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Would this be possible?
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Topic: Would this be possible? (Read 13175 times)
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EIR Veteran
Posts: 131
Re: Would this be possible?
Reply #20 on:
November 28, 2011, 12:16:44 pm »
Quote from: Smokaz on November 28, 2011, 12:09:02 pm
Helps noobs a lot and they need all the help they can get. You say it doesnt help noobs, but it gives easy access to information which took the older player effort to find and learn, and to keep updated on.
Guess I didnt give a good example did I
imagine if you were there in CoH online when they allowed people to see the mobile mg teams firing arc when they are deployed,
Usually veterans could only be skeptical of the ark only knowing where the mg is facing and what side it is covering, but when it was added sometimes you didnt need to use a bait squad to get the mg, you would automatically know its weak points and you would exploit the blind gaps of the mg right next to its arc of fire.
You might think it is simple to process information such as the arc of a mg, the range of a panther, the reload time of a panzer 4 in a game but it simply is not, you are to busy microing your units, thinking of counter attacks, setting up defenses that you dont even care about such tiny things until you are in an engagement where you only have to focus on one thing. No matter how good you are you simply CANT process all the stats that all the units in this game have. So if you put this in I can see it helping the long time players more then the noobs (as noobs usually dont have that great of a micro if your calling them 'noobs' in the first place).
P.S. - English classes fixated the fact in me that I have to elaborate my posts, so it might look long but its worth the time to read.
Last Edit: November 28, 2011, 12:18:49 pm by SpaceHamster
Quote from: Sachaztan on November 08, 2011, 01:03:50 pm
The warmap is like Dukenukem Forever.
No one thinks it will ever be released, then several years after everyone has given up the little hope they have it gets released from out of nowhere. And then it turns out it sucks.
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Re: Would this be possible?
Reply #21 on:
November 28, 2011, 12:18:26 pm »
I assumed that the unit ranges for your OWN units would be visible, like it is now for at gun and mg. I dont think it would be a good idea to see the enemy's, never intended to say that,.
SlippedHerTheBigOne: big penis puma
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EIR Veteran
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Re: Would this be possible?
Reply #22 on:
November 28, 2011, 12:20:19 pm »
Quote from: Smokaz on November 28, 2011, 12:18:26 pm
I assumed that the unit ranges for your OWN units would be visible, like it is now for at gun and mg. I dont think it would be a good idea to see the enemy's, never intended to say that,.
Own units are fine,
Problem I have is if it is universal information where you can see your enemies howitzer range and put your flak just in the safe zone outside of that range so it cant be shot at. If it shows you your own personal information like it already does (howitzer range when being built, mg emplacement arc of fire) then I am fine, but if it shows the enemies I am clearly not fine with that.
Also there should be an option to disable it as I sometimes dont like things like that showing up on my screen sometimes (no matter how helpful they are).
Community Mapper
Posts: 7978
Re: Would this be possible?
Reply #23 on:
November 28, 2011, 12:21:19 pm »
To give noobs more of a chance, why not just end the playes participation at company creation.
Battles can be fought out by two equal AI's that control your company for you.
That way it's super fair, and nobody can gain an advantage through skill or effort.
EIR Veteran
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Re: Would this be possible?
Reply #24 on:
November 28, 2011, 12:24:58 pm »
Quote from: AmPM on November 28, 2011, 12:21:19 pm
To give noobs more of a chance, why not just end the playes participation at company creation.
Battles can be fought out by two equal AI's that control your company for you.
That way it's super fair, and nobody can gain an advantage through skill or effort.
I find the fact that the AI is very poor when using the british, americans, or panzer elite as it was usually designed to be based upon the wehrmacht for the initial campaign and vanilla game.
Like american rifles will automatically pop suppression fire on a panzer 4 when they see it.
Sometimes the AI is even piss poor when using wehrmacht as it would pop assault grenades on a tank.
The AI needs some MAJOR rework if this is to work properly.
Sugar Daddy
Posts: 8890
Re: Would this be possible?
Reply #25 on:
November 28, 2011, 12:28:35 pm »
.....somebody missed the sarcasm.......
Geez, while Wind was banned I forgot that he is, in fact, totally insufferable
Quote from: Hicks58 on June 05, 2013, 02:14:06 pm
I'm not going to lie Tig, 9/10 times you open your mouth, I'm overwhelmed with the urge to put my foot in it.
Community Mapper
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Re: Would this be possible?
Reply #26 on:
November 28, 2011, 12:30:38 pm »
What sarcasm?
EIR Veteran
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Re: Would this be possible?
Reply #27 on:
November 28, 2011, 12:31:20 pm »
Quote from: tank130 on November 28, 2011, 12:28:35 pm
.....somebody missed the sarcasm.......
Sarcasm is hard enough to see on the internetz,
To bad no one noticed my little sarcasm implying that my whole post about Ai vs Ai was genuinely for the lulz.
Posts: 9741
Re: Would this be possible?
Reply #28 on:
November 28, 2011, 12:33:34 pm »
anything that makes eirr more noob friendly I agree with.
also, i was one of those who went straight from coh to eir, i didnn't buy the game to play the mod but i did buy OF to play the mod and i've played less than 10 total online games, only 2 of them ranked, unless u count coho.
Quote from: nikomas on October 04, 2012, 09:26:33 pm
"I want proof!"
"I have proof!"
"Whatever, I'm still right"
Dafuq man, don't ask for proof if you'll refuse it if it's not in your favor, logic fallacy for the bloody win.
Community Mapper
Posts: 7978
Re: Would this be possible?
Reply #29 on:
November 28, 2011, 12:36:17 pm »
Quote from: Tymathee on November 28, 2011, 12:33:34 pm
anything that makes eirr more noob friendly I agree with.
also, i was one of those who went straight from coh to eir, i didnn't buy the game to play the mod but i did buy OF to play the mod and i've played less than 10 total online games, only 2 of them ranked, unless u count coho.
Then remove all elements of planning and skill from the game. Since it cannot be expected that a player learn anything, you should make it as simple as possible.
Mirror balance everything, remove upgrades, have preset company templates. Done.
Honoured Member
Posts: 11420
Re: Would this be possible?
Reply #30 on:
November 28, 2011, 12:38:28 pm »
I play a guy in a 1v1 "the apex hello" to settle him into the mod. Armageddon666.
I kill 30 inf with a unbuffed flammenwerfer, I kill 30 inf with a unbuffed kch squad.
I mop up like 3-4 shermans and m10s with a single pak.
Noobs need all the help they can get in this mod, and if we're going to have the new players evolve into normal players
they need all the help they can get.
It's my opinion that players will rarely become skilled at all or competent at playing EIRR
the way EIRR suggests to be played
if they don't play vcoh and learn the cover system and the basic counters and how recrewing blah blah etc works.
Learning EIRR from the ground up is like learning to swim in a pool of sharks with Jaws as your swim teacher.
Last Edit: November 28, 2011, 12:40:15 pm by Smokaz
EIR Veteran
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Re: Would this be possible?
Reply #31 on:
November 28, 2011, 12:40:17 pm »
before you start the game,there should be a question: 'Are you a noob? ' ,if you say yes,EiRR unistalls itself from pc :p
well,noobs should watch replays of both vCOH and Eirr matches to make em better. See how player counters something etc.
Community Mapper
Posts: 7978
Re: Would this be possible?
Reply #32 on:
November 28, 2011, 12:43:50 pm »
Noobs should play the basic CoH tutorial missions, if they do not have a grasp of the game that is their own fault.
Micro takes time, knowing that your riflemanz can't hurt a tank with small arms is a given.
Maybe we should include a couple of co-op missions for EIRR, they don't give any unit XP but completion of them will get you to level 2 with a couple games worth of PP's. You could even have them be able to test out reward units and units up their unlock tree during this too get a feel for things.
Posts: 4376
Re: Would this be possible?
Reply #33 on:
November 28, 2011, 02:19:11 pm »
the idea just doesnt feel right to me tbh.
how long did i have to play before i learned these things? also, it's something that if you wanted to learn about it, you could learn in one game, or you can get on here and ask people what the range/reload is.
for me, i count reload time in my head. it's not difficult.
range takes a little bit of time, but for reference i look at the range on my atg, and i know my tank is a little less than that.
i simply hate it when they dumb down games too much.
either way, i dont think either things would be hard to code, there could be a little icon for the gun on the right that did the little blue overlap that shows the cool down.
range could be a dotted line with a target thing on your tank.
Quote from: Killer344
Killer344: "Repent: sory no joke i just had savage diorea"
Quote from: Malgoroth on October 10, 2011, 05:03:49 pm
... or a fat ass cock sucking churchill being stupid
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Re: Would this be possible?
Reply #34 on:
November 28, 2011, 02:34:53 pm »
I don't agree with the idea. You should learn through experience, not through a yellow dotted line telling you how far your tank can shoot (thats part of the reason I hated Order of War so much...though the game was crap to begin with). If newer players want to learn this sort of thing, they should look at tutorial videos and join up with a mentor, or hop into a sort of 'noob match' 3v3 with one seasoned-ish player and two nubs per team, if only to practice nub v nub while the older players duke it out and comment on how the newer players are or arent doing.
Unfortunately, -1 to the idea :S.
Quote from: tank130
I want to ensure we have a 100% decision on the process before we do the wipe.
If not, then I wipe, then someone gets something they shouldn't, then it gets abused, then the shit hits the fan and then I ban shab.
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Re: Would this be possible?
Reply #35 on:
November 28, 2011, 02:51:12 pm »
I don't mind this idea as it doesn't really give the older players any information they didn't already know (some of us may not know the exact reload time of a tank but we could already guess pretty accurately due to experience). It WOULD help new players. Smokaz has a point... after playing with noobs it's clear most of them truly do need the help. It'd rather throw them a bone like this than see them play for a couple weeks and quit because they get the shit beat out of them. And to be clear... I don't think it's the 'losing' so much as the 'being utterly stomped the hell and back while being spit on the entire time' which drives them away.
As for whether or not it's possible to implement this... they had it in the Tiger Ace campaign. So I don't see why it couldn't be brought here.
EIR Veteran
Posts: 2484
Re: Would this be possible?
Reply #36 on:
November 28, 2011, 02:54:29 pm »
Don't need fancy coding and shmoding, just need mentors. Good, old fashioned teaching.
Let's talk about PIATs in a car.
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Re: Would this be possible?
Reply #37 on:
November 28, 2011, 02:56:25 pm »
Quote from: Malgoroth on November 28, 2011, 02:51:12 pm
I don't mind this idea as it doesn't really give the older players any information they didn't already know (some of us may not know the exact reload time of a tank but we could already guess pretty accurately due to experience). It WOULD help new players. Smokaz has a point... after playing with noobs it's clear most of them truly do need the help. It'd rather throw them a bone like this than see them play for a couple weeks and quit because they get the shit beat out of them. And to be clear... I don't think it's the 'losing' so much as the 'being utterly stomped the hell and back while being spit on the entire time' which drives them away.
As for whether or not it's possible to implement this... they had it in the Tiger Ace campaign. So I don't see why it couldn't be brought here.
And what jack said - mentoring.
Being honest, this community currently is kind of an elite group - even the poorer players here could probably whoop most vCOH players. And thats a hard thing to come up against.
I will try to find a mechanic for mentoring a player through their first game (giving a reward unit per time or something) - thatd be cool.
Quote from: brn4meplz
Shit I'm pretty sure you could offer the guy a cup of coffee and he'd try to kill you with the mug if you forgot sugar.
Quote from: tank130
That's like offering Beer to fuck the fat chick. It will work for a while, but it's not gonna last. Not only that, but there is zero motivation for the Fat chick to loose weight.
Quote from: tank130
Why don't you collect up your love beads and potpourri and find something constructive to do.
Warmap Betatester
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Re: Would this be possible?
Reply #38 on:
November 28, 2011, 03:06:30 pm »
expecting noobs to check a tutorial vid or find out how to get a mentor (hard as it is when you just newly came into this mod, and probably just downloaded i weird thing that called ventrilo) is stupid. Majority of the new people dont have the time to go look at those kind of things, they want to play and play right away, not just waste time watching some vid that they wont remember when they actually get into the game.
any mechanic that helps them while in game gets my vote.
I guess also having smurfs about, no one really knows who is new so you cant mentor anyone. ive tried to mentor new names i see, only to be laughed at by the smurf behind the name -.-
Generalleutnant of The Reichs Wolves
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Re: Would this be possible?
Reply #39 on:
November 28, 2011, 03:23:33 pm »
Quote from: Demon767 on November 28, 2011, 03:06:30 pm
expecting noobs to check a tutorial vid or find out how to get a mentor (hard as it is when you just newly came into this mod, and probably just downloaded i weird thing that called ventrilo) is stupid.
Hasn't helped that the tutorials have been link broken for who knows how long
Quote from: Sachaztan on March 24, 2013, 03:49:43 pm
Yes that's me, the special snowflake.
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