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Topic: TH ht tactics (Read 4672 times)
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EIR Veteran
Posts: 534
TH ht tactics
January 25, 2014, 11:12:21 am »
About that HT usage with 2x shrek.
certainly you remember our games. Well here i want to reveal how this coy works and why it is combined arms, smart build and skill.
1. The build:
doc unlocks:
Tank int
t2 equipment (2x shreks)
Panzercommand (<= awesome ability)
7 inf HTs with 2x shreks
4 inf HTs with Assault Grenadiere (during a long time 2 were filled with Support grens, for awesome suppression)
1 Panther
2 Vampire (<= very important in this build)
2 Stummel
2 sweeper
2 Kettenkrads
1 SC
8 PGs (just to recrew)
Ok how does this coy work?
Goal: basically fast and hard hitting the core armored units of the opponent, like callis, sherman, FF, Crocs etc.
How: just running into the dark is suicide. Infact any HHat blob is the certain death ( not op RRs, zooks are enough) to your HT. So what to do?
use tank int, Panzercommand to find wounded ISOLATED tanks. (panzercommand buffs your agility and so you can faster move arround to search targets). Use the Vampire HT to make sure you are not driving into a blob! The Vampire HT is your life insurance, if you lose it, you are in trouble.
SWITCH ALWAYS FLANKS always run arround do be long at a position, cause your enemy might move his stuff there, but you want to hit him in the weakspots and for that you use your MI & Scouts and speed.
By doing that you can also CAP the flanks and cause distraction forcing the enemy to split out and then when your opponent splitted out to recap you jump on him. If hes coming with a too big force to jump on him, then he has not enough to troops left hold against the axis spearhead at the mainbattle side.
The blobs: sooner or later u need to fight them. AND here AGAIN SCOUT SCOUT SCOUT.
The stummel has a range of 50. Observe the enemy infantry movement with the Vampire. Bring you stummel into position use either the krad OR PGs to get sight AND KITE!!! use the stummel on full range. OR use panzercommand and use that EXTRA SIGHT!!!
ok finally the close combat HTs (HTs with assault Grens) use them to kill elite infantry who forgot their HHat or if the blob misses their AI weapons u can sacrefice the HT to get in and kill them with the Assault Grens (keep in mind that the HMG of the inf ht has a good suppression). Go with those close combat HTs mainly for their cappers, flank atgs, or kamikaze them on a AT blob that needs to die.
Keep in mind the magic word here is a again scouting, cause u want to flank the infantry and PUSH IT ARROUND so that the HHat cant be fired, so to get in u need to flank.
Finally you made it to the late game, u slaugthered the Tanks, decrewed & killed many atgs and your stummel has 20+ kills Now you bring the Panther and PII. in this AT weakened enviroment you can use their full potential especially if you managed to keep 1 of your vampires alive.
Here again use your tanks on MAX RANGE. FLANK, SCOUT (if you are lucky you managed to do your job without using too many Panzercommands, then you can use it now and enemy agility, sight and range of your steel beasts). Cap with your SC or with your remaining PGs. This is the part of the game where your PII gets his 20-40 kills
So you can see a very diversified build, with many MI unlocks, with the goal to identify the weakspots and brak in there. For that mainly releying on speed and sight, and high firepower (shreks, stg44 and lmgs).
I call a vampire to spot dangerous blobs, stummel to arty them, PGs as meatshields, krad to give LoS, inf HTs to hunt them down, shrek HTs to chase repairing tanks, or isolated targets like arties: COMBINED ARMS
I call switching flanks, avoiding enemy fire, jumping into their weak spots, pushing with inf HTs, flanking, circeling enemy tanks, kiting with stummel: SKILL
Smart build: well i am using EVERY scout unit that PE offers to me and i use them combined to achieve maximum efficiency. i use Stummel cause i clearly identified to knocking out enemy tanks with shrek HTs is not enough. I need a away to deal with those blobs. There are 3 options: AC, PIV, Stummel STUMMEL is the only options offering to shoot without getting into dangerous range => Less risk, fast, a bit weaker then AC or PIV but safe.
2x shreks to hit hard - the inf HT to give them speed. Basically to kill the "core" armored units.
There is no other unit achieving that much firepower + speed.
and finally maxing out the MI possibilities to identify where to hit
kiss icki
FORGOT TO MENTION: the assault Grens in HTs kill support weapons and steal them. a stummel combined with an HMG or an ATG is awesome
Last Edit: January 25, 2014, 01:10:29 pm by ick312
Quote from: tank130 on April 18, 2013, 10:06:07 pm
I don't know Wind, that whole 21 virgins thing kinda peaked my interest a little .......
Quote from: EliteGren on December 08, 2013, 06:10:28 pm
From fucking kids to fucking christ, jesus heartmann. Just stop already you filthy monster, you are only making it worse
Sugar Daddy
Posts: 8890
Re: TH ht tactics
Reply #1 on:
January 25, 2014, 11:32:56 am »
Great, informative, well written post. Thank you.
What is a "stg44 HTs" I have been unable to find any units in the game called stg44
Geez, while Wind was banned I forgot that he is, in fact, totally insufferable
Quote from: Hicks58 on June 05, 2013, 02:14:06 pm
I'm not going to lie Tig, 9/10 times you open your mouth, I'm overwhelmed with the urge to put my foot in it.
EIR Veteran
Posts: 534
Re: TH ht tactics
Reply #2 on:
January 25, 2014, 11:42:54 am »
Quote from: tank130 on January 25, 2014, 11:32:56 am
Great, informative, well written post. Thank you.
What is a "stg44 HTs" I have been unable to find any units in the game called stg44
1. ty
2. stg44 HTs are infantry halftracks filled with assault grenadiere. I also call them close combat HTs.
(Assault grenadiere use stg44. Those weapons have an effective range of 6 meter, using them on a longer range is simply ineffecient cause of their accuracy table. But in this 6 meter range they are beasts.
Assault grenadiere have airborne armor, which results in - 25% received accuracy while moving)
Quote from: tank130 on January 25, 2014, 12:13:04 pm
Thanks, so if a new player came into the mod and wanted to use your fantastic strat, but had no idea how to use corrsix or what all the little tiny details of the specific weapons unit use, he would be kinda screwed.....no?
Or, I guess we could just call the unit what it is actually called "assault grenadiere" and that problem would solved......
Just a suggestion really.
I think I am going to go build a Garand/Carbine HT now..... or maybe a Karabiner 98 Kurz/Sturmgewehr 44 HT..........
dear tank i am sorry, you r right. i will go through my description and correct it, after this match
ok should be fixed
Last Edit: January 25, 2014, 01:37:12 pm by ick312
Sugar Daddy
Posts: 8890
Re: TH ht tactics
Reply #3 on:
January 25, 2014, 12:13:04 pm »
Thanks, so if a new player came into the mod and wanted to use your fantastic strat, but had no idea how to use corrsix or what all the little tiny details of the specific weapons unit use, he would be kinda screwed.....no?
Or, I guess we could just call the unit what it is actually called "assault grenadiere" and that problem would solved......
Just a suggestion really.
I think I am going to go build a Garand/Carbine HT now..... or maybe a Karabiner 98 Kurz/Sturmgewehr 44 HT..........
EIR Veteran
Posts: 3497
Re: TH ht tactics
Reply #4 on:
January 25, 2014, 01:38:03 pm »
Quote from: brn4meplz on May 06, 2013, 01:52:31 pm
Also, bad analogy ground, My vegetables never pissed on my ego when I decided they defeated me and gave up on dessert.
griefer & spammer
EIR Veteran
Posts: 1566
Re: TH ht tactics
Reply #5 on:
February 28, 2014, 01:11:00 pm »
Ick this is a very good build and I suggest every PE player give it a try. I think this is the most fun and effective way to play PE.
I would like to make a few suggestions though:
Firstly I found the shreck IHTs a bit hit and miss and very unreliable, not to mention very muni intensive. I think they are better as used as support for mainline AT rather than being your main AT. For this reason when I play this kind of build I use 2-3 shreck IHTs with focus on more reliable AT options. My favourite option is 4 Hetzers and some 50mms but Marders work too. I like Hetzers because they are very tanky and cheap so you can use them absorb dmg while IHTs drive past their lines to kill their units. This allows you to take head on engagements when it becomes necessary while still maintaining the ability to do hit and run tactics and kill isolated units.
I also like more assault IHTs because they are the best thing to counter ATGs which I think is the main counter to this build. Armoured Car is also good for this purpose.
I also don't like the panther in this build. This is a very mobile and aggressive build and I think the Panther is better suited for defensive play. It is also too much pop, I feel this build is better off with cheap units to overwhelm flanked defenses.
Do your pgs have incendiary nades? Because I find sometimes there is just too much AT to flank to assault. In those situations it is useful to have nades for a mass infantry charge to take out ATGs, then you can roll in your armour as usual.
Essentially I think your current build is a bit one-dimensional, it relies a lot much on hit and run tactics. I think my suggestions can make your build stronger in breaking doomforts and taking head on fights.
Finally, I have never used the stummel, what does it do and how good is it?
Thank you for the guide! I hope all PE players read it and try this build.
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