First...a thank you is in order for finally dropping AB and ABRs to a managable supply cost...
To the Questions...
1. Does the 25% bonus for operation overlord effect grenades like raid assault used to?
2. Does interdiction stack with other AB companies interdiction?
3. Does camoflauge effect all ATGs, Mortars, MGs or just the paradropped ones?
a. Does the ability transfer to recrewed weapons?
4. Does AT eagles effect all ATGs or just paradropped?
5. Does all gillied up work like piat sapper cloak or fals' cloak
Thanks in advance
1. I'm honestly not sure, might be worth testing when I have some time.
2. Yes, so the bonus will probably have to be lowered to like 15% when implemented.
3. All, but does not transfer to captured weapons.
4. All.
5. Neither, next patch it's going to be exactly like stormtrooper cloak but you cannot move or cloak on roads.