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Author Topic: WW2 Forum Roleplay, Battle of Crete, Sign-Up  (Read 52634 times)
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Thtb Offline
The German Guy
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Posts: 3875

« on: May 04, 2008, 02:09:03 pm »

Take the time to read it, please.

*Check last part, updated
We will have a "roleplay" of the "Battle of Crete".
Place, items, area, weapons, sides are Preset as you can see here;

-However the outcome depends on what your character does and what he makes the others do.

For those of you how never had any RP (roleplay) xp, just think up a character with his own personallty (or not) and act like you where him. In this case you woud be either on the side of the British and Crete Troops, defending against the axis fallschirmjaegers or whiseversa.
I as GM (GameMaster, but if anyone else thinks he woud be better he can replace me) will keep you uptodate of the battlefield situation, that is created by your actions. I also post and writte events at they come up, caused by your actions.

I will find or if necessary draw (ugs...) a battlefield card on witch the 2 sides will be moveing and fighting.

If you have questions, ask them.

Now for the sides you can sign up for;

When you sign up;
-Pick a side
-Pick weapon(´s), be realistic, but a little special is allowed.
-Pick Sidearm, various items (Grenades, food, medical supplys, knifes? and so on)
-Little BIO of your character (Age, motivation?, personallity, role in squad, rank?)

We will need a leader of the British and Axis.

GreeceMilitary Troops;

Free to choose;
Mannlicher-Schönauer 6.5 mm mountain carbine
ex-Austrian 8 mm Steyr-Mannlicher M1895 rifles
Gra rifles
Saint Etienne light machine guns

Many of the Greek troops had less than thirty rounds of ammunition left, and could not be resupplied by the British, who had no stocks in the correct calibers. This affected their placement in the battle; those with insufficient ammunition were posted to the island's eastern sector, where the Germans were not expected in force. The Greeks made up for the lack of equipment with intensity of spirit; historian Christopher Buckley described their fight as one of "…extreme courage and tenacity."

The RP-ing a Greek soldier might be very hard and i will surely use them as non player troops for ambiente, too (Sir, the greek troops need our help! they are out of ammo!)

The British Troops

The British and Commonwealth contingent consisted of the original British garrison and another 25,000 Commonwealth troops evacuated from the mainland. The evacuees were the typical mix found in any contested evacuation — there were substantially intact units under their own command, scratch units hurriedly brought together by leaders on the spot, stragglers without leaders from every type of unit possessed by an Army, and deserters. Most of these men lacked heavy equipment.

British and Commonwealth troops used their standard .303 Lee-Enfield rifle and Bren and Vickers machineguns.

Limited Weapons, placed and given out by however is highest in british command;
Matilda IIA "I" tanks (if enave players join)
Mark VIB light tanks
these tanks lacked general purpose high-explosive ammunition for the 2-pdr cannon on the Matildas, possessing only armor piercing rounds which were not effective against infantry.
The tanks had numerous maintenance problems. The engines, especially, were worn and could not be overhauled with the limited resources available on Crete. Most of the tanks were therefore used as mobile pillboxes to be brought up and dug in at strategic points.

-Also 20 mm anti air guns

The Axis Fallschirmjaeger;

The intention was to use Fallschirmjäger (Luftwaffe paratroopers) to capture key points of the island, including airfields that could then be used to fly in supplies and reinforcements. The XI Fliegerkorps was to co-ordinate an attack by the 7th Air Division, which would insert its paratroopers by parachute and glider.

German Twelfth Army Intelligence painted a less optimistic picture, but still believed the British & Commonwealth forces to be much fewer than they actually were, and also underestimated the number of Greek troops who had been evacuated from the mainland. General Alexander Löhr, the theatre commander, was convinced that the island could be taken with two divisions, but decided to keep the 6th Mountain Division in Athens as a reserve. Events would prove this to have been a wise precaution.

-k98 Rifle
-MP40 MP

The Germans were deploying a new weapon on Crete: the LG40 Panzerabwehrwerfer 7,5, a 75 mm recoilless rifle. At 320 pounds, it weighed only a tenth as much as a standard German 75 mm field gun, yet had two-thirds of its range. The new gun could fling a 13-pound shell over three miles. Adding to the airborne units' firepower was the fact that one-quarter of the German paratroopers jumped with an MP40 submachine gun, often carried in addition to a powerful bolt-action Mauser K98k rifle. Moreover, almost every German squad was equipped with an MG34 light machine gun.

The Germans used colour-coded parachutes to distinguish the canisters carrying rifles, ammunition, crew-served weapons and other supplies. Heavy equipment like the LG40 was dropped with a special triple-parachute harness designed to bear the extra weight.

The troopers also carried special strips of cloth which could be unfurled in pre-arranged patterns to signal low-flying fighters to coordinate air support and supply drops.

A major flaw in Germans airborne procedures was that most of the men's individual weapons were dropped in cannisters; this was in contrast with the practice of most other nations's airborne forces, who routinely jumped with personal weapons strapped to the jumper. While this facilitated exit from the aircraft and prevented loss and damage to the rifles, it left the paratroopers armed only with their sidearms and fighting knives in the critical few minutes after landing. The poor design of German parachutes compunded the problem: the standard German parachute harness had only a single riser connecting the paratrooper to the parachute canopy, and thus could not be steered toward weapons canisters and away from ground hazards during descent. Even the twenty-five percent of paratroops armed with machine pistols were at a distinct disadvantage, given the weapon's limited range. Many Fallschirmjäger were shot attempting to make it to their unit's weapons canisters.

The Axis may also have 1 Person playing a fighter pilot.

Also FOW-RP is still running, like evry WE
we use this mod currently
------------Thank you APEX---------
Awards:    if given
Unit:   if given




2. Do not make your characters superheroes. Make them human.

Advice for axis:
1. My first line under equipment are the basics every FJ should have, copy and paste if you like.
2. Every FJ has a gravity knife and either a MP40 (6 reloads), a Kar98K (12 reloads) or a MG34 (4 reloads). Everyone but the MG34 got 2x Stiehlhandgranate. Mg Gunners have a P08 (4 reloads).
3. Shutze is not a german name. Either Schütze (Schuetze), Schultz or Schultze.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2008, 11:27:10 am by Thtb » Logged

Falcon333 Offline
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Posts: 1125

« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2008, 02:46:09 pm »

Character: Tom Lancaster
Age: 20 years
Rank: Private First Class [PFC]
Awards: None
Unit: "D"-Company, 1st Platoon
No. 4/Mk.I Lee-Enfield (+ 9 extra magazines),
Webley revolver (2 magazines),
2x No. 74 AT grenade (Sticky bomb).

Standard issued Helmet and uniform,
Field dressing,
Standard rations (7 days),

- Artillery crewman (Knows how to use mortars/howitzers and the like effectively)
- Explosives expert (Has trained with the use of explosives (demolitions, mines, ...)
- Field cook (Helped with cooking when he was little and has consequently learned how to cook simple meals)

- Philosopher (Often thinks thoroughly before acting, and because of that, his Clost Combat Capablilty is really weak)
- Landscape study (He is able to (roughly) memorize the landscape around him)

Tom joined the army with 2 friends, who were planning on becoming commando's. Tom failed, but did an excellent job at Explosives training.
After some extra training with explosives he was sent in a infantry company as a demolitions engineer instead.
When he was little, he'd often try to draw landscapes he's seen before in his little drawing book, which he took with him everywhere.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2008, 11:59:11 pm by Falcon333 » Logged

"Chance favors the prepared mind"
ThetaCommander Offline
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Posts: 242

« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2008, 02:51:47 pm »

Character - Elliot Fletcher
Age - 23 years old
Rank - Lance Corporal (LCpl)
Company - "D" Company, 1st platoon
Weapons and Equipment - Standard issue helmet & uniform, Lee-Enfield Rifle, 10 clips of ammo, 2 Fragmentation Grenades, a week worth of ration, and a Colt .45 Semiautomatic with 2 clips.
Skills - Marksmen, Forester

Bio - Elliot Fletcher was born into a life of expectations and discipline. His father, a naval captain, was killed during the first world war when he was still in his mother's wombs. His mother died when giving birth to him and as a result, he was raised by a distant uncle who demanded vigorous studies. In order to escape from the harsh disciplines that his uncle enforced, Elliot often went out alone into the forest to practice his marksmanship.

Although a brilliant student, he was expelled from his university after getting into a brawl with another student. During this time, he turned towards alcohol to relief his stress. When WW2 broke out, he saw his chance to redemption, if not for himself, then for his father.

Well, there's my character. I've done a few forum RPs before, but this is my first RP relating to WW2.

ThetaCommander - Defensive
GammaCommander - Armor
stumpster Offline
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Posts: 2197

« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2008, 03:08:33 pm »

Character - Mickey Aspephos
Age - 22 years old
Rank - Leading Aircraftsman
Company - 22 Greek Fighter Group
Weapons/Equipment - Standard issue flight suit, Webley MkVI Revolver, two flares, three days worth of rations, map of the island, compass
Skills - Able to speak English and Greek, excellent spotter, good at navigation.

Bio - Mickey Aspephos was born to an immigrated Greek family in the US.  When war broke out, he hopped aboard a train to Canada and joined the RAF.  After weeks of training, he was transferred to the 22 Greek Fighter Group due to his natural ability to speak both English and Greek.  There, he led a small group of Spitfire Hurricane planes.  However, in a brutal engagement he was shot down by an Me-109.  He barely escaped capture and was able to board the boats that were evacuating towards Crete.

Step out of the way. He'll keep going until he hits a wall, that being Akranadas. Let him go unmolested, his journey will take less time.
Thtb Offline
The German Guy
EIR Veteran
Posts: 3875

« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2008, 03:33:47 pm »

Thats what i am talking about Wink!

ThetaCommander this is also the first ww2 RP i pull off ;P

Need some Axis.

What I heared from most of the ppl in vent is that its to complicated for them and that they woud prefer D&D or something therelike ....
CommanderNewbie Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 1240

« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2008, 03:36:25 pm »

I'll get a german one up when I get the chance... unfortunately, I'm at a bit of a disavantage (not being german and all) Wink
« Last Edit: May 04, 2008, 05:59:17 pm by CommanderNewbie » Logged

CommanderNewbie - Allied
Prydefalcn - Axis
CommanderHolt Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 600

« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2008, 03:48:58 pm »

German MG Paratrooper

Character: Hans Deinhardt
Age: 18 years
Rank: Gefreiter (Private First Class)
Awards: None
Unit: 3./LL-Sturm-Rgt., 4. Kompanie, 1. Zug

Weapons: (At Drop) P 08 Luger (4x Ammo Clips), Gravity Knife. (In Canister) MG34 Bipod (8x 50 Round Drums), 3 Replacement Barrels (For MG), and 1 Collapsible Entrenching Tool.
Equipment: (At Drop) RZ-20 Parachute, Fallschirmjäger "Bone Sack" Uniform, Stahlhelm, Pair of Gloves, Knee Pads, 7 days of Rations. (In Canister) Matches, Kindling, Pot, 6 Cups.

- Field Cook (Was a part-time cook at home and knows a thing or 2 in preparing food on the field.)
- MG Expert (Knows how to get the best performance out of his MG34 and can operate an MG34 all by himself as long as using Drum Magazines)
- Digging In (He did backbreaking work in the Hitler Youth, back when he was younger and was able to complete physical tasks faster then most other in his group. He is therefore able to dig in realitively quickly with the right tools.)

- Not Alone (He is very scared when alone and can panic very easily if there no friendly soldiers around him.)
- Forgetful (Sometimes he can get sidetracked and forgets about his orders. Has particular problems in remembering his COs names.)
-Distance Fighter (Doesn't like Hand-to-Hand Combat and is therefore weak in that respect.)

Bio:(In Progress)

Edit: Thank You for the layout Apex.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2008, 12:06:47 pm by CommanderHolt » Logged
Escforreality Offline
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Posts: 50

« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2008, 04:05:15 pm »

I'll be a German. (Need time to prepare)
Also I'm not actually German.
ThetaCommander Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 242

« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2008, 04:26:27 pm »

I was tempted to play a German character but I felt I could RP better with a more familiar culture.
They Call Me SpitFire Offline
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« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2008, 04:59:01 pm »

I'm German, but I want to be a Brit,so I'll be German!

Born:1923 April 7th
Enlisted:1940 May 2nd
Name:Rambert Busch
Equipment:Morphine&Other Medical Supplies: Mauser K98k 5 five round magizines:MP40 with 3 magazines:German Trench Knife: Basic rations.
Skills: He is an excellent marksmen and could easily hit a British helmet at well over 600meters.He is a great leader and is very youthful. He is a perfect medic.
   He is a young man who joined the fallschirmjäger regiments for the intention of making the money to pay for his mother's medical intentions as she is very ill. He is your average 17yr old. He is a Christian man with long blonde hair and has dark deep blue eyes. He wears an amulet with a picture of his 'mum' in it. He has two brothers in the Waffen-SS and one who drove a Panzer through the advances through Europe.

Nothing compares to a quiet evening alone
Just the one-two of us, who's counting on
That never happens
I guess I'm dreaming again
Let's be more than
No, oh
Crush, crush
(Two, three, four!)
They Call Me SpitFire Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 563

« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2008, 05:01:39 pm »

PS I'll be a leader of the Axis if you can't find anyone better I'd just have to edit my dudes bio a bit.
DonkeyRadar2 Offline
EIR Regular
Posts: 12

« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2008, 05:50:40 pm »

I'll have a go as an Axis player.
Open to suggestions and changes to my character. I am not german, but giving it a go.

Character: Wolfgang Schütze
Rank: Gefreiter (Private First Class)

Karabiner 98 Kurz (K98) /w 5 clips [Dropped in separate retrievable container], P08 pistol (Luger) /w 3 Clips, 2 Model 24 Stielhandgranate, “Gravity” Knife.

RZ-20 Parachute, Fallschirmjäger "bone sack" Uniform /w Stahlhelm, assault rations, 2x Benzedrine, Cigarettes, cotton and ear plugs.

Battle Experience - Has seen combat several times before. Experience in Poland and Norway.

Aggressive – A man who might rather wrestle the enemy to the ground and strangle or stab them than to shoot.
Resilient - A born survivor, natural selection will not weed this man out.
Non Political - Does not consider the effects of his actions aside from reference to mission objectives.

Wolfgang comes from a military family, his father was an officer in the army who became MIA during the Norway campaign. Wolfgang’s brother is enlisted in the Kreigsmarine positioned in Norway.
He is stern, uncompromising and somewhat anarchistic, he considers himself “non-political” and continues his job as a soldier choosing to ignore politics completely. Due to the harsh nature of Fallschirmjäger drops and activities, Wolfgang sought after position within it’s ranks as a challenge to his fierce tenacity.

EDIT: Edited name thanks to Apex, also added Traits section, Removed Division
« Last Edit: May 06, 2008, 04:28:53 pm by DonkeyRadar2 » Logged

Apex Offline
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Posts: 2971

« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2008, 05:51:44 pm »

Character: Gabriel Ritter
Age: 24 years
Rank: Leutnant
Awards: Close Combat Badge, Iron Cross Second Class
Unit: 3./LL-Sturm-Rgt., 4. Kompanie, 1. Zug

Weapons: MP 40 (6 reloads), P 08 (4 reloads), 2x Stiehlhandgranate 24, gravity knife
Equipment: RZ-20 Parachute, Fallschirmjäger "Bone Sack" Uniform, Stahlhelm, assault rations, first-aid kit, 2x Benzedrine, storm lighter;
                binoculars, map, compass, pack of cigarillos

- Officer (Ritter has received the officer training, bringing all the appropriate skills and responsibilities with it.)
- Nerves of Steel (Ritter has seen heavy combat in Poland, Norway and Denmark. He knows how to keep his cool in the heat of battle.)
- Iron Discipline (The Leutnant is as inspiring as he is intimidating, and has been with his unit for a long time now. The men in his platoon will follow him to the last.)

- Bone Sack Uniform (Leutnant Ritter never wears an officer uniform in battle, much to the distrust of his superiors. While this makes him popular amongst his troopers (and less recognisable by snipers), it has lead to communication problems with other units in the past.)
- Cigarillo Smoker (The Leutnant is often seen with a cigarillo in the corner of his mouth. Being his trademark, he is famous for it in the whole battalion. It sometimes leaves him short of breath though, and he is now refraining from smoking during battle. "Smoking will get you killed" is what he tells the new recruits.)
- No Navigator (Ritter was born with little to no navigational sense. While his officer training teached him the basics, especially in urban terrain Ritter relies on his sergeants to do the navigating.)

Ritter joined the Wehrmacht in 1938 to originally do a one-year service. His talent for leadership was quickly recognised and he rose steady through the ranks. By the time the war broke out, he was a Feldwebel. His unit saw action in poland, norway and denmark. For his action in the gundbrandtal in norway he was awarded the iron cross second class and promoted to Leutnant. He talks little about his past, but is popular amongst his soldiers. His Regiment is now preparing to be part of the first wave on the assault on Crete.              
« Last Edit: May 04, 2008, 07:03:42 pm by Apex » Logged
Apex Offline
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Posts: 2971

« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2008, 06:00:39 pm »

Advice for all:
1. To make this more streamlined, we should all use the same layout for the charactersheet. From what I see so far, some are unreadable.
Try mine. Thtb you might want to copy my blank sheet to your first post.
2. Do not make your characters superheroes. Make them human.

Advice for axis:
1. My first line under equipment are the basics every FJ should have, copy and paste if you like.
2. Every FJ has a gravity knife and either a MP40 (6 reloads), a Kar98K (12 reloads) or a MG34 (4 reloads). Everyone but the MG34 got 2x Stiehlhandgranate. Mg Gunners have a P08 (4 reloads).
3. Shutze is not a german name. Either Schütze (Schuetze), Schultz or Schultze.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2008, 06:52:17 pm by Apex » Logged
GammaCommander Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 651

« Reply #14 on: May 04, 2008, 06:12:54 pm »

Character - Elliot Fletcher
Age - 23 years old
Rank - Lance Corporal (LCpl)
Awards - None
Company - "D" Company, 1st platoon

Weapons and Equipment
- Standard issue helmet & uniform
- Lee-Enfield Rifle, 7 clips of ammo
- 2 Fragmentation Grenades
- A few days worth of rations
- Colt .45 Semiautomatic with 2 clips.

Skills & Traits
- Marksmen (Years of practice has given this character a very steady aim)
- Forester (Elliot can make the best of things through his wilderness experiences; he can traverse through forest terrain better than most soldiers)
- Inexperienced (Lack of combat experience means this soldier will not fight at his full potential)

Elliot Fletcher was born into a life of expectations and discipline. His father, a naval captain, was killed during the first world war when he was still in his mother's wombs. His mother died when giving birth to him and as a result, he was raised by a distant uncle who demanded vigorous studies. In order to escape from the harsh disciplines that his uncle enforced, Elliot often went out alone into the forest to practice his marksmanship.

Although a brilliant student, he was expelled from his university after getting into a brawl with another student. During this time, he turned towards alcohol to relief his stress. When WW2 broke out, he saw his chance to redemption, if not for himself, then for his father.

Well, there's my character. I've done a few forum RPs before, but this is my first RP relating to WW2. I was going to edit my other post but I just realized I'm on my other profile. So, here's the new layout.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2008, 06:20:45 pm by GammaCommander » Logged

AirborneCommander - Blank
DeltaCommander - Blank
ThetaCommander - Axis Defensive
GammaCommander - Allied Armor


Ucross Offline
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« Reply #15 on: May 04, 2008, 06:16:53 pm »

I'll have a go as Super Hero.

Subject: Clark Kent
Rank: Civilian/Super Hero
Red Cape
Blue Tights
Red shoes
Hair gel

Super Strength
Inpenetrable Skin
Laser Eyes
X-ray vision

From Krypton.  Wants to do good.
CommanderNewbie Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 1240

« Reply #16 on: May 04, 2008, 06:23:36 pm »

(thanks for the templates, folks Tongue)

Character - Heinrich Müller
Age - 29 years
Rank - Leutnant
Company - VIII. Fliegerkorps, 4./St.G.2 (Lead aircraft, 6. Kette)
Weapons and Equipment - Junkers Ju 87R, Regulation flight clothing w/leather flying jacket, parachute gear, belt holster w/Walther P38 (loaded with spare clip x2), Luftwaffe gravity knife, stowed survival kit

Skills and Traits -
Fluent in German, French (Native speaker of German, learned French in university)
Dive bomber (Flew sorties in France, Greece)
Small-scale air command tactics (Flight lead in his Kette since France)
Radio operator (Familiar with operation of his aircraft's radio)
Exceptional vision (Able to distinguish battlefield conditions and targets from high altitude dives)
Reckless (Has emerged from every sortie thus far unscathed)

Bio -
Heinrich was born in to privledge in 1910, to a family of the Prussian military tradition.  As the youngest by far of three brothers, he had grown up watching his siblings follow in the footsteps of their father in to the Reichsheer.  The fact that his eldest brother returned home from World War I in a casket did not dispell this tradition from the rest of his family, the humiliating defeat of Germany and the restrictions placed on the army had convinced Heinrich to opt for higher education when he was of the age of military service.  Being that he was the youngest of his family, none protested to the decision.

The hardships that the common man faced did not reach Heinrich's life, and he isolated himself from political turmoil while attending university in Munich.  With the rise of the Hitler and the emergence of a strengthened Wehrmacht, his siblings had been called back in to service at the behest of his father.  With confrontation on the horizon again, Heinrich was pressured by his father as well to be ready to defend Germany's honor.  With his family's connections, he found a place within the burgeoning Luftwaffe.

His penchant for learning made Heinrich natural in officer training, but he did not excell as a pilot without real combat experience.  Flying a Stuka in the invasion of France gave him actual the experience he needed, and it was during this time that he truely learned to appreciate the privledge of serving in wartime.  As a junior officer in the Luftwaffe, his newfound confidence accompanied the arrogance of being a "flyboy."
« Last Edit: May 05, 2008, 02:12:12 pm by CommanderNewbie » Logged
Apex Offline
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Posts: 2971

« Reply #17 on: May 04, 2008, 06:54:07 pm »

@Holt: Its Deinhardt  Smiley @Ucross: You suck   Sad

Also added Stahlhelm (steel helmet) to equipment and the Luger to the MG gunner.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2008, 07:05:34 pm by Apex » Logged
CommanderHolt Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 600

« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2008, 07:01:34 pm »

Whats a "Stahlhelm"? Huh
Warbirds Offline
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« Reply #19 on: May 04, 2008, 07:01:47 pm »

Character: Klaus Hoffmann
Age: 20 years
Rank: Feldwebel
Awards: None
Unit: 3./LL-Sturm-Rgt., 4. Kompanie, 1. Zug

Weapons: K98K (12 reloads), P 38 (3 reloads), 2x Nb. 24 Stiehlhandgranate (with custom-made Splittering), 1x  Nb.39 Nebelhandgranate, Gravity Knife

Equipment: RZ-20 Parachute, Fallschirmjäger "Bone Sack" Uniform, assault rations, first-aid kit, 2x Benzedrine, map, compass, signal flares, flashlight, rifle scope

- Scharfschützen (Hoffmann has received basic sniper training, and can hit targets with frightening accuracy, and has a detachable scope for his rifle for longer range.)
- Scavenger (Hoffmann has excellent scrounging abilities for supplies amongst the other companies and from supply depots to get more ammunition and supplies for the unit.)
- Veteran (Hoffmann has seen combat in Poland, Norway, and Denmark, and has been in the company since it's founding.)

- Concern (Hoffmann cares about those under his command, and makes an effort to make sure they can complete their duty as soldiers.)
- More when I think of them.

Hoffmann joined the Wehrmacht in mid-1938, and his unit was in combat-readiness condition by the time the war erupted in Poland.  He gained valuable experience from action in Poland, Norway, and Denmark.  He was wounded during the conflict in Poland, and that gave him a knack to survive in the thick of battle.  He volunteered for the FJ when news first came about of them, he wanted to be the best of the best.  His unit is the part of the first wave for the invasion of Crete.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2008, 07:07:01 pm by Warbirds » Logged
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