what did Jesus do? he killed millions of people??? you're thinking of god... Jesus is weak... he was just a human... God is not
and god isn't human... so its unlikely to say hes cruel.. He didnt kill his own race.. like hitler.. Hitler killed his own kind.
and god gave them the swifest death.. buuuut hitler tortured jews, gas, expirements etc... and also I want to give my reason for believing in a god..
their are certain things we as humans cannot ascertain and for that we must look to a greater justice if all reasoning was put behind a wall we would seem foolish. We cannot deny, their is something greater then us, It's also human instinct to believe the world revolve around us so to all those who are atheist you're proof that mother nature exist (being Instinctively you look to uphold your ego)
anyhow, It would be very bleak to hope we are the only existence in this universe- their are tons of unknown, but not enough knowns to say god doesn't exist.