I am really tempted by this, despite the name (lol spaz)
I reckon SPAZ is an awesome name.
AmPM might know this (as I believe I tested something with him in 2009/10) - I was developing a similar, 2D space battle game - Turnbased for orders, but multiplayer and an MMORPG to boot.
Combat was turn based, and players could enter the battle from the main 'star' map area if they saw it.
Was quite cool - because the orders lasted for 12 seconds, but in between you got to 'min/max' your shields or engineering or prioritise targets / juryrigging etc etc.
I made it so that I could have an unlimited number of ship designs, player built, with a system for crew members with health and bonuses to how your ship areas performed.
I also AVOIDED a hitpoint system. It was all about penetration values and critical hits to components.
For example, you get hit by that battleships main Lazer (or whatever) while in your Cruiser / DD - expect to get a rodgered ship!
When I saw the game come out, the graphics were great - then I remembered 'Hey... this is just my game without turn based combat + particle effects (which I can do easily)'
But then EIRR came along