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Author Topic: EIRR Secrets Revealed - 7: Veterancy and Reporting battles!  (Read 29772 times)
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suckisucki Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 53

« Reply #40 on: February 05, 2009, 09:41:33 am »

you don't need to proxy COH you just need to manipulate the battle report..

and an other thing is that only a few % of people have a static IP adress so how you will prevent smurfing to buff their team mates?
fldash Offline
Posts: 9755

« Reply #41 on: February 05, 2009, 09:47:53 am »

We can easily tell people from the same IP, sub-section unless multiple people are playing from the same city with dynamic IPs, then it becomes more difficult.  And you can't alter the battle report to change your IP address... It comes from the game, and we don't look inside the battle report to find your IP-address, the server resolves it.

There are ways around every protection, but players will know your voice if you talk on vent, and the launcher can detect things like your login name to windows, your local IP address, your proxy configuration in your browser etc... 
Mysthalin_Armor Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 105

« Reply #42 on: February 05, 2009, 09:49:43 am »

*turns router off and then on again*
*enjoys completely new and completely random IP adress*
*Wonders wtf? he's gaining PP decently again*
fldash Offline
Posts: 9755

« Reply #43 on: February 05, 2009, 09:51:40 am »

*turns router off and then on again*
*enjoys completely new and completely random IP adress*
*Wonders wtf? he's gaining PP decently again*

Good luck changing your subnets...
suckisucki Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 53

« Reply #44 on: February 05, 2009, 09:57:27 am »

We can easily tell people from the same IP, sub-section unless multiple people are playing from the same city with dynamic IPs, then it becomes more difficult.  And you can't alter the battle report to change your IP address... It comes from the game, and we don't look inside the battle report to find your IP-address, the server resolves it.

There are ways around every protection, but players will know your voice if you talk on vent, and the launcher can detect things like your login name to windows, your local IP address, your proxy configuration in your browser etc... 

yeah i know that you can grab an IP range but it depends on the provider how many "players" could be have the same....

and you can tunnel using a vpn or whatever but even if you manage to identify 99% of the EiR players/smurfs

to say more about your backend i need to have a look into the mod code you have posted some month ago on relicnews
that was just a "theoretical" point of view

but anyways

how will you manage the balance if someone want just try out a new profile for an other doctrine or doctrine build?

they have experience by playing EiR but they have vanilla companies
fldash Offline
Posts: 9755

« Reply #45 on: February 05, 2009, 10:04:49 am »

The code that was posted on Relicnews has been re-written.  It was inefficient and slow which is why incremental reporting didn't work with it.  There are many things you could do to get around the protection, but the community can and will flag you and we'll find out.

As for the balance of someone trying a new profile, the rating is a combination of company strength and player strength so this shouldn't be an issue.  We can determine quite a few things from the outcome of a battle, enough that we should accurately be able to judge how good a player is with a vanilla company.
suckisucki Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 53

« Reply #46 on: February 05, 2009, 10:45:30 am »

The code that was posted on Relicnews has been re-written.  It was inefficient and slow which is why incremental reporting didn't work with it.  There are many things you could do to get around the protection, but the community can and will flag you and we'll find out.

hey hey hey you misunderstood me, i'm glad that there will be features introduced that makes more balanced battles possible

but even if they get not as much PP/exp i think some people will go for noob stomps Sad
salan Offline
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« Reply #47 on: February 05, 2009, 11:03:35 am »

there is never a fix for all situations in life.  People will go out of their way to work around things, and ultimately complain about one point in a complete argument over and over.

As it stands the systems together make for a much more evolved experience, that is what we are accomplishing here.  We plan to weigh in on abusers, exploiters and anyone who wants to use the system in ways it was not meant to be.  Not everything will be in the game right at release, it will follow quickly afterwards.  There will be a time until then that things are not in complete balance. 

I expect a lot of crying and complaining during this time, yet hopefully people can work through it with the excitement of something new rather then complain that its balanced on a full system that is not there yet.   And yes, before anyone complains about balance, know that we are tireless in making it work for the betterment of all players.

DBSights Offline
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« Reply #48 on: February 05, 2009, 11:25:25 am »

sometimes i just hate you guys so much
Duckordie Offline
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« Reply #49 on: February 05, 2009, 11:48:16 am »

You don't fuck around with fldash big brother power
Lets see how this system works out, reads like its better than the one we have

^<-- Duck ™ and ©

 We need more axis players!:
Baine Offline
Steven Spielberg
Posts: 3713

« Reply #50 on: February 05, 2009, 11:59:03 am »

Ehm, what about units that gain vet in the battle?
If you start with a Vet 1, nearly Vet 2 sniper, and you kill alot with him and in EiR he would have gained Vet 2 in the middle of the battle, would he gain it in EiRR aswell?
Or will it stay at Vet 1 until the end of the battle and then you can upgrade it to Vet 2? (losing the gained exp it would have gotten at Vet 2)

Any official answer to this?

Ugainial Offline
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« Reply #51 on: February 05, 2009, 12:25:59 pm »

Hmm a few interesting decisions here. It could could go either way on the vet issue, I think it will be a love it r hate it situation. The one thing that annoys me s that your vet gain will stop before you vet. A system where you would continue recieving points for vet but not gaining its advantages until you bought would have been better imo, but there are (I assume) coding issues and balance decisions to take in to consideration but meh, we'll have to wait and see.

THe report system should be interesting; anything to keep drophacks and desyncs down Wink
Killer344 Offline
The Inquisitor
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« Reply #52 on: February 05, 2009, 01:46:02 pm »

I expect a lot of crying and complaining during this time, yet hopefully people can work through it with the excitement of something new rather then complain that its balanced on a full system that is not there yet.   And yes, before anyone complains about balance, know that we are tireless in making it work for the betterment of all players.

you have quite a lot of experience with that Grin, so I expect to no go back to the old thing like last time lol.

If I get shot and it's a gay medic fixing me up, he's not gonna be fondling my balls while he does it. You can't patch a chest wound and suck a cock at the same time.
AmPmAllied Offline
509th Airborne
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Posts: 285

« Reply #53 on: February 05, 2009, 01:59:08 pm »

FL-, actually good players can stomp on people that suck all day long and get the same PP.

Your rating system only takes into account games played really, which has never made the terrible players any better.

They will get stomped.

I used number given to me a while back, a vet 2 Tiger loss is more than the PP you will earn in a game. Since I get the same XP and PP win or lose, why would I ever use, let alone risk, that unit vs anything other than people I know for sure are going to put up no fight?

Also, units like a STuG or STuH will be terrible investments of PP, same with M8's, Jeeps, Halftracks, Bikes, Engies/Pio, etc. Anything thats not going to retreat quickly if it needs to or isn't already hard to kill will be a terrible use of your PP.

Why put it into something that can get 3 shotted by an normal ATG with AP rounds or just get ruined by 2 RR squads that can retreat?

Welcome to a wide new world of griefing. This is what happens as units get more valuable, people stop playing a game for the fun of it, and they play to win no matter what. Winning = more PP gain since you get the same win or lose, you need to cause PP loss.

509th Airborne
fldash Offline
Posts: 9755

« Reply #54 on: February 05, 2009, 02:04:31 pm »

Feel free to theorycraft our system all you want before it's released but you are only wasting your breath. 
AmPmAllied Offline
509th Airborne
EIR Veteran
Posts: 285

« Reply #55 on: February 05, 2009, 02:18:42 pm »

In other words, you have no counter argument.  Wink
fldash Offline
Posts: 9755

« Reply #56 on: February 05, 2009, 02:31:47 pm »

In other words, you have no counter argument.  Wink

I've got plenty but I refused to argue with someone who is hardheaded and ignorant (to the new systems), thinking they know more about them than the creators. 
Baine Offline
Steven Spielberg
Posts: 3713

« Reply #57 on: February 05, 2009, 02:39:23 pm »

I have to say that i had the same thoughts concerning the PP spent on units. When you can choose what to Vet up and what not, people will go for the hardest to kill units.

Although i can see some Pios/Engies get Vet 3 for early deployment and then fast retreat.

But as fl- has already stated, that's all just theorycraft and we will have to wait and see.
Schultz Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 679

« Reply #58 on: February 05, 2009, 04:38:28 pm »

In other words, you have no counter argument.  Wink

I've got plenty but I refused to argue with someone who is hardheaded and ignorant (to the new systems), thinking they know more about them than the creators. 

Hey Fl, no need to be stubborn, we're not here to get you..all the "theorycrafting" here was meant on good ground and in good nature..
Before dismissing us, maybe it would be better instead to share with us more details..
Sure we can wait, but then whats the point of this community, whats the point of Secrets Revealed..whats the point of podcasts..if we cant come here and argue our mind.
If you guys dont really care about discussing which is how it comes out, you should say it at least..
AmPM Offline
Community Mapper
Posts: 7978

« Reply #59 on: February 05, 2009, 05:09:05 pm »

If you had plenty, the issue of my bringing this up would have been over weeks ago.

Not one of you has so far brought up anything to counter my views that this will make griefing more prevalent or stacking more common. Even with names removed, two teams can just not bring out anything they don't want to lose, play the game, retreat anything off, and win or lose get the same rewards.

So again, what prevents people from griefing high PP investment units, since retreating a vital unit and losing really doesn't mean anything. What prevents team stacking since all your "rating" system tracks is how many games they have played?

So again, if you want me to stop spouting off things based on your EIR:R Secrets Revealed (wtf was the point of this, just put it all out at once so people can look at it instead of this bullshit) then maybe you should actually answer the question.

And no DasNoob, before you go all fanboi on me, its not just hating the system to hate it. Its a good theory, but it really doesn't take the mentality of the community into consideration. People have abused every system EIR has put out, so why not look at it before that to figure out what might not work before releasing it. Its like Communism, it would work great if people were not people.


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