 75mu
t-17 sandbags need price increase. Make 80-100 mu.
Quad needs price fix 290 mp 65 mu 40 fu is my suggestion.
Lower price of m-18 .50 cal, 35mu just like on m8


No issues imo. they're pretty much perfect.


Stug mg42 either make like panther/p4 mg42 or raise price. You nerfed the staghound .50 cal for the same reason, its just too good, insta suppresses.

Give flammen Puma armor, it'll be more survivable and less vulnerable to manpacked weapons (zooks mainly)
Just like ami ht needs muni on ht, wehr ht needs muni, it has two guns and both suppress like stug mg42.
make kch cost more manpower and have higher pool, take away muni cost. i suggest about 400-450 mp with a 4-5 pool.
stormies need possible price increase. Cheaper than rangers and are more effective
Raise price of def t2 - volks grenades, too cheap for effectiveness.
motorcycle needs to mirror jeep 90mp and 5fu is too cheap. both get one shot by respective at guns and motorcycle gets better gun. So either make jeep 90mp/5fu or cycle 110mp/10fu


Increase pop on 50mm ht to 5 or 6.
Lower Hummel Fuel to 300 or so. Its' the 2nd most expensive artillery piece and isn't cost productive without flame t3. To counter fuel decrease with effectiveness of flame t3, give it a muni cost of maybe 50mu instead of it being an automatic upgrade.

Either give LAT muni price on focus fire, i say at least 20-30,
Make it uses instead of on cooldown
Raise pop to at least 4-5
Raise mp to 280

mg42 upgrade on scout car needs to be 60-75mu

thats all i can think of for now.

and globally, minesweeper guys need to be more effective. Maybe give them larger mine detection radius or have them able to detect cloaked units as well. Or take away mine sweeper upgrade on engineers and pios because why would i want a 2 man squad that can detect mines, not pick up any weapons or crew anything and has poor sight,  if i can just buy an engineer an that has normal sight, picks up weapons and can recrew stuff?

"I want proof!"
"I have proof!"
"Whatever, I'm still right"

Dafuq man, don't ask for proof if you'll refuse it if it's not in your favor, logic fallacy for the bloody win.
vivie5 Offline
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Posts: 45

« Reply #28 on: May 27, 2010, 11:50:15 pm »

As a British player I feel I struggle against half-track AT spam, between them and the supporting IST I find myself locked into a territory. Even loosing vet 3 infantry to anti-tank shots due to rate of fire and range.

Perhaps Staghounds could get the vet problem fixed?
panzerman Offline
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Posts: 689

« Reply #29 on: May 28, 2010, 12:49:00 am »

tiger needs better incoming penetration values...
get raped by 76 and 6pdr so fasst!

KCH are weak need some umf to make em survivable.
lionel23 Offline
Posts: 1854

« Reply #30 on: May 28, 2010, 12:54:18 am »

My balance issues as I see...

Riflemen are crap - Utterly weak armor, these guys just don't pay for themselves nor really benefit from the triage center for US Infantry.  Always better to take a vanilla ranger squad over bars anyday.  They need either better armor (MU cost that I still strongly recommend) or 'kit' options (ie. package like rangers to buy a bazooka and 2 bars, or 1 smg and 2 bars with no suppression).  I never use suppression, I rather rely on basic gun battles than "I win" buttons.  Which leads me to..
US Infantry Doctrine Specialist Equipment - The smoke nades are too expensive, too short, too small an area and utterly crap.  The single bazooka is not only overpriced but being on a weaker platform, they cannot fully utilize it.  A single HT with infantry in it can run up to a rifle squad, waste 1-2 guys, suppress the squad immediately after it fires one bazooka shot, and because its suppressed generally will not fire a 2nd round as they all die.  At least rangers can resist the suppression, get DOUBLE AT weapons, and can immediately fire-up to revert back to normal bazooka reloading times to fight that.  Option for multiple bazookas for riflemen or hell a heavy AT riflemen team (4 bazookas in the squad). Super weak vs infantry, has crap armor and HP, but would make it an attractive option over rangers if you wanted a handful of dedicated AT on the field.
.50 cal MG Upgrade is way too expensive.  Either all MG costs need to come down to 35 or less OR make the Sherman and Hellcat MGs the equivalent of the HT MG, because their basic MG just doesn't cut it and I can pretty much pay for a bazooka or sticky for the price of that useless MG gun.
Quad is not too bad, I think it's very expensive for an excellent long range suppression unit (it's not designed to kill, that's the basic HT's duty) but for 90 I could kit rangers or get an upgun and/or repair kit for tanks!  The platform is indeed fragile but hey, maybe slight, slight price decrease but not too much, it is an excellent suppression platform.
HMG Team and Mortar Team - Most useless support weapons ever, rather field mass infantry for the ability to move and dodge and be versatile, instead of watching them get insta-gibbed by Jinker's grenade grens (who, btw can run up to the MG, it fires its half burst that doesn't suppress, and the gun is pretty much immediately killed, same thing with mortars against Axis Wehr Mortars).  Their costs are either too high for the crap that they support you with, or their prices could be justified by making the weapons better and not be so ineffective.
HMG AP Rounds - Most useless upgrade ever, designed to counter light vehicles, can't really use in buildings due to 3 second window swapping rules, and using it in the open has the gun instantly flanked by ACs or infantry HTs with assault troops in it.  Needs to come down to be like 5-10 MU or have the effective range of the MG increased to really use it.

Panzer 4 Fuel Reduction - This guy should NOT be so expensive in fuel compared to a Sherman.  I can run a 4-5 sherman company WITH multiple HT support and howitzers and STILL have fuel left over, while doing something similar with Wehr pretty much means you get your tanks and THAT'S IT.  So much for combined arms.  Needs to have a 10-20 FU reduction in order to field some sort of light vehicles.
Knights Cross Holders - At 3 guys, 5 pop, 3 pool, 300+ MP and 110+ MU, these guys are way too ineffective for their costs.  A grenadier squad can totally beat these guys in terms of anti inf effectiveness (single LMG, and later the dual LMGs that can fire on move with terror), costs less pop and less pool and have an extra guy.  Options really need to be given to make them 4 man or seriously reduce the pop and pool costs.  Worried about spam?  It's still a 3 man squad that costs a lot of MP and MU to field.  It needs to have lower pop/pool costs (in order to field them in effective pairs to counter other assault infantry) or have their price reduced to make it somewhat feasible to actually use on the battlefield.  I think the pop is the most outrageous thing and I think it needs to come down to 3 pop (while the 4 man squad can retain its 6 pop being its roughly on par with rangers having 4 guys with assault weapons, while an SMG ranger squad is basically 4 SMGs with 2 buffer rifle guys).
Double Shrek Defensive Specialization - Need to have a real incentive to waste so much MU on a small, small squad that can't afford to lose guys.  If you're worried about vetting them or KCH, you have to pull them off so early due to lower squad size.  Give a major price reduction to the Dual Shrek to give me a reason to 'put all my eggs in one basket' instead of the more feasible 1 shrek per squad.  Storms have cloak to take advantage of getting away or ambush, grenadiers do not.
Stug MG42 - This guy is way, way too good.  The 'regular' MGs for Wehr should go on Stug, with the better MGs going on P4s (being the best anti-inf tank Wehr has) and the Panther (expensive unit, make the MG worth taking on it).
Motorcyle - Needs to be brought in line with jeep, for a recon unit it can decimate ATGs and infantry squads in sufficient numbers, something a jeep spam could NEVER do.
"Light AT Rifle" - Copy boy's AT for volks or something, make it cost appropriate.  Would help with heavy allied light vehicle spam, and it is something the germans did use too so it's not like the shrek was their only AT weapon.  Give germans the option to have either expensive, awesome AT weapons or spammable, cheaper AT weapons (ie like how bazookas are plentiful and RRs are not).
Axis Defensive Officer - Make the off-map optional for him, I love American officers as he's like British officers.. a small combat unit that indirectly helps combat units in standard battle.  He needs to provide like leadership like bonus to infantry, and that T3 officer buff for him needs to have a much larger radius than a measily 10m (with reduced stats compared to his supervision).

50mm HT - Needs to have a price or pop readjustment.  Seeing someone bring 4-5 on the field at once WHILE another player brings 2 ISTs pretty much neutralizes many things on the field.  And targetting priorities against the 50mm is wonky for some Allied units (ie Sherman targets the IST while the 50mm rapes the Sherman).  These things have pretty much entirely replaced Marders because they are just as strong, are super fast and do not need to set up (hell they can fire at tanks chasing them).  And being they are cheaper than a marder.. why take them over the 50mm who just rapes any tank it comes across?
MG42 Upgrade for Scout Car - Needs to be raised in price or slightly nerfed, as having 3-4 of them drive into you, lock down and instantly suppress rangers, who then fire-up only to be suppressed again is just ridiculous.  It's a scout car being used as a 'let me walk in your face and deploy MG 42 as I have enough life to shrug off many bazooka hits and rape you before I do, or my friends do' unit.
Fallschrimjagers - These guys need, and I strongly support, an armor upgrade change or price reduction.  For doctrine assault infantry, they're pretty terrible.  I can easily rape 2-4 squads of them with rangers and commandoes and pretty much many anti-inf specializes (tommy brens for example) will utterly rape them before they can close the distance.  Make the squad either tougher or cheaper to have more numbers on the field.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2010, 12:57:19 am by lionel23 » Logged

Congratulations, dear sir...I must say, never before have I seen such precise gunnery displayed. - CrazyWR (on Leaderboard Howitzers)

Grundwaffe Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 1128

« Reply #31 on: May 28, 2010, 01:18:50 am »

My balance issues as I see...

Riflemen are crap - Utterly weak armor, these guys just don't pay for themselves nor really benefit from the triage center for US Infantry.  Always better to take a vanilla ranger squad over bars anyday.  They need either better armor (MU cost that I still strongly recommend) or 'kit' options (ie. package like rangers to buy a bazooka and 2 bars, or 1 smg and 2 bars with no suppression).  I never use suppression, I rather rely on basic gun battles than "I win" buttons.  Which leads me to..
US Infantry Doctrine Specialist Equipment - The smoke nades are too expensive, too short, too small an area and utterly crap.  The single bazooka is not only overpriced but being on a weaker platform, they cannot fully utilize it.  A single HT with infantry in it can run up to a rifle squad, waste 1-2 guys, suppress the squad immediately after it fires one bazooka shot, and because its suppressed generally will not fire a 2nd round as they all die.  At least rangers can resist the suppression, get DOUBLE AT weapons, and can immediately fire-up to revert back to normal bazooka reloading times to fight that.  Option for multiple bazookas for riflemen or hell a heavy AT riflemen team (4 bazookas in the squad). Super weak vs infantry, has crap armor and HP, but would make it an attractive option over rangers if you wanted a handful of dedicated AT on the field.
.50 cal MG Upgrade is way too expensive.  Either all MG costs need to come down to 35 or less OR make the Sherman and Hellcat MGs the equivalent of the HT MG, because their basic MG just doesn't cut it and I can pretty much pay for a bazooka or sticky for the price of that useless MG gun.
Quad is not too bad, I think it's very expensive for an excellent long range suppression unit (it's not designed to kill, that's the basic HT's duty) but for 90 I could kit rangers or get an upgun and/or repair kit for tanks!  The platform is indeed fragile but hey, maybe slight, slight price decrease but not too much, it is an excellent suppression platform.
HMG Team and Mortar Team - Most useless support weapons ever, rather field mass infantry for the ability to move and dodge and be versatile, instead of watching them get insta-gibbed by Jinker's grenade grens (who, btw can run up to the MG, it fires its half burst that doesn't suppress, and the gun is pretty much immediately killed, same thing with mortars against Axis Wehr Mortars).  Their costs are either too high for the crap that they support you with, or their prices could be justified by making the weapons better and not be so ineffective.
HMG AP Rounds - Most useless upgrade ever, designed to counter light vehicles, can't really use in buildings due to 3 second window swapping rules, and using it in the open has the gun instantly flanked by ACs or infantry HTs with assault troops in it.  Needs to come down to be like 5-10 MU or have the effective range of the MG increased to really use it.

Panzer 4 Fuel Reduction - This guy should NOT be so expensive in fuel compared to a Sherman.  I can run a 4-5 sherman company WITH multiple HT support and howitzers and STILL have fuel left over, while doing something similar with Wehr pretty much means you get your tanks and THAT'S IT.  So much for combined arms.  Needs to have a 10-20 FU reduction in order to field some sort of light vehicles.
Knights Cross Holders - At 3 guys, 5 pop, 3 pool, 300+ MP and 110+ MU, these guys are way too ineffective for their costs.  A grenadier squad can totally beat these guys in terms of anti inf effectiveness (single LMG, and later the dual LMGs that can fire on move with terror), costs less pop and less pool and have an extra guy.  Options really need to be given to make them 4 man or seriously reduce the pop and pool costs.  Worried about spam?  It's still a 3 man squad that costs a lot of MP and MU to field.  It needs to have lower pop/pool costs (in order to field them in effective pairs to counter other assault infantry) or have their price reduced to make it somewhat feasible to actually use on the battlefield.  I think the pop is the most outrageous thing and I think it needs to come down to 3 pop (while the 4 man squad can retain its 6 pop being its roughly on par with rangers having 4 guys with assault weapons, while an SMG ranger squad is basically 4 SMGs with 2 buffer rifle guys).
Double Shrek Defensive Specialization - Need to have a real incentive to waste so much MU on a small, small squad that can't afford to lose guys.  If you're worried about vetting them or KCH, you have to pull them off so early due to lower squad size.  Give a major price reduction to the Dual Shrek to give me a reason to 'put all my eggs in one basket' instead of the more feasible 1 shrek per squad.  Storms have cloak to take advantage of getting away or ambush, grenadiers do not.
Stug MG42 - This guy is way, way too good.  The 'regular' MGs for Wehr should go on Stug, with the better MGs going on P4s (being the best anti-inf tank Wehr has) and the Panther (expensive unit, make the MG worth taking on it).
Motorcyle - Needs to be brought in line with jeep, for a recon unit it can decimate ATGs and infantry squads in sufficient numbers, something a jeep spam could NEVER do.
"Light AT Rifle" - Copy boy's AT for volks or something, make it cost appropriate.  Would help with heavy allied light vehicle spam, and it is something the germans did use too so it's not like the shrek was their only AT weapon.  Give germans the option to have either expensive, awesome AT weapons or spammable, cheaper AT weapons (ie like how bazookas are plentiful and RRs are not).
Axis Defensive Officer - Make the off-map optional for him, I love American officers as he's like British officers.. a small combat unit that indirectly helps combat units in standard battle.  He needs to provide like leadership like bonus to infantry, and that T3 officer buff for him needs to have a much larger radius than a measily 10m (with reduced stats compared to his supervision).

50mm HT - Needs to have a price or pop readjustment.  Seeing someone bring 4-5 on the field at once WHILE another player brings 2 ISTs pretty much neutralizes many things on the field.  And targetting priorities against the 50mm is wonky for some Allied units (ie Sherman targets the IST while the 50mm rapes the Sherman).  These things have pretty much entirely replaced Marders because they are just as strong, are super fast and do not need to set up (hell they can fire at tanks chasing them).  And being they are cheaper than a marder.. why take them over the 50mm who just rapes any tank it comes across?
MG42 Upgrade for Scout Car - Needs to be raised in price or slightly nerfed, as having 3-4 of them drive into you, lock down and instantly suppress rangers, who then fire-up only to be suppressed again is just ridiculous.  It's a scout car being used as a 'let me walk in your face and deploy MG 42 as I have enough life to shrug off many bazooka hits and rape you before I do, or my friends do' unit.
Fallschrimjagers - These guys need, and I strongly support, an armor upgrade change or price reduction.  For doctrine assault infantry, they're pretty terrible.  I can easily rape 2-4 squads of them with rangers and commandoes and pretty much many anti-inf specializes (tommy brens for example) will utterly rape them before they can close the distance.  Make the squad either tougher or cheaper to have more numbers on the field.

His so right about german side, either way i feel im getting pwned enough by the allies as it is but i guess his right about thoose facts to.

SublimeHauken - Back from the dead - Since 2007'
NightRain Offline
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« Reply #32 on: May 28, 2010, 02:58:42 am »

.50 cal MG is one of the bests out there imo.

Smokenades are fine. 10 mun 2 uses decent range and decent spread. Allows you to charge MGs with nades.

StuG MG should remain as it is. StuG is a assault gun and somewhat a Tank destroyer with no anti inf cabilities or so. The MG is the only thing that makes it what it is. + It has small ark of fire while all the other MGs have 360 degrees.

Riflemen rules in cover. Die like flies but you can have tons of them. 38 Squads anyone?

Because a forum post should be like a woman's skirt. Long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
Malevolence Offline
Posts: 1871

« Reply #33 on: May 28, 2010, 03:46:56 am »

AT Gun red health critical tables.

Akranadas' Greatest Hits, Volume 1:

Quote from: Akranadas
Vet has nothing to do with unit preformance.

Quote from: Akranadas
We are serious about enforcing this, and I am sure you all want to be able to have your balance thought considered by the development team with some biased, sensationalist coming into your thread and ruining it.
EscforrealityTLS Offline
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« Reply #34 on: May 28, 2010, 05:37:22 am »

Motorcyle - Needs to be brought in line with jeep, for a recon unit it can decimate ATGs and infantry squads in sufficient numbers, something a jeep spam could NEVER do.

Its funny how thing come full circle. Grin In the days of old EIR the EXACT opposite was true except that the Jeeps could also cap. If bikes are now considered a problem, despite having nerve been changed, I say the Devs have done a great job.

Pwanawan baby!
Mysthalin Offline
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« Reply #35 on: May 28, 2010, 05:50:11 am »

I like how people ignore the part where they're told to post 1, single, balance issue. From the very first post onwards.

Grundwaffe Offline
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« Reply #36 on: May 28, 2010, 05:58:21 am »

I like how people ignore the part where they're told to post 1, single, balance issue. From the very first post onwards.
No u
Killer344 Offline
The Inquisitor
Posts: 6904

« Reply #37 on: May 28, 2010, 06:15:53 am »

My balance issues as I see...


It's time for another developer feedback session!

Post your top, number 1, balance gripe with EIR:R. One post per player, don't turn it into a balance discussion.
Unit/Upgrade balance only, no doctrine abilities. So only pricing, pop, availability issues.

CafeMilani Offline
Posts: 2994

« Reply #38 on: May 28, 2010, 07:42:24 am »

hes cheating, why dont u delete all of his issues except one?

Killer344 Offline
The Inquisitor
Posts: 6904

« Reply #39 on: May 28, 2010, 08:11:57 am »

It's easier and more effective to ignore such posts. If they don't follow that simple rule, their post gets ignored.
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