« on: April 21, 2012, 01:17:52 am » |
To start up first you have to realize what you are going up against. Defence always appears easier than assault but lets think of the course of action before we run head on to something that can be considered a doom fort. Before us we have fog of war but we have a small idea what we are up against.
The key elements of offence.
Intel Indirect Support
Axis Defence Key elements are always relied by 2 units. MG42 and PAK. Its normal support addition is often Indirect fire 81mm Mortar and in more addition there would be either a heavy or medium tank and few squads of infantry which might vary from volksgrenadiers to Knight Cross Holders.
If you look at the situation closer it might look impossible to assault it but this is wrong. What we have before us is a standard Axis defence. MG, PAK, Mortar and small support. The key to defeat this build up is to regroup, intel and then figure out what to do from that on. If you are going in with infantry the element of suppression must be neutralized first. To do this you will need: Smoke, handgrenades. Optional: Flamethrowers.
Smoke neutralizes accuracy and suppression of most targets and gives you access to get close without getting suppressed. Do not worry about casualities, they will occur. To take over 1 squad you need at least 2 squads of infantry. The best way to engage a defencive position is flanking but sometimes its not optional and therefore you have to grind your nuts against the wall which is where smoke comes to play. There are few means to get smoke: Newbie advantage, mortar, officer, and smoke grenades. When going in with infantry the key elements are MG and mortar. Do not care about the infantry squads unless it prevents your access to reach the mortar. If it does grenade the squad. In the offence you are the one who makes the rules of engagement. If you and your team mate both attack at the same time the chances are you'll push and force teh enemy to pull backward. Tanks will always reverse at the sight of riflemen due to fear of sticky bombs. Once the MGs are down it is time to push up forward to force the vehicle back. By now the smoke is disappearing and mortar should have gone away or died in the engagement. If you haven't already moved up your ATG do it now. It is your key to force enemy back.
Should you have defeated enemy defence line Incoming Armored response is imminent. This is common Axis thinking. You got pushed away with infantry so I bring in tank. By then your anti tank gun should be in position to keep that armored response away. If the axis player thought slightly bit smarter than common axis there'll be more infantry coming but now you should have the defencive position and have managed to force axis back.
Armored push.
If you deem axis front too strong Anti infantry wise your best bet is to try armored rush. Similar rules of engagement apply but now with more mobile ways. The best breakthrough tank you get is the Pershing, second best ones are horde of light vehicles or a Sherman. 2 Shermans will do a nasty job over axis defencive line. Key target: Pak. In a 2vs2 you have to think that there's 2 paks on the field. In a 3v3 there be 3 paks and so on. The paks are either next to the MGs or slightly behind them but never in front of them because its a death sentence you will get to know it with 1 thing. Intel which is important when attacking. The more you know, the harder you hit. Jeeps and airplanes does it for you. Light vehicles are quick flankers so they can easily engage the pak and ignore the armored unit or whatever other anti tank there is available. Your target is the paks. Once paks are down or distracted the frontal pushes. Once enemy anti tank elements have been neutralized you know what to do from this on mob the floor but remember this:
Warning. IMMINENT PANTHER INCOMING. Common axis thing. Can't beat it with paks, send a panther at it. If the player is a moron he sends a Tiger.
This offers slight bit of knowledge but here are keys to prevent doom forts.
In early game neutralize all their indirect fire. You can sacrifice a light vehicle or something just to kill that mortar of theirs. This prevents Axis from starting to camp because they lost their ability to harsh you indirectly.
Few keys to haras the axis.
- Sniper. This thing, is, the, most, annoying, unit, ever when playing with Axis. The squad sizes are small and each shot is 25% off from the annoyance. Taking out MGs, paks and so on with ease. This is the reason every axis player is presumed to have 3 bike calling. The moment Sniper racked up at least 9 kills this calling will CHARGE to the field. Good player waits for opportunity, noobs send it right away. To counter these. Building, BARs, Quad, Anti tank gun ANYTHING with a HIGH DPS. BARs and quad are the best. The best cover for your sniper is a M3 halftrack. Watch out for enemy counter snipers though, these are quite common too.
- US 60mm Mortar. Yes, this thing is annoyance. while it doesn't seem like it, it is. It will harm paks and mg positions and tease you throughout the game. If you've neutralized enemy mortar in the beginning it gives this thing free reign. Axis have no ways of taking it out directly without their own mortar without pushing onto it. Keep pot shooting, retreat elsewhere, repeat, move, repeat, move, repeat this will piss off axis player especially if there is more than 1 on the field slowly pushing them back.
- 105mm. Annoying, but 40% of the game it might do nothing.
Flak 36. The most annoying unit that you come up with As Allies. This immobile 100 range Mix of Indirect and Direct fire. It will lock down a entire sector and with proper support becomes nearly uncapturable but this vile beast has a simple counter. Move around it. What? It is too difficult to you? You really, really want to steal it? Suck it up, you wont steal it. You can't steal it. You will fail while trying to so don't think of it. Think it as a Immobile tank. As long as it can't see or you aren't in range it can't do shit. Push up other flank. If someone builds 88 they will sit around it like the 88 was some form of pile of food attracting flies like Mgs, mortars and infantry around it.
Leave it sitting where it was built and focus on other side. Leave few units to cover axis counter offence on the other side. You keep flanking and teasing the other side leaving the 88 as a sector locker which it is. Double or trible team the two axis who arent sitting on the 88. They will however retreat closer to it but it is alright. Let them bundle up there and keep capturing sectors elsewhere. If the 88 isn't providing anything to the team it is dead weight but be aware that its arty range is 120. It will try to arty you and it is rather accurate at it so keep moving. If you have artillery, don't waste your shells on it. It wont do anything. It is 88s duty to attract all artillery. Its a sturdy platform and laughs at your 105 shells. Ow did you decrew it? GOOD FOR YOU they just recrewed it with pios or a volksquad. So many allied newbs attack the 88 giving easy kills for axis. You know what? Follow, this, idea, flank it. Ignore it. Leave it be don't attack it you are just giving it reason to be there.
2x 88s. The bundle of joy when this happens but you know? It is time to take on the action then. You were failure at pushing so now you pay the debt. There be 2 of these. Don't feel bad, now it is slightly easier to take it. Smoke and grenades. There will be mg or two but thinking Japanese kamikazes gets you somewhere. Grenade and decrew it. No, dont capture it unless it is in a good position. Burn it, blow it up. Smoke renders suppression and 88 accuracy from good to terrible. Additionally you can charge a crocodile up to it and torch it. No you can't circle strafe a 88.
3x 88s. GG you already failed because they managed to get 3 up but if you got some spirit left try tip above.
4x 88s. You are a embarressment with your team mate.
5x 88s. You gotta be kidding me where are your forces? Camping at your spawn?
Key element of 88. MG, bike, infantry. If bike is down 88 sight range is low and therefore becomes useless as a long range unit. No eyes, no ability to shoot. Kill those bikes and spotters and you're good. No, dont start spamming 105s. You are just doing a favor to them.
No, dont blob charge 88. Thats what Axis wants you to do. That's what he truely wants you to do is to charge it. Unless you are Airborne and love satchel charges dont do this. Satchels are the key to take out anything relatively static. 2 Satchels on 88 insta decrew and prolly blows it up too. 1 Satchel to MG and its gone. Your airborne might die but they will hold enemy off for 1 minute at best so get your ally to drag his sorry ass from the other side of the map. It is called coordination not "I got this side, and you got that side k?"
If you like Armor, recon, kill paks watch out panther response
If you like Infantry, Recon, kill MGs and mortar, watch out for panther response
If you hate 88s, recon, see where it is, ignore it, flank, watch out for panther response