Warmap Betatester
EIR Veteran Posts: 6190
« Reply #20 on: November 20, 2010, 06:26:57 pm » |
Yea i played every game and got into the final yet no rewards. psht
Generalleutnant of The Reichs Wolves Nevergetsputonlistguy767
Warmap Betatester
EIR Veteran Posts: 6190
« Reply #21 on: November 20, 2010, 06:32:52 pm » |
Not to mention that create a unit competition which i placed 3rd yet no rewards either. psht psht
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Posts: 2365
« Reply #22 on: November 20, 2010, 06:45:09 pm » |
Id bring bells and whistles and of course play as well!
The Brain and Muscle
Posts: 2778
« Reply #23 on: November 20, 2010, 06:50:52 pm » |
If I'm (finally) done with the doctrines I would even play.
prove it and you'll win
I win.
k u win.
« Reply #24 on: November 20, 2010, 08:07:27 pm » |
I guess i would be in too, but I was just curious as too why we WOULDN'T spread the tournament over a couple of days instead jsut one day?
I'm really bad - Smokaz
« Reply #25 on: November 20, 2010, 10:03:54 pm » |
I'd rather have another War personally.
i prefer to no u
Don't knock it til uve tried it bitchface, this isn't anything like salads version. Besides u said a semois conversion would never work, now look that's the most played map, ohgodwhy.jpg r u map lead
« Reply #26 on: November 21, 2010, 03:06:55 am » |
I'm in. Before that I'll be busy throwing ants in to the fishtank. And the fish in the fishtank will instant-pwn those ants. It was hilarious.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha hahahahah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha hahahahah
Does he have a problem? Anyway he's hilarious.
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Posts: 18379
« Reply #27 on: November 21, 2010, 07:59:01 am » |
Removed off topic banter
griefer & spammer
EIR Veteran Posts: 1566
« Reply #28 on: November 21, 2010, 09:22:35 am » |
I'd rather have another War personally.
Yeah tournaments fail. The war was fun even if it ended abruptly
No longer retired
Posts: 18379
« Reply #29 on: November 21, 2010, 09:24:31 am » |
Well, there'll be a war with the warmap.
« Reply #30 on: November 21, 2010, 10:33:22 am » |
Well, there'll be a war with the warmap.
Not that kind of war, that's boring since you can play any faction at any time and don't have to sign up anywhere, no special forums etc.
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Posts: 18379
« Reply #31 on: November 21, 2010, 11:03:02 am » |
AFAIK The way it will be set up in is that there will be a "primary" faction you play with for the way, meaning that this is the account that will rise in warranking and slowly gain more control over the warmap. So yes, you're not restricted from playing other factions but you will be encouraged to just play one. (With the possibility to 'defect' and 'spy' for your opponents)
Special forums are something we can easily add to go with that as well, and I'm sure there's all kinds of other immersion features to be had in the long run.
The goal is truly to have an official war-like campaign in the long run, but it's going to be pretty basic at first.
Honoured Member
Posts: 3130
The very best player of one of the four factions.
« Reply #32 on: November 21, 2010, 11:12:07 am » |
IMO its way better to make people motivated to have an axis AND an allies account, so they can switch all the time, so we all get games faster.
bad luck skaffa> creates best and most played eir maps > hated for creating best and most played eir maps
47k new all time record?
Don't knock it til uve tried it bitchface, this isn't anything like salads version. Besides u said a semois conversion would never work, now look that's the most played map, ohgodwhy.jpg r u map lead
griefer & spammer
EIR Veteran Posts: 1566
« Reply #33 on: November 21, 2010, 11:44:22 am » |
Just let people only have one campaign account which gives them access to private forums and if they want to play the other side, they can but it won't count for anything.
« Reply #34 on: November 21, 2010, 12:17:23 pm » |
Shockcoils Idea actually has merit and should really be considered if it hasnt already. Anyways back to the Tournament, I dont think its possible for the whole thing to take place over a 1 day period, why not make each round of the tourney take place every weekend or something like that?? That way people can plan ahead and discuss what they will do with their team and such.