50 munis worth on an ability that can POTENTIALLY kill a whole squad, maybe 2 if the enemy blobs hard enough.
Its pretty easy to use, click point click done.
Should like to point out it doesn't break pin, only suppression and you can still be suppressed again after activation
. Can be quiete powerfull against people who fail to micro. And i really doesnt take alot to micro out of that.
It can be interupted by anything. Blocking the squad with a tank and moving the squad away. Moving the squad away into heavier fire. You loose control of the squad when the abilitys active. Asking the squad to do anything else will cancel the ability. If the enemy enters a building or transport, ability is wasted
So 50 munis for an ability that can be out microed, and is a win/loose 1 use ability. Its perfectly fine tbh. Considering it's easy to stop and easily interupted.