And for the record? What the fuck are you even doing here if you dont want to put effort into your gaming?
For the most part, the competitive nature of this mod requires a way above average effort compared to other games when playing against decent players.
I actually agree with vermillion to a point, back when I played EVE, it was a big search and search and search when trying to find targets for our piracy operation. We were spending hours looking for juicy targets and it spears that 10~15 people wern't capable enough to find much of them. Maybe we were hitting the wrong area though.
But it definitly did seem that we worked quite a bit playing scout all the time, with little reward.
Maybe thats because piracy is a dull job in it anyway

But now days I can log into STO and play a quick group combat mission, set up some duty assignments, and be happy with the rewards I got for 40 minutes of playing.
Hell I can log into STO for 10 min every day setting up duty assignments, and I can still get a level up.