A belated Happy New Year to everyone!
Our development team has been hard at work, smashing through the work of getting the Opposing Fronts armies into the next installment of Europe in Ruins, which we've happily dubbed Reinforcements.
For those who are curious about who is actually working on the modification at the moment, here is the run-down on the Dev team as it currently stands.;
EIR:R Head Developer = LuciferNZ (aka EIRRMod)
EIR:R Development Team = Akranadas, Nevyen, Drakin, Stumpster, Salan
Testers = Montag, Cthuhlu, DasNoob, Unkn0wn, APEX, Kolath, AmPm, Lai.
Special Thanks to - Fldash, Ucross, Forefall and Phil for paving the way for this release.
As some of you may have noticed, there is a new Ventrilo Server up and running.
This one is a dedicated Europe in Ruins server and is the number one place to find and play EIR games on.
For those who don't know the details, here they are once again:
Server Information:
Hostname = chi08.voicemonsters.com
Port = 3850
Password = sp4m
Or, if you prefer the IP:
IP =
Port = 3850
Password = sp4m
Hope to see you guys on there

And what kind of update would this be without something to tease you with?
So with that in mind, we have a video for your enjoyment!
It shows some game play of EIR:R as well as some other nice things. Of course this video can't show it all, or else what kind of teaser would that be? Right?
Europe In Ruins: Reinforcements TeaserEurope In Ruins: Reinforcements Teaser on YoutubeWe also have Shoutcast #8 available, which shows all four factions in a fierce battle on Nuenen, commented on by Salan and Stumpster!
Shoutcast #8Hope you all enjoy the update and we hope to have the product out to you soon. Thank you to everyone for you're continual support, it means a lot to us!
The EIR:R Team