Hey Guys,
Groundfire here to give you another Warmap Update and Beta Test phase information.
We are getting really really close to releasing the Warmap for it's beta test phase.
Inside this news release, I will be releasing a small list of community Beta testers that are 100% in, and to announce more information about the Warmap Beta Competitions and how you can secure a spot to test the EIRR Warmap!
Also, to keep the anticipation high and strong, I got some new screenshots to release to you all!
Here's an updated Warmap page with Order buttons and improved graphics. (Still place holders and WIP)
Also, that wtfcat button is EIRRMOD's debug button which will be removed for the final version, but it's lulz so i put up the screeny anyways.
Here's a screenshot of the Sector Unit page that shows all the companies deployed to a sector, what they are good at, their strength and other things that im not obligated to release at the moment.
(still WIP with placeholder graphics)
Also as promised, here is a list of community beta testers that are 100% in to the Beta because they are either very important or participated in the "Donation Race" competition. This list is very incomplete and will be updated upon as the competitions draw to a close.
Community Beta Testers:
Scotzman (cause he's making compeition models)
Again, this list is very incomplete so dont go PMing me about it yet.
All Competitions shall be extended to Dec. 25th
Here's a list of competitions incase you dont know where to find them. Go participate so I can fill out the Beta Tester lists!