Spying abilities
Intel is a mechanic on the warmap which keeps a company in the dark until a sector is scouted. A scouted sector will have an intel level of 1, and can continue to be boosted to a level of 5, as some units will not be visible/described until a certain intel level is reached.
Higher intel will also show orders on opposing units at the higher intel levels.
Spying, is your option for 'scouting' for the opposing faction. There will be other options added, but this is it to start with
Warmap XP
XP granted to your commander - a rank used for the warmap, a type of hierachy that enables you to override lower ranked players orders without paying more action points to do so.
This rank will also dictate what warcards you can play (as some will have a rank limit) and what commander trait cards you can use / slots available.
Warmap Cards
Warmap cards cover a large base of different abilities.
Warmap commander trait - these cards will be used in place of the advantages screen, in a similar way - but allowing a mix and match of multiple types (ie 3 resources, or say 2 resource types + pool bonuses)
Warmap units - units that are currently in the 'rewards' section, will be granted through these.
Warmap actions - one-off usages like an artillary barage on an area (warmap territories) or other special actions that you can use.
Warmap company bonuses - one-off usage cards that might do something like grant a free recon run that game, or extend the number of offmaps for a game etc.
Note that this means that 'Reward Points' will be removed with the introduction of the warmap and be entirely replaced by this 'card' system, which will reward warmap performance. Faction Rank
The current PP level of the faction - this increases per warmap turn (3-12 hours depending on when in the week the turn is taking place, 8/12 for normal week days, shortening to 3 or 4 for weekends)
This is the maximum PP amount that your company can reach, and will do so at ~10% per game played.
Swap (contextually, ofc)
Punish (same)
Swapping companies will incur no penalties, and you will gain warmap xp, cards etc as per normal regardless of what company you play.
Swapping by using an action (like resupply a warmap unit, or ordering an artillery strike via a warmap card) - on your NON-main side (not faction) will create a warning, and then a penalty to all opposing warxp ranks. This is one off, and your main side will then change.
Again, this isnt a penalty as such - it is a deterrant for people constantly swapping (changing) their 'Main' side. In otherwords "I dont like playing Axis... their losing the war! Ima gonna swap trollolololo".