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Author Topic: Gay Marriage  (Read 190731 times)
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TheWindCriesMary Offline
The Ethics Police
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« Reply #40 on: April 17, 2013, 02:20:46 pm »

If you're against gay marriage, you're an idiot.

Good luck being one of those ridiculus clowns people make fun of 30 years from now when gay marriage is as obvious a basic civil right as black people or women being able to vote. In a few decades, the beliefs you have right now about how homosexuality is wrong and gay marriage should be illegal will be the exact beliefs people will have a hard time believing anyone with a functioning brain ever seriously held.

The human condition and common sense is going to leave that kind of outdated, inane nonsense firmly in the past where slavery and segregation and religious superstitions now currently reside.

Don't keep that kind of company.

Vermillion Hawk: Do you ever make a post that doesnt make you come across as an extreme douchebag?

Just sayin'
TheWindCriesMary Offline
The Ethics Police
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« Reply #41 on: April 17, 2013, 02:21:45 pm »

Nope... It depends on your point of view. I personally don't give a damn about gay marriage. But I can understand Pony's concerns aswell.

His concerns are completely illogical and completely unsupported by even a single piece of substantive empirical evidence, research or data.

It's like saying "i can understand his concerns that fire breathing dragons live in far away lands"
rolcsika0128 Offline
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« Reply #42 on: April 17, 2013, 02:25:54 pm »

His concerns are completely illogical and completely unsupported by even a single piece of substantive empirical evidence, research or data.

It's like saying "i can understand his concerns that fire breathing dragons live in far away lands"

Once again: it's a question of political belief: conservatives have always been against radical change. But you can't judge them for it. I mean seriously, he believes that gay marriage is wrong, it's his OPINION, you can't say he is stupid for having a different opinion....
nikomas Offline
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« Reply #43 on: April 17, 2013, 02:31:34 pm »

Once again: it's a question of political belief: conservatives have always been against radical change. But you can't judge them for it. I mean seriously, he believes that gay marriage is wrong, it's his OPINION, you can't say he is stupid for having a different opinion....
Not fault them for that? Yeah... Honestly, why should we fault anyone for the ideals and opinions they hold, it's not like it ever caused trouble for everyone else when a bunch of extremists decide to act on their opinions!

Even then, free speech aside one should ALWAYS call people out on blatant misinformation and poorly researched "Truth" that pony is spreading here, just like people need to call out certain news networks when they do the same. See, it's never a problem if a certain set of individuals hold a belief as long as they do it within reasonable law, but if they use blatant lies and scaremongering to convince people then that is a problem or hell, like in wind's example below it's a blatantly criminal and violates what most civilized society would call basic human rights.

You'd rather live under sharia law because that is the majority opinion of certain places in the world, it's their opinion that it is the correct way to live is it not? Going by what you say that's fine because it's their opinion, even if it grossly treads on what a lot of us would call human rights.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 02:39:19 pm by nikomas » Logged

"You can always count on Americans to do the right thing—after they've tried everything else."

Quote from: PonySlaystation
The officer is considerably better than a riflemen squad at carrying weapons. Officers have good accuracy so they will hit most targets.
TheWindCriesMary Offline
The Ethics Police
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« Reply #44 on: April 17, 2013, 02:32:15 pm »

I mean seriously, he believes that gay marriage is wrong, it's his OPINION, you can't say he is stupid for having a different opinion.

Are you kidding me? Of course I can say he is stupid for having a stupid opinion. Sure he has a right to have whatever opinion he wants, no matter how stupid, but he's still an absolute, utter dumbass for having that opinion.

Want an example? There are people in Africa who think that having sex with a virgin will cure their aids. Some of them think that, becase virgins are hard to find, that this means they should rape babies. This isn't a joke, it's something some people actually believe because bulshit fake science and superstition has been crammed down their throats.

This opinion is not based in any kind of science, reason or critical thinking. It's a product of a lack of education and understanding.

But if they believe that nonsense, they are an idiot. I'm not being PC about it because I don't care.

Pony believes equally idiotic nonsense that is not even the least bit routed in any kind of data, evidence or research findings.

Just imagine your self using the exact argument you just used to defend Hitler's view that jews needed to be exterminated in order to keep the Aryan race pure:

" it's his OPINION, you can't say he is stupid for having a different opinion."

Rolc, use your head man.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 02:35:11 pm by TheWindCriesMary » Logged
PonySlaystation Offline
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« Reply #45 on: April 17, 2013, 02:40:46 pm »

Sexual behavior and race are essentially different realities. A man and a woman wanting to marry may be different in their characteristic but the two individuals are still man and woman, and thus the requirements of nature are respected.

Studies have shown that having homosexual parents does not in any way weigh on a child's upbringing.

This is wrong. The majority of social science research shows that children are best raised by their own biological mother and father who are committed to one another in a life-long marriage.

From a study of 15000 people comparing children raised by their married biological parents and children raised by lesbian or gay parents.

Children to homosexual parents:

    Are much more likely to have received welfare (IBF 17%; LM 69%; GF 57%)
    Have lower educational attainment
    Report less safety and security in their family of origin
    Report more ongoing "negative impact" from their family of origin
    Are more likely to suffer from depression
    Have been arrested more often
    If they are female, have had more sexual partners--both male and female

Children to lesbian mothers:

    Are more likely to be currently cohabiting
    Are almost 4 times more likely to be currently on public assistance
    Are less likely to be currently employed full-time
    Are more than 3 times more likely to be unemployed
    Are nearly 4 times more likely to identify as something other than entirely heterosexual
    Are 3 times as likely to have had an affair while married or cohabiting
    Are an astonishing 10 times more likely to have been "touched sexually by a parent or other adult caregiver."
    Are nearly 4 times as likely to have been "physically forced" to have sex against their will
    Are more likely to have "attachment" problems related to the ability to depend on others
    Use marijuana more frequently
    Smoke more frequently
    Watch TV for long periods more frequently
    Have more often pled guilty to a non-minor offense


Sharks are not monsters Henley, they are cute, cuddly and misunderstood. They love humans. sometimes they love TOO much. They love people so much that sometimes their kisses separate people into two flailing pieces which are consumed by other sharks in a frenzy of peace and joy.
nikomas Offline
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« Reply #46 on: April 17, 2013, 02:46:01 pm »

Sources pony, you should know better than to omit these and they better be good.
TheWindCriesMary Offline
The Ethics Police
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« Reply #47 on: April 17, 2013, 02:47:09 pm »

Pony your completely uncited "research" is bullshit.

Because, contrary to your nonsensical statement, the overhwelming majority of research and data has thoroughly debunked the nonsense claim that homosexual parents negatively impact a child in any way.

1. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1300/J082v32n02_02

2. http://www.cpa.ca/cpasite/userfiles/Documents/Marriage%20of%20Same-Sex%20Couples%20Position%20Statement%20-%20October%202006%20(1).pdf

3. http://www.psychology.org.au/Assets/Files/LGBT-Families-Lit-Review.pdf

4. http://cdn.ca9.uscourts.gov/datastore/general/2010/10/27/amicus29.pdf

In fact, all of the major health organizations and associations (including the official government departments) of the US, Australia and Canada as well as the majority of the developed world share the consensus that there is, at this time, no substantive evidence to support ANY claim to the otherwise.

You are literally arguing against the world's most credible and universally recognized health and social studies professionals with your BS pseudo science.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 02:50:44 pm by TheWindCriesMary » Logged
rolcsika0128 Offline
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« Reply #48 on: April 17, 2013, 02:47:25 pm »

You are the man of words Wind, you clearly have talent to twist anyone's words.

Just imagine your self using the exact argument you just used to defend Hitler's view that jews needed to be exterminated in order to keep the Aryan race pure:

ROFLMAO, no Wind it's not the same... not by a longshot..
What Hitler did was terribly wrong, unquestionably. Raping people, killing people is NEVER accepatble, regardless anyone's opinion. But Pony did nothing wrong by saying that he thinks homosexuality is wrong. Who are you to say he is stupid for saying that?

Once again : I don't give a damn about gay marriage and don't want to carry on this debate. I consider myself as an outsider regarding this topic, I've just shared my thoughts with you.
TheWindCriesMary Offline
The Ethics Police
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Posts: 2630

« Reply #49 on: April 17, 2013, 02:50:19 pm »

I said that Hitler's "view" that jews were an inferior race that should be exterminated was stupid.

It was an opinion he had. Even if he had never acted on it, it'd still be a completely dumbass opinion to have.

Pony's opinion is equally stupid. It's an opinion rooted in complete lack of facts or evidence and which directly contradicts the extensive research that has been done on the subject. He is literally saying something that has been thoroughly debunked by the scientific community.

So yes, his opinion (and your opinion that people can't call his opinion stupid) is stupid.

Pony can have whatever opinion he wants, no matter how completely assinine, but people also get to point out how incredibly dumb his opinion is. Especially when it's completely opposite to scientific consensus and thorough research.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 02:51:52 pm by TheWindCriesMary » Logged
rolcsika0128 Offline
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Posts: 340

« Reply #50 on: April 17, 2013, 03:04:40 pm »

All right Wind.
So killing millions of people and saying that gay marriage is wrong is equal for you, let it be so. You call me stupid, because I don't call Pony stupid. Fine, let it be so.
Frankly, I don't give a damn.
No hard feelings though
TheWindCriesMary Offline
The Ethics Police
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Posts: 2630

« Reply #51 on: April 17, 2013, 03:09:37 pm »

All right Wind.
So killing millions of people and saying that gay marriage is wrong is equal for you, let it be so. You call me stupid, because I don't call Pony stupid. Fine, let it be so.
Frankly, I don't give a damn.
No hard feelings though

"I said that Hitler's "view" that jews were an inferior race that should be exterminated was stupid.

It was an opinion he had. Even if he had never acted on it, it'd still be a completely dumbass opinion to have."

I don't know how many times I can restate that.
Spartan_Marine88 Offline
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« Reply #52 on: April 17, 2013, 03:10:19 pm »

All right Wind.
So killing millions of people and saying that gay marriage is wrong is equal for you, let it be so. You call me stupid, because I don't call Pony stupid. Fine, let it be so.
Frankly, I don't give a damn.
No hard feelings though

I think you misunderstood wind, it was Hitlers views which led to murder he didnt start off wanting to kill them. That came later, ponys comments are quite similar to the hate mongering that Hitler used in the beginning, and the kkk use towards black people. Inferior,  diseased, unnatural,  those are all words that will lead to senseless violence

Also Hitler thought gays were unnatural too. He experimented on them and sent them to death camps just no one cared(at the time) when it was found
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 03:15:16 pm by Spartan_Marine88 » Logged

Yes that's me, the special snowflake.
tankmaster23 Offline
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« Reply #53 on: April 17, 2013, 03:16:41 pm »

 So by the supporters of gay marriage point of view freedom to do has you please has long has no one gets hurt , well  how can you argue with people that are against gays by your own point you have no
argument its just a another point of view you cant have it both ways....


rolcsika0128 Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 340

« Reply #54 on: April 17, 2013, 03:18:04 pm »

"I said that Hitler's "view" that jews were an inferior race that should be exterminated was stupid.

It was an opinion he had. Even if he had never acted on it, it'd still be a completely dumbass opinion to have."

I don't know how many times I can restate that.

 So you are claiming then that THINKING ABOUT KILLING MILLIONS OF PEOPLE IS EQUALLY STUPID IDEA AS THINKING GAY MARRIAGE is wrong? Let me correct myself: thinking about killing millions of people or raping millions of people is stupid and terribly wrong, without a question, but claiming that gay marriage is wrong is not in the same category.
skaffa Offline
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« Reply #55 on: April 17, 2013, 03:18:49 pm »

So by the supporters of gay marriage point of view freedom to do has you please has long has no one gets hurt , well  how can you argue with people that are against gays by your own point you have no
argument its just a another point of view you cant have it both ways....


fixed lollllll

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Mysthalin Offline
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« Reply #56 on: April 17, 2013, 03:19:25 pm »

You have full right to believe in retarded shit, tankmaster. You can even claim it. But by IMPOSING your beliefs on other people to act in accordance with your beliefs you ARE hurting them. Like my belief a large black man should rape every homophobe on earth every morning to start their day off. I'm welcome to have it. If I start paying off large black men to randomly rape homophobes - that will not be OK anymore.

Spartan_Marine88 Offline
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« Reply #57 on: April 17, 2013, 03:25:10 pm »

Goddamn it rolc, there is nothing wrong in believing that its not right, i won't agree but thats your opinion.

However the hateful terms that pony has expressed have only EVER lead to violence and that IS wrong.


They treated the homosexuals worse in some ways then the Jews, and their claims sounded alot like Pony. So go big an ignorant prick if you like, but don't for a second think that calling someone unnatural is ever, EVER a fucking decent thought coming from a decent person.

And if someone wants to marry the same sex, the only wrong and cruel thing you could do, is force them to marry or become straight which is akin to rape in my mind.


Some more shit of what happens when you get people who believe akin to Pony in seats of power and dictate societal beliefs.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 03:26:57 pm by Spartan_Marine88 » Logged
NightRain Offline
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« Reply #58 on: April 17, 2013, 03:26:50 pm »

No one actually cared about Jews in Hitler's era. Had they truely cared Nazi Germany would of never exsisted in the first place. Whole World knew what happened 1936 and onwards. Crystal night 1938, all those things. No one cared. No one blockaded Germany's trade that would of dropped it down to its knees. They all pitied but no one did more than that. Sure some suggested things but none of them were followed. Soviet Union wasn't any better, who said they liked Jewish population? They were exterminated. Simple as that, sure people gave their sympathies, but in the end did they do anything? No.

As for gay marriage. Like I said, more ladies for those who are not gay.

Because a forum post should be like a woman's skirt. Long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
Spartan_Marine88 Offline
EIR Veteran
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« Reply #59 on: April 17, 2013, 03:27:24 pm »

As for gay marriage. Like I said, more ladies for those who are not gay.

+1 and much respect
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