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Topic: EiR:R ACA (Art Credits Archive), to be updated every patch (Read 21859 times)
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Administrator / Lead Developer
Posts: 3012
EiR:R ACA (Art Credits Archive), to be updated every patch
January 03, 2019, 09:48:13 pm »
Non-art credits:
- Alpha TIG and WolfySama: Regards to the both of you for taking up the mantle of rebuilding our aging launcher and website infrastructure; TIG especially for
taking on the monster project free of charge, and for taking the initiative to hire out Wolfy for website and serverside work. Your guys' work has made possible
the opporutunity for EiR to be presentable and in fighting trim in the nebulous future. I cannot overstate how much your assistance means to myself and the rest
of the community.
- Dartborne: I can't thank Dartborne enough; he's been more than gracious in offering his assistance with the (numerous and likely annoying) modding inquiries that
I've sent his way, especially during the past year or so. Additionally, any assets taken from Europe at War mod have been used with, and only with, his express
blessing--many thanks!
- Dire/Lothen: Despite adopting the moniker of "NotPlayingGuy" due to his waning interest in playing EiR, Lothen has been utterly instrumental in the upkeep of the
mod, including balance suggestions and advice, coding (both RGD and SQL), and so on.
- EiRRMod: I so greatly appreciate the work you put into EiR over the years, as well as your help with coding the launcher long after your time with the mod was up.
The gruntwork has sucked, the workload has been backbreaking, but you have remained with us despite issues and commitments in your personal life. Many thanks
(even if you still haven't taught me SCAR coding)!
- Halftrack77: A veritable legend within the CoH1 modding community, Halftrack has moved heaven and earth to bring usy Immersion 44 mod, Stalingrad 42 mod, and even
a revival of Battle of the Bulge mod! On top of everything, he's assisted me with Europe in Ruins by graciously allowing us to use many of his outstanding art assets,
as well as holding open conversations regarding combat in Normandy in 1944. These discussions have helped to correct localization errors, fill in some blanks within
divisional descriptions, and to correct other errors as well.
- tank130: Our resident Suga' Daddy--thanks for graciously funding EiR for years, as well as handing over the mod to myself with no strings attached and all the
help that you could possibly offer.
- Unkn0wn: Offering to take up community moderation and limited SQL work immediately upon your return to the mod--what a trooper. Your help has been a massive load
off my shoulders and without it, we'd still be waiting for a Steam release! And now (as of 2022 and on) the de-facto head of Europe in Ruins!
- Xeoniz (a.k.a. Headshotkiller): An old SCAR coder of ours who was 100% responsible for both fixing our donation system and, more importantly, our registration
email system. Without his help, EiR could quite literally no longer function.
works by Anders Lejczak
- generic Me 262 model
- Texture by evilSpike, Object Editor work by Walki1
works by Beefy^
- Medical Jeep model edit
- Texture by VanAdrian
works by BHmaster
- "Thunderbolt V" logo (used on the Sherman Ace reward unit)
- Found on Warthunder.live
works by Blackbishop
- KP/-31 SMG model and textures
works by burtondrummerNY
- M1903 (scopeless)
- generic Matilda II animation and general reworking
- Original model created by Aidas2, texture originally created by Chopin and then reworked by justforfun1
works by BurroDiablo
- generic Kugelblitz model and textures (unmodified)
- Animations by Walki1
- generic Pz III
works by Celution
- Extraction and tweaking of hitherto-unused voice files for an unused Panzer Elite squad referring to itself as "Grenadiers".
works by Dartborne
- Blaue Division Grenadier model mix and textures (unmodified; taken from Europe at War mod; all textures found under Data\art\models\races\axis\soldiers\blauediv\blauediv\model)
works by DavLupo
- generic Maquis textures (unmodified; original filenames maqui, maqui2, and maqui3)
- Taken from his Shadows of Fire mod (v3 patch, released 6 June 2011)
works by DMz
- A Sqn, 6 RTR, 7th ARMD Div. AEC Mk. III model, animations, UV map, and Vickers K model and anims; files from Europe at War mod
- Spotlamp Object Editor work incl. on/off settings for night and incliment weather by Beefy^
- Shared work by both DMz and Beefy^: normalmap texture, vehicle and gunner Object Editor work, M1919A6 model and textures, example attrib/art files for modders
- Updated glossiness, normalmap, and specular textures by Halftrack; taken from Immersion 44 mod
- Owen Gun model, skins, UV map, animations, Object Editor work, and all textures; limited edits to all mentioned attributes by Beefy^
- Limited Corsix edits and RGO by Beefy^
- generic Daimler Armoured Car Mk. I model
- Model credit also shared by 130th Panzer and tankdestroyer, textures by inukshuk, animations and example attrib files for modders by eliw00d
- generic Pz. Kpfw. Panther Ausf. G model assets
- Model credit also shared by Medes
- Animated by eliw00d, textures by Xalibur
- generic sdKfz 251/7 model
- Animated by eliw00d, texture by Halftrack
- generic Stu.Gesch. III model
- Animated by eliw00d, textures by Beefy^, DMz, and inukshuk
- Color adjustment of textures by Xalibur
- Version seen in Europe in Ruins updated by Halftrack; taken from Immersion 44 mod
works by GnigruH
- 1. Panc. Dywizja Firefly IC texture (unmodified; original filename po_firefly_dif)
- Appropriate Polish shorthand translation kindly provided by community member GrayWolf
- camouflaged Firefly texture (unmodified; original filename cw_firefly8_dif)
works by georider
- 1. Panc. Dywizja Cromwell VII texture (unmodified; original filename promwell_dif)
- Appropriate Polish shorthand translation kindly provided by community member GrayWolf
- 1. SS-Pz.Div. Pz IV texture (unmodified; original filenames tex_ax_panzer_iv1ss_dif and tex_ax_panzer_iv1ss_shields_dif)
- 10. SS-Pz.Div. Wirblewind texture (unmodified; original filename tex_pe_wirblewindgeo_dif)
- 116. Pz.Div. sdKfz 251 texture (unmodified; original filename tex_ax_halftrack_dif)
- 12 Fd REGT. RCA M7 Priest texture (unmodified; original filename tex_cn_m7_priest_dif)
- 12. SS-Pz.Div. Pz IV texture (unmodified; original filenames tex_ax_panzer_iv12ss_dif and tex_ax_panzer_iv12ss_shields_dif)
- 13/18 HRS, 27 ARMD BDE Sherman V texture (unmodified; original filename cw_fireflyA_dif)
- 17. SS-Pz.Gren.Div. Marder III texture (unmodified; original filename marderiii17ss_dif)
- 17. SS-Pz.Gren.Div. sdKfz 251 texture (unmodified; original filename tex_ax_2alftrack_dif)
- 17. SS-Pz.Gren.Div. StuG IV texture (unmodified; original filename tex_ax_stug_ivgeo_dif)
- 2 FFY, 29 ARMD BDE Sherman V texture (unmodified; original filename cw_firefly_dif)
- 21 A/Tk REGT. RA, GDS ARMD Div. 17-pdr SP M10 "Achilles IIc" texture (unmodified; original filename tex_cw_wolverine_dif_ac)
- 21. Pz.Div. sdKfz 250 texture (unmodified; original filename tex_pe_sdkfz_9_dif)
- 248 Bty, 62 A/Tk REGT. RA 3-inch SP M10 texture (unmodified; original filename tex_cn4_m10_wolverine_dif)
- 29 SAR Staghound Mk I texture (unmodified; original filename tex_cn4_staghound_diff)
- 2. Pz.Div. Panther texture (unmodified; original filename tex_ax_panthergeo_dif)
- 2. Pz.Div. Panzer IV texture (unmodified; unmodified filenames tex_ax_panzer_iv_dif and tex_ax_panzer_iv_shields_dif)
- 2. SS-Pz.Div. Hummel texture (unmodified; original filename tex_pe_hummelgeo_dif)
- 49 APC REGT., 79th ARMD Div. Ram Kangaroo texture (unmodified; original filename tex_cw_ram_kangaroo_diff)
- 6 (1 Hussars) ARMD REGT., 2 (Canadian) ARMD BDE Sherman III texture (unmodified; original filename cn_firefly_dif)
- 6 AB Recce REGT. Cromwell Vw texture (unmodified; original filename cromwell_6abd_dif)
- 6 AB Recce REGT. Tetrarch texture (unmodified; original filename tetrarch_dif)
- 7 RTR Churchill IV texture (unmodified; original filename tex_cw_churchill_dif)
- 8 (Canadian) Recce, 14 (Canadian) HRS Stuart VI texture (unmodified; original filename m5a1_stuart_cn_dif)
- 9. Pz.Div. Jagdpanzer 38(t) texture (used for Flammenhetzer; original filename tex_pe_2etzer_dif)
- "C-34" M5A1 Stuart texture (unmodified; original filename m5a1_stuartgeo_dif)
- A Sqn, 1 NORTH'N. YEO., 33 ARMD BDE texture (unmodified; original filename cw_firefly_dif)
- Used for the Wilfred Harris Firefly reward unit
- Pz.Div. „Lehr“ sdKfz 250 texture (unmodified; original filename tex_pe_sdkfz_9D_dif)
- s. SS-Pz.Abt. 101 Tiger # 205 texture (unmodified; original filename tex_ax_tiger_205_dif)
- s. SS-Pz.Abt. 101 Tiger texture (unmodified; original filename tex_ax_tiger_ace_orange)
- generic Hotchkiss texture (unmodified; original filename tex_pe_hotchkissgeo_dif)
- generic Jagdpanther texture (unmodified; original filename pe_jagdpanthergeo_dif)
works by Halftrack77
- 1 (AB) Bn, R.U.R., 6 A/L BDE textures (both for base and reward Commandos; unmodified)
- no longer in use; replaced by newer alternatives also by Halftrack!
- 1. Panc. Dywizja Tommy and LT textures (unmodified; original filenames tex_cw_lieutenant1_dif and tommy_diff)
- Appropriate Polish shorthand translation kindly provided by community member GrayWolf
- 12. SS-Pz.Div. Grenadier texture (unmodified; original filename tex_ax_panzergrenadiersL)
- no longer in use
- 12. SS-Pz.Div. Stormtrooper texture (unmodified; original filename tex_ax_panzergrenadiers)
- no longer in use
- 2e Div Blindee M3 halftrack texture (unmodified; original filename tex_fr_m3_halftrack_dif)
- Churchill IV/VII model and textures
- Cromwell Vw model and textures
- Includes Centaur variations
- Daimler Scout Car Mk. III model
- Original model credit also shared with DMz and MrScruff, original textures by inukshuk, animation and demo attrib files by eliw00d
- FFI Hotchkiss H35/39 texture (unmodified; original filename tex_fr_hotchkiss_dif)
- German combat webbing (unmodified; taken from Europe at War mod)
- Files found under "Volksrig"
- Grenadier model and textures
- Limited texture modifications by TheVolskinator
- Jagdpanzer IV model and textures incl. random skins and equipment
- Knights Cross Holder model and textures
- KV tank and variants
- KV-2 updated from Eastern Front mod
- Pz.Div. „Lehr“ Panzergrenadier model mix and textures
- M1 Carbine
- Original model created by Welshmandan
- M10 model and textures
- Includes 3-inch SP M10 Achilles model
- M4/M4A2/M4A3 Sherman model and textures
- M4(105) Sherman model and textures
- M4A1 and M4A1(76) Sherman model and textures
- Animations by burtondrummerNY
- Base/original textures by Chopin, reworked by justforfun1
- Model by Aidas2
- Other texture finalizations and "Frankensteining" of hull and turret assets by Halftrack
- Stowage by DMz
- T23 turret model by Loran Korn, animations by Tankdestroyer, texture (for hull and turret) by Halftrack
- mobile Maxim 1910 HMG and custom animations
- Panther model and textures
- Panzer IV model and textures
- Pionier model and textures (incl. Pionier assault backpack variant)
- random Rifleman textures, rolevariations, and add-ons; randomized US combat webbing models, textures, and random acs (backpack, ammo bandoliers, etc.)
- Object Editor work by burtondrummerNY
- Texture modifications by myself (TheVolskinator)
- corresponding M7 Assault Gas Mask carrier and divisional patch (1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 9th, 29th, 30th, 90th, 101st, and various armored Divisions) rolevariations also by Halftrack
- sdKfz 234/1 and 234/2 model and textures
- SPW U307(f) "Unic" models, textures, animations, and all other associated works
- Soviet infantry and all associated webgear
- T-70 light tank (updated from EF mod)
- Tiger tank model and textures incl. random skins and equipment
- Tommy model and textures incl. randomacs and equipment variations
- Volksgrenadier model and textures (incl. Zeltbahn poncho variations)
- generic "clowncar" M3A1 w. infantry markers
- not currently in use
- generic "clowncar" sdKfz 251/1 w. infantry markers
- generic Ersatz M10 model and textures
- Animations by burtondrummerNY
- generic Henschel-turreted King Tiger model, textures, and animations
- Credit also shared by Skyward and tankdestroyer
- Credit to eliw00d for misc. improvements
Last Edit: April 26, 2024, 02:41:28 pm by TheVolskinator
Quote from: tank130
I want to ensure we have a 100% decision on the process before we do the wipe.
If not, then I wipe, then someone gets something they shouldn't, then it gets abused, then the shit hits the fan and then I ban shab.
Getting EiR:R Released on Steam
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EIR Veteran
Posts: 2565
The very best player of one of the four factions.
Re: EiR:R ACA (Art Credits Archive), to be updated every patch
Reply #1 on:
January 05, 2019, 12:06:10 pm »
What’s up with that?
EDIT: Post hijacked by Volskinator for the remainder of the art credits (too much text to fit into one post).
works by Inukshuk
- DP obr. 1927 g. model and textures (unmodified)
- Animations by eliw00d
- Note: This is an old DP model from the earliest EF mod patches. Found in N44 mod. I am not 100% certain that these credits are correct.
- No longer in use in EiR
- PPSh obr. 1941 g. model and textures (unmodified; taken from EF mod)
- Animations by eliw00d
works by Jorge2125
- MAB Modello 1938 model
- Texture creator unknown
works by Khorney
- generic Churchill Black Prince model and animations
- generic M5A1 Stuart w. flamethrower barrel marker editing
works by Loran Korn
- generic M1A1 "Pack Howitzer" model
- Credit also shared by Halftrack and tankdestroyer
- Texture creator unknown
- generic M4A3(76)W HVSS model
- Texture by Halftrack
- generic sdKfz 138/1
- Credit for all associated work also shared by georider and Halftrack
- Lifted (without permission) from BotB mod
- Texture by georider, from N44 mod (shared by 17. SS-Pz.Gr.Div Marder III, see above)
works by Mancer
- 12. SS-Pz.Div sdKfz 251 texture (taken from his outstanding skinpack; highly recommended to all CoH players; original filename tex_ax_halftrack_dif)
- s. Pz.Abt. 503 Henschel-turreted King Tiger texture (ditto as above; original filename tex_ax_kingtiger_dif)
works by MrScruff
- generic Ju-87G (orginal model)
- 3,7 cm Bk 37 model by DMz, model finished by both DMz and Beefy^, textures by Slayerknecht
works by Sig21_surgeon
- generic P-47D-25 textures (unmodified; original filenames tex_al_247_dif and tex_al_247_bottom_dif)
- generic HBT (Herringbone Twill) Rifleman uniform textures; original filename tex_al_2ifleman
- Texture modifications by TheVolskinator (re-colored, removal of original shoulder patches)
works by tankdestroyer
- 21. Pz.Div 7,5 cm Pak 40 (Sf.) auf Geschützwagen 39H(f) model - resized model and all associated work
- Texture from Normandy 44 mod
- 21. Pz.Div 10,5 cm le F.H 18 (Sf.) auf Geschützwagen 39H(f) model - resized model and all associated work
- Texture from Normandy 44 mod
- C Sqn, 13/18 HRS, 27 ARMD BDE Sherman III model mix (unmodified; original files under ShermanM4A4 in N44 mod)
- Textures by georider
- generic Archer model, textures, and animations
- generic Pz. Kpfw 35(f) and Pz. Kpfw 39(f) model - resized model and all associated work
- Texture from Normandy 44 mod
works by Tiger205
- Type 24 MG (used as a captured Maxim for the Georgian Legionary reward unit)
works by tomarces
- Ersatz StuG IV texture (unmodified; original filename tex_ax_stug_ivUS_dif)
works by Wehrmacht
- Jagdpanzer 38(t) texture (unmodified; original filename tex_pe_hetzerwm_dif)
works by William
- Vintovka obr. 1891-30 g. model
- Texture by Kamikaza22
works by myself (TheVolskinator)
- 12. SS-Pz.Div. Grenadiere textures (stitched together and some elements recolored; original filenames tex_ax_volksgrenadier, tex_pe_pgrenadierwm_dif, tex_ax_wehrmachtb, and elitegren)
- volksgrenadier texture by Slayerknecht
- pgrenadierwm_dif by Wehrmacht
- 15th Scottish Div. texture (miniscule elements erased and colored over; original filename Scottish_tommy15_diff)
- 2d and 5th Ranger Bn Ranger textures (re-colored; small elements such as rank insignia and helmet markings added by myself)
- 2nd Canadian Div. Tommy texture (stitched together from several textures; filenames 2ommy_3rd_diff, tommy2id_diff, and tommysk_diff)
- Textures by georider
- 3e R.C.P. Chasseurs textures (elements stitched together; original filenames 1ommando_diff and commando_cpl_diff)
- 3rd Canadian Div. Tommy texture (stitched together from several textures; filenames 4ommy_diff and tommysk_diff)
- Textures by georider
- 4 Cdo, 1 SSB Tommy texture (elements erased and combined w. re-textured vCoH LT cap; original filename tommy_diff)
- 43rd Wessex Div. Tommy texture (altered insignias; original filename tomm5_diff)
- 8 (Canadian) Recce, 14 (Canadian) HRS Universal Carrier ("Micky Mouse" camouflage sceme added; original filename tex_6w_bren_carrier_dif)
- Updated model (w. pintle Vickers and hull BREN/Boys states) by eliw00d
- Original texture creator unknown
- 9. Pz.Div. and 21. Pz.Div. Grenadier texture (minor texture edit and stitching the two textures together; both divisions are part of the same texture file)
- Original textures by Halftrack (tex_ax_wehrmachtht and tex_ax_wehrmachtcamo)
- 82d and 101st ABD Airborne textures (elements from several skins stitched together)
- Original textures are from N44
- 352. Inf.Div. Grenadier texture (re-colored vCoH texture)
- 716. Inf.Div. Volksgrenadier texture (re-colored vCoH texture)
- Aufklarer texture (added helmet textures; original filename tex_ax_7ehrmacht
- Beach Battalion infantry texture (multiple elements stitched together; helmet markings 100% original)
- Beach Battalion Engineer texture (elements erased; small bits stitched together)
- Original texture from N44 mod; tex_al_enginee5
- Beachmasters textures (multiple elements stitched together; helmet markings taken from image search)
- Engineer texture (re-colored vCoH texture)
- Feldgendarmerie textures and model mix (original filename tex_pe_luftwaffe_dif; greatcoat model is vCoH Voss model w. recoloring and minor edits)
- Finnish infantry texture (original filename tex_ax_volksgrenadier_HT)
- Original texture by Halftrack
- Home Guard Tommy texture (modified 15th Scots Tommy texture; credited below in "uncredited works" section)
- Kriegsmarine Infanterie textures (re-colored vCoH textures)
- Luftwaffe Infanterie model mix and textures (multiple elements stitched together; all textures from Normandy 44)
- M10 texture (re-colored vCoH texture)
- Model by DMz and eliw00d
- New model (mostly) fixes the infamous M10 misfire bug
- M4(75) "Rhino" and texture (re-colored; original files under ShermanM4A4 in Normandy 44)
- Model by Tankdestroyer, original textures by georider
- Hull markings were covered up with simple colored squares by myself; turret texture copied from M4A3(75)W textures
- Culin cutter model and texture lifted from Europe at War mod; original creator unknown. I claim no credit for either.
- M4A1 texture (re-colored; extracted from the never-released Company of Heroes: Afrika mod)
- Model by Aidas2, original texture by Chopin
- M4A3(75)W texture (re-colored vCoH texture)
- Also used by the Calliope and Croc
- Hull texture used by the M4A3(76)W
- M4A3(76)W texture (re-colored; turret extracted from CoH: O)
- Credit to eliw00d for extracting and uploading the M4A3(76)W (aka the never-released CoHO "Sherman Ace") to the relicnews forums. Without his work this model would
have likely never been seen in any other mods, let alone EiR.
- Rifleman textures (re-colored; various elements stitched together from a variety of skins)
- U.S. Marine texture and modificiation
- Base texture by Halftrack
- generic B-25B Mitchell texture (hastily added RAF roundels)
- Model and original texture by Tiger205
- generic Spitfire VB/trop texture (re-colored)
- Model, original textures, and animation by Aidas2
uncredited works
- 1st Div Rifleman and officer texture (unmodified; original filename tex_al_rifleman1id)
- 2e Div Blindee M8 Greyhound texture (unmodified; original filename tex_fr_m8_greyhound_dif)
- 2e Div Blindee M10 texture (unmodified; original filename tex_fr_m10_wolverine_dif)
- 705th TD Bn M18 Hellcat texture (unmodified; original filename tex_al_m18_diff)
- Feldgendarmerie symbol and portrait art (unmodified; taken from EF mod)
- Lewis Gun model and textures (unmodified; taken from The Great War mod)
- M1928A1 Thompson model and textures (unmodified; taken from FEW mod)
- s. SS-Pz.Abt. 102 Tiger texture (unmodified; original filename tex_ax_tigerd_dif)
- Sturmpioniere texture (unmodified; original filename tex_ax_pioneer)
- Taken from EaW mod
- Volksgrenadier 1945 reward unit model and texture mix
- Taken from BotB mod
- generic Hs. 129B-3 texture (unmodified; original filename 2enschel_dif)
- generic Ostwind Flakpanzer texture (unmodified; original filename tex_ax_ostwind_dif)
- generic P-51D model and textures (unmodified; taken from Europe at War mod)
- generic sdKfz 222 texture (unmodified; original filename sdkfz_221_dif)
- generic sdKfz 250/9 texture (unmodified; original filename sdkfz250-9B_SH_DIFFUSE)
- generic Sexton (unmodified; taken from Europe at War mod)
- generic T-34 obr. 1942/T-34-85 obr. 1944 (unmodified; taken from EF mod)
Last Edit: February 03, 2024, 11:48:23 am by TheVolskinator
Quote from: TheWindCriesMary on April 08, 2013, 11:10:04 am
I feel like if Smokaz and Shab met up it would be a 50/50 tossup to see which one of them robbed the other first.
Quote from: Hicks58 on May 04, 2013, 01:59:39 pm
Tries to convince people he's a good guy,says things like this. Scumbag Shab.
Posts: 1270
Re: EiR:R ACA (Art Credits Archive), to be updated every patch
Reply #2 on:
January 05, 2019, 12:22:18 pm »
Quote from: Shabtajus on January 05, 2019, 12:06:10 pm
What’s up with that?
If u b doin a steam release but not giving full credit to all the work you use from others, u b asking for trouble.
[especially as some of these mods are already on steam]
Quote from: TheWindCriesMary on April 17, 2013, 02:21:45 pm
It's like saying "i can understand his concerns that fire breathing dragons live in far away lands"
Quote from: Shabtajus on February 22, 2016, 12:06:00 am
americans dont dodge wars.
Quote from: Trapfabricator
Literally, The only thing less likely than this is zombie hitler becoming prime minister of israel
EIR Veteran
Posts: 3908
Re: EiR:R ACA (Art Credits Archive), to be updated every patch
Reply #3 on:
January 06, 2019, 04:53:05 am »
I believe these have to be also visible on the launcher, like say a page where it states "Credits" or something to make it more valid. doubt everyone scavenges forums anymore as often.
Quote from: Unkn0wn on June 05, 2011, 04:01:40 am
Because a forum post should be like a woman's skirt. Long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
EIR Veteran
Posts: 2565
The very best player of one of the four factions.
Re: EiR:R ACA (Art Credits Archive), to be updated every patch
Reply #4 on:
January 06, 2019, 10:54:24 am »
Quote from: Tachibana on January 05, 2019, 12:22:18 pm
If u b doin a steam release but not giving full credit to all the work you use from others, u b asking for trouble.
[especially as some of these mods are already on steam]
Fair enough
Administrator / Lead Developer
Posts: 3012
Re: EiR:R ACA (Art Credits Archive), to be updated every patch
Reply #5 on:
April 07, 2019, 09:04:25 pm »
Updated 7 Apr. 2019.
Administrator / Lead Developer
Posts: 3012
Re: EiR:R ACA (Art Credits Archive), to be updated every patch
Reply #6 on:
April 14, 2019, 02:26:24 pm »
Updated 14 Apr. 2019.
Administrator / Lead Developer
Posts: 3012
Re: EiR:R ACA (Art Credits Archive), to be updated every patch
Reply #7 on:
May 25, 2019, 06:58:37 pm »
Updated 25 May 2019. Sorry Shab, I hijacked your first post to update the list.
Administrator / Lead Developer
Posts: 3012
Re: EiR:R ACA (Art Credits Archive), to be updated every patch
Reply #8 on:
August 11, 2019, 12:58:38 pm »
Updated 11 August 2019.
Administrator / Lead Developer
Posts: 3012
Re: EiR:R ACA (Art Credits Archive), to be updated every patch
Reply #9 on:
February 03, 2024, 11:48:40 am »
Updated 3 February 2024.
Posts: 70
Re: EiR:R ACA (Art Credits Archive), to be updated every patch
Reply #10 on:
March 08, 2024, 12:12:54 am »
add speedy/nightrain for launcher UI work
add me for ruining the mod
Quote from: TheVolskinator on March 03, 2019, 02:16:34 pm
lol dats true get rekt
Quote from: shockcoil on February 22, 2019, 06:35:40 am
I like balanced companies
Quote from: fabulous_rug on March 08, 2019, 12:10:52 pm
you can't just post a replay every single time I fuck up the opening
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