All the files I could find relating to Schmidt's mod zipped together. Features:
Pre-coded M5 Stuart 'Rhino'; needs a change from P4 Armor to Stuart armor, and the addition of its vet (as a CW copypaste, no vet values). Unit is still using the default vCoH model and skin; needs the skin mentioned in the PDF and the acceptance of your offer, scotz, for adding the fins etc to create a new model for the Rhino. Talk w. Schmidt to confirm this.
Pre-coded Oberfeldwebel; HP needs revision to the correct values, they dont match the pdf. Most abilities including the 'area heal' ability from the ToV campeign dont work, and the aura doesnt show any effect on nearby units. Needs general tweaking; again, talk with schmidt. On another note, the Oberfeldwebel's modified G43 doesnt appear at all, so he's shooting air atm. Needs a weapon model and sounds+effects tied to the new stats.
Pre-coded 1st Battalion Assault Sappers; just need tweaking to incorperate the current state and cost of their upgrade.
Additional shit schmidt added to grief me during testing:
IST Ultra: Moving lockdown IST that fires at the same rate as the MG42.
"Crocodile Deployment System": 25pdrs fire Crocodile tanks as their shells, allowing for instant spammage of the fucking things. Cooldown was knocked down as well I think.
No other units/skins have been implimented as of thus far.
Here's the FILE: