Your map must be in SGA format and contain the following files to have it added to our map base. Maps with out all of these options will
NOT be added.
Part 1:
- Create a new temporary folder, wherever you want, we suggest your desktop for easy access. We'll call ours "tempmap" (name is not important). This folder is just to temporarily hold the map files and it can be deleted afterwards.
- Create the following file structure inside the tempmap folder
-> Scenerios
-> MP
Part 2:
NEVER move your map files - always copy them or they may get corrupted.
- Locate your map files. They will be at MyGames\Companyofheroes\ww2\Data\Scenarios\MP
- Copy your files and paste them into the 'tempmap' folder in the 'MP' folder. Your 'tempmap' folder should look like this with these files:
-> Scenerios
-> MP
-> 'yourmap'.info
-> 'yourmap'.sgb
-> 'yourmap'.mm.tga
-> 'yourmap'.tml.tga
-> 'yourmap'.scar
-> 'yourmap'.options
Tutorial Here -> 'yourmap'.tga
-> 'yourmap'_map_base.tga
Tutorial Here -> 'yourmap'_map_slots.tga
Tutorial Here**Note:
The 'yourmap'.tga file is your loading screen shot. Take a screen shot of your map, edit it as you want and save as a tga. The image must be 2134 x 1200 for it to scale appropriately on screen.
Part 3:
- Open Corsix
- Select Option: Load Single SGA Archive
Locate: THQ\CompanyofHeroes\WW2\Archives
- Select WW2Data.sga
- At the top of the screen, select 'Tools' and double click the 'SGA Packer' icon.
Input Directory: Browse and select your 'tempmap' folder
SGA to Create: MyGames\Companyofheroes\ww2\Data\Scenarios\MP (or where ever it is easy for you to find)
TOC name: Data
Send us the newly created SGA for addition to the Eir map list.