Well, lately my computer has entered the stage of "I WANT TO FUCKING BURN IT AND FEED IT TO A BEAR!"
WARNING: BLOCK OF TEXT WILL CRIT YOU FOR 9999 EYE BURNING DAMAGEI keep getting wierd graphical glitches on every game I play. Every other program is fine.
Little background info -
A year ago I added a new gfx card in, an nvidia 7600 gt. I needed a good, cheap card, And i heard it wasnt bad. I also put 2 gb of Ram in. thing worked great. Could play everything with little to no lag, and I was thoroughly happy. Then came december. A trojan or some shit must've gotten into my computer. My hard drive crashed and fried, and I went out to get another one installed. Thats when the trouble started. It was trivial at first. Little white transparent lines stretching across loading screen or terrain. Easy to notice, but slightly annoying.
Then there came about a month later, as an aid to the white lines, color distortion. Random patches of terrain and sometimes even characters would change into shades of blue, purple and black polka dots
. Annoying, but far from game breaking.
Things started going downhill from there. Disappearing character models, random terrain glitches, disappearing terrain. Still not game breaking, but very much fucking annoying.
Then, i decided to update my drivers and defrag the harddrive in hopes of fixing the problem. Want to know what it did? IT MADE IT FUCKING WORSE.
Random crashes due to graphics glitches, completely disappearing terrain and characters, random large rectangles shooting at me from the sky if I turn a certain way, large blocks of colored matter blocking my vision, and generally game breaking graphical glitches. THen games that worked a month ago started crashing on startup or getting critical errors or something pertaining to the gfx
To sum it up - Game will not start, some have major graphical glitches IE discolored blotches, missing characters, missing terrain and white lines.
I now stand at a crossroads. Get a complete overhaul of the computer (which i dont have the money for) or see if you people can either help me fix it, or help me find a cheaper solution.
Games with white lines -
Games with blotches/discoloration -
everything except CoH and SoaSE
Games with missing character/terrain -
Everything except CoH and SoaSE
Ill put the pictures in attachment form to basically show you whast going on. I realize they are all from one game, but that game has nearly all of the problems.
Game i own (If it helps) -
Civ 4 & BTS
COH and OF
Port Royale 2 (one of my favorites that wont work now
Combat Arms
Stronghold 2 and Crusader
Guild Wars
Tabula Rasa
And thats all I have installed.
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