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Author Topic: British RCA Coy 2018  (Read 10022 times)
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Punslinger Offline
EIR Regular
Posts: 4

« on: August 01, 2018, 08:25:53 am »

Greetings, fellow players Grin

as the title says I need some help with building my Company. While some people already helped me ingame, by pointing out mistakes like a double ATG call in Tongue, I still lack something. Undecided So I would appreciate it if some of you would share a build or parts of it with an explanation.

If it helps, this is my Doctrine: improved gunnery, forward observation, fortified positions, supercharged ammo, Arty specialists and stretcher bearers (Top)
bombed up and ready, weapon emplacements, Inf. support and royal Arty ( bottom )
« Last Edit: August 01, 2018, 11:00:41 am by Punslinger » Logged
Unkn0wn Offline
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« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2018, 09:52:56 am »

Welcome! Can you post screenshots of your company build the way it stands right now? That should help us provide you with some tailored tips Smiley
Punslinger Offline
EIR Regular
Posts: 4

« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2018, 11:01:57 am »

Welcome! Can you post screenshots of your company build the way it stands right now? That should help us provide you with some tailored tips Smiley

edited  Smiley
Tachibana Offline
Posts: 1270

« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2018, 11:29:03 am »

Errr, I dont see any screenshots.

It's like saying "i can understand his concerns that fire breathing dragons live in far away lands"
americans dont dodge wars.
Quote from: Trapfabricator
Literally, The only thing less likely than this is zombie hitler becoming prime minister of israel
Punslinger Offline
EIR Regular
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« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2018, 11:32:38 am »

Errr, I dont see any screenshots.
...but like...i attached 5 of them ... and I do see them
fabulous_rug Offline
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« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2018, 11:34:21 am »

Tachi can't see because his account is too old. I can see the images just fine
It would be good if you could upload the images for the others on some other site, like imgur. Only us newbies can see them here
Unkn0wn Offline
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« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2018, 11:47:43 am »

I see them just fine as well

Your platoons look fairly decent, but I'd maybe group a tommy or sappers with AT rifles or Piats with the AT gun. An AT gun by itself is not a very good call in because it can be outflanked if there's no secondary AT backing it.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2018, 11:49:24 am by Unkn0wn » Logged
Mysthalin Offline
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« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2018, 11:54:20 am »

I see them just fine as well

Your platoons look fairly decent, but I'd maybe group a tommy or sappers with AT rifles or Piats with the AT gun. An AT gun by itself is not a very good call in because it can be outflanked if there's no secondary AT backing it.

Most people don't have access to see them though - should be re-enabled by someone with admin access to the mod *Cough Cough*

Re: AT - It's only an issue if you and your allies don't have man-pack AT of any sort on the field, which is relatively rare. It was an old convention when 8 pop-cap callins were the minimum allowed. It doesn't really make sense to pair up ATGs with other callins nowadays, and the flexibility of the 5-pop callin is more useful.

Unkn0wn Offline
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« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2018, 11:57:08 am »

I'll see if I can fix that Smiley

And on the ATGs, to each their own I guess. Single call ins are more flexible though I often find most situations where you'd want to call in additional AT you'd be better served with 2 extra pieces off the bat in any case. And a lot of single unit call-ins can drive up your call-in time which can hurt late-game, but not really going to be an issue with this company
Unkn0wn Offline
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Posts: 18379

« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2018, 12:00:00 pm »

I checked, all member groups should have the ability to view attachments, so not sure what's going on.
Tachibana Offline
Posts: 1270

« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2018, 12:44:42 pm »

Probably cause im viewing thread on my phone.

I lied, even on my computer, I don't see attachments >.<
« Last Edit: August 01, 2018, 08:52:57 pm by Tachibana » Logged
Lothen Offline
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Posts: 1

« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2018, 11:42:32 pm »

Ok, I can see attachments on this account.

Now, I don't play a lot of brits and I'm generally not very good at the game, so take what I say with a grain of salt. None the less, feel free to take form this what you want.

First, your upper doctrine selections

a. Fortified positions: Drop it. As far as I can tell, it does nothing actually stated in the doctrine selection.
b. You can probably drop Forward Observation as well. 75mun to take your FOO recharge from a millenia and a half to just a millenia is not really worth it. The priest buff isn't worth it either since you already have victor and creeping available for your 25lb.

That gives you 6 points to work with. I noticed you have Immproved gunnery, so Pom-Pom is a good selection as it gives your bren LMGs +5m range. With your remaining 5 points, I would either go with;
1. Prepared positions: Don't bother with the elite crew. The team pop bonus is great for a new player as it directly helps your teamates help you.
2. Improved condensers + forward HQ: This makes your tommies super expensive, but with good micro to whore cover and keep your LT's alive, they can put out a lot of firepower.

To be honest, even High velocity is a super overlooked upgrade. Given the HMG meta right now, the ability to have smoke as well as annihilate anything dumb enough to get into a house is useful as well.

Lower unlocks:

You can probably ditch the priest. for 10 pop and about 200 muni a 25lb + a victor target captain put out comparable firepower. Yes, a 25lb has its limitations, but it doesn't eat as many resources or as much pop. As you gain more experience in EIR, you can probably visit the priest again since you will be able to take greater advantage of high investment units.

To replace it, take ANYTHING you want EXCEPT for scoped enfields. Those things are a literal garbage fire right now.

Opening call in
The main thing I notice is the captain. I know FOO is a nice panic button to have in the early game, but its also a big risk losing it if you get run over very quickly. You're mainly gonna be using FOO for 1 of 3 things
1. Kill an mg for your inf
2. Kill an atg for your vehicle
3. Panic button against rushing blob

You're not really running a 'killy' vehicle in your opening, so you'd actually be happy if the oppo brings an ATG.
You have the vickers already so the panic button vs a blob isnt super neccesary.
Putting nades on your tommies + a Heroic Charge LT will handle an MG just as easily as a foo.

I think replacing the captain with an LT and then dropping the bren carrier to fit in anything like an MMG/Sappers in there. Your sappers can be Piats or a Bren + Mine combo for 65mun.

You can make your captain a separate call in or have him in the same call in as your 25lb to have a 10 pop "Time to arty now" call in.

General Company

Your mortar Pits should really be individual 4 pop call ins. They are really powerful tools and you should make sure you can call them in when you need them.

The CW AT situation:
I notice that you seem to be relying almost entirely on your 6lb for AT support. There is one thing you should keep in mind and that is an understanding of how CW at functions compared to other factions.

US 57mm get a high alpha "Fuck right off" atg with ap rounds
WM get a High ROF + cloak bonus pak38
PE get high mobile but fragile 50mm or the fragile but super stong Marder
CW get....well, just a 6lb.

There is the Firefly as well, which has 55/57.5 range, but moves like its in quicksand and suffers in the current repair system. PIATs are expensive and have a high chance of missing a volley and getting attritioned out.

So, you may ask, dafuq is CW at supposed to so? The answer is Boys AT crewshock. The entire CW AT arsenal outside the 17lb is build around the boys AT crewshock ability.

Enemy wants to bumrush your FF to take advantage of repair system + Firefly reload penalties ----> Crewshock the fucker
PIATs need time for an extra volley to compensate for the extra layer of RNG ---> Crewshock the target
6lb needs a little extra time to Pen its target before geting killed off ----> Crewshock for your 6lb glory.

Unless you run 17lb, YOU MUST supplement your at composition with Boys AT. It not really even optional. Unless you decide to pick a a 17lb or two, Boys AT crewshock is the backbone of the Entire CW AT system regardless of what doctrine you pick. If you are not already, you should find a way to fit at least 3 Boys AT squads into your company.

Using the saved fuel from the priest, a FireFly is also a good pick. Also, getting a CCT is a big deal as well as it is a massive multiplier for your Tanks.

If you don't fancy boys AT, you can use mines as a secondary option. The best way to get those into your company would be the aforementioned 1x Bren lmg + Mine combo. The bren will have the improved gunnery + Pom-Pom buffs and the mines act as a disable for your AT assets to put in their work. This strat is less pop efficient than straight tommies, but it is probably more flexible and easier to micro.

You'll notice that CW are extremely munition strapped due to the functional 95 munition Tax almost all of their AT assets have. One solution to this that some CW players have found is to spam Recon tommies as mainline infantry. For 55 munitions and smart micro, you can get almost as much out of a recon tommy as a 2x Bren LMG tommy. Alternatively, just use lots of sappers with grenades.

Lastly, if at all possible, get at least 1 recon tommies inside of a bren carrier for anti sniper work and fit in at least 60 muni of repairs for your Firefly.
Punslinger Offline
EIR Regular
Posts: 4

« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2018, 11:00:17 am »

Ok, I can see attachments on this account.

Now, I don't play a lot of brits and I'm generally not very good at the game, so take what I say with a grain of salt. None the less, feel free to take form this what you want.

First, your upper doctrine selections

a. Fortified positions: Drop it. As far as I can tell, it does nothing actually stated in the doctrine selection.
b. You can probably drop Forward Observation as well. 75mun to take your FOO recharge from a millenia and a half to just a millenia is not really worth it. The priest buff isn't worth it either since you already have victor and creeping available for your 25lb.

That gives you 6 points to work with. I noticed you have Immproved gunnery, so Pom-Pom is a good selection as it gives your bren LMGs +5m range. With your remaining 5 points, I would either go with;
1. Prepared positions: Don't bother with the elite crew. The team pop bonus is great for a new player as it directly helps your teamates help you.
2. Improved condensers + forward HQ: This makes your tommies super expensive, but with good micro to whore cover and keep your LT's alive, they can put out a lot of firepower.

To be honest, even High velocity is a super overlooked upgrade. Given the HMG meta right now, the ability to have smoke as well as annihilate anything dumb enough to get into a house is useful as well.

Lower unlocks:

You can probably ditch the priest. for 10 pop and about 200 muni a 25lb + a victor target captain put out comparable firepower. Yes, a 25lb has its limitations, but it doesn't eat as many resources or as much pop. As you gain more experience in EIR, you can probably visit the priest again since you will be able to take greater advantage of high investment units.

To replace it, take ANYTHING you want EXCEPT for scoped enfields. Those things are a literal garbage fire right now.

Opening call in
The main thing I notice is the captain. I know FOO is a nice panic button to have in the early game, but its also a big risk losing it if you get run over very quickly. You're mainly gonna be using FOO for 1 of 3 things
1. Kill an mg for your inf
2. Kill an atg for your vehicle
3. Panic button against rushing blob

You're not really running a 'killy' vehicle in your opening, so you'd actually be happy if the oppo brings an ATG.
You have the vickers already so the panic button vs a blob isnt super neccesary.
Putting nades on your tommies + a Heroic Charge LT will handle an MG just as easily as a foo.

I think replacing the captain with an LT and then dropping the bren carrier to fit in anything like an MMG/Sappers in there. Your sappers can be Piats or a Bren + Mine combo for 65mun.

You can make your captain a separate call in or have him in the same call in as your 25lb to have a 10 pop "Time to arty now" call in.

General Company

Your mortar Pits should really be individual 4 pop call ins. They are really powerful tools and you should make sure you can call them in when you need them.

The CW AT situation:
I notice that you seem to be relying almost entirely on your 6lb for AT support. There is one thing you should keep in mind and that is an understanding of how CW at functions compared to other factions.

US 57mm get a high alpha "Fuck right off" atg with ap rounds
WM get a High ROF + cloak bonus pak38
PE get high mobile but fragile 50mm or the fragile but super stong Marder
CW get....well, just a 6lb.

There is the Firefly as well, which has 55/57.5 range, but moves like its in quicksand and suffers in the current repair system. PIATs are expensive and have a high chance of missing a volley and getting attritioned out.

So, you may ask, dafuq is CW at supposed to so? The answer is Boys AT crewshock. The entire CW AT arsenal outside the 17lb is build around the boys AT crewshock ability.

Enemy wants to bumrush your FF to take advantage of repair system + Firefly reload penalties ----> Crewshock the fucker
PIATs need time for an extra volley to compensate for the extra layer of RNG ---> Crewshock the target
6lb needs a little extra time to Pen its target before geting killed off ----> Crewshock for your 6lb glory.

Unless you run 17lb, YOU MUST supplement your at composition with Boys AT. It not really even optional. Unless you decide to pick a a 17lb or two, Boys AT crewshock is the backbone of the Entire CW AT system regardless of what doctrine you pick. If you are not already, you should find a way to fit at least 3 Boys AT squads into your company.

Using the saved fuel from the priest, a FireFly is also a good pick. Also, getting a CCT is a big deal as well as it is a massive multiplier for your Tanks.

If you don't fancy boys AT, you can use mines as a secondary option. The best way to get those into your company would be the aforementioned 1x Bren lmg + Mine combo. The bren will have the improved gunnery + Pom-Pom buffs and the mines act as a disable for your AT assets to put in their work. This strat is less pop efficient than straight tommies, but it is probably more flexible and easier to micro.

You'll notice that CW are extremely munition strapped due to the functional 95 munition Tax almost all of their AT assets have. One solution to this that some CW players have found is to spam Recon tommies as mainline infantry. For 55 munitions and smart micro, you can get almost as much out of a recon tommy as a 2x Bren LMG tommy. Alternatively, just use lots of sappers with grenades.

Lastly, if at all possible, get at least 1 recon tommies inside of a bren carrier for anti sniper work and fit in at least 60 muni of repairs for your Firefly.

Thanks for your help, it really helped but there are some things I´m not sure about:

In the opening if i move the captain to the arty, maybe I should pick a normal CW Mortar instead of a LT? Would help the same against MGs im just not sure because of the buffs.

As for ATGs changing one of the 6lb to a 17lb, add one Firefly to my tanks and an Boys AT to the last 6lb could also work, no? Since im not sure how much i can rely on the 17lb.
Tachibana Offline
Posts: 1270

« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2018, 12:16:39 pm »

Its personal preference but I usually am against mortars at thr start since they dont offer direct field presence. In ME or Attack mode, they are fine, but in R+ I feel they are a slight liability unless you have a clear plan for its use and keeping it alive.

Got some vids looking at R+ starts here: http://forums.europeinruins.com/index.php?topic=29157.0

Also, aaaaauy, i see attachments now.
Mysthalin Offline
Tired King of Stats
Posts: 9028

« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2018, 12:16:45 pm »

Its personal preference but I usually am against mortars at thr start since they dont offer direct field presence. In ME or Attack mode, they are fine, but in R+ I feel they are a slight liability unless you have a clear plan for its use and keeping it alive.

Got some vids looking at R+ starts here: http://forums.europeinruins.com/index.php?topic=29157.0

Also, aaaaauy, i see attachments now.

I still can't Sad
TheVolskinator Offline
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« Reply #15 on: August 03, 2018, 02:15:41 pm »


Quote from: tank130
I want to ensure we have a 100% decision on the process before we do the wipe.
If not, then I wipe, then someone gets something they shouldn't, then it gets abused, then the shit hits the fan and then I ban shab.

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