EIR:R Secrets Revealed - 3: Repair RatesEurope in ruins has long decided to restrict repairs of multiple repair units from repairing one target at a time. This is coming to an end. With the release of EIR:R you will again see the days where multiple repairers are able to repair anything, at the same time. This also includes a players ability to buy more then 1 repair bunker and have multiples on the field at a time. To balance stacking of repair units we have lowered the overall repair rate of individual units across the board. You will find that 1 unit repairs slower in EIR:R then in the current EIR environment, yet there are many additional forms of repair bonus's in EIR:R, on top of the stacking mechanism.
Specifics to note on which units CAN repair, and how their repair may be different then VCoH. For the PanzerElite army the only infantry that can repair is the PanzerGrenadiers. The Tank Busters and Assault Grenadiers have lost this functionality. EIR wishes to maintain our posture on having specific units being able to repair, this means that the PE needed a smaller list of units with that functionality. Both the PanzerGrenadiers and Sappers have upgrades which will aid them in repairing quicker, while the Wehrmacht has its now stacking repair bunkers, and the Americans will continue to gain repair bonus's through vet and doctrine choices. Also to note the Berge tiger is a more restricted repair unit in EIR:R. The Berge Tiger will not be able to revive dead vehicles, will be limited through availability, and obviously be a bigger target with more survivability, but more on the pricing and availability in future releases.
Also to note, Over repair will be a doctrine ability which will be covered later.
Numbers are hit points per second.Panzer Grenadiers: 0.4
Standard factions (Engi/Pio/Sapper/Repair Bunker): 0.5
Panzer Elite (Advanced Repair): 0.6
Standard factions in current EiR: 0.66
Expert Engineers: 0.9
Berge Tiger: 1.25
Europe in Ruins is proud to release another EIR map by the infamous mapper Unkn0wn!
This map is a remake and expansion of Unkn0wns previous project: Airfield. The map, named Arras, features a long double runway with gigantic hangers and an access road. it is currently being tested as a 2 v 2 and offers a very unique style of play that works great with the addition of PE and BRITISH factions.
you can get the map here for playing on EIR, it is already in the module.
Stay tuned for the upcoming EIR:R Secrets section on Availability, and the EIR:R release, coming soon!
also look forward to our specific audio releases of SECRETS REVEALED on moddb, where I will cover a broader base and include things about specific units and their use in EIR:R.