im just surprised people are getting enough games to still find stuff to complain about atm
there are far far less offmaps than there were in the EIR days.
i dont know if we need less, but they need to be more balanced. look at RE, they have a T2 smoke screen off map or armor WP strike... while terror or commandos have V1 and RCA has earth shaker.
i think it could be balanced by free/max uses.
something like earth shaker and v1 should be 1/2. one free with 2 total.
a smoke screen? that should be 3/6. three free with six max.
WP rounds? 2/4. two free four max.
something along those lines, i just pulled those numbers out of my ass but it's the idea that counts. and of course all that can be further balanced via SP cost for additional ones.
though I think in reality off map usage should be tied to actual resources rather than just SPs. You should get your standard free use, then additional uses should cost MP/MU/FU. Then they could be balanced WAY better.
say typhoon run vs SE stuka strike.
typhoon would be 100MP 50MU
but stuka would be 100MP 50MU and 10FU
the FU cost would be associated to the fact that they leave burn trails.
once again numbers were just pulled from my ass. but then you know that if someone is getting a second v1, that they had to sacrifice a unit and/or upgrades.