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Author Topic: Pre v0.0.5 Changelog  (Read 13671 times)
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Tymathee Offline
Posts: 9741

« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2009, 09:20:11 pm »

Why the panther change, it's already the bane of allied armies and every, and i mean EVERY wehr army has a nebel, so obviously price wasn't an issue. It's insanely tough to kill and rapes infantry in buildings and support weapons.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2009, 09:22:34 pm by Tymathee » Logged

"I want proof!"
"I have proof!"
"Whatever, I'm still right"

Dafuq man, don't ask for proof if you'll refuse it if it's not in your favor, logic fallacy for the bloody win.
AmPM Offline
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Posts: 7978

« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2009, 09:54:37 pm »

I am mostly confused about the increase in price for IHTs....seriously? Along with the price increase on ACs was the idea to basically destroy PE anti-blob direct fire? Maybe its a steath buff to the IST...which people still will not use. 12pop + cost for a 1 trick pony...

Ah well, time to drop the ACs. Guess we need Terror Doctrine for our infantry killing now.

Also, do PE Assault Grens etc now cost 4 pop or 5 pop? And why did the IHT go from 3 to 4 pop?

Tymathee Offline
Posts: 9741

« Reply #22 on: April 26, 2009, 10:46:05 pm »

yea, dont understand iht change, i rarely use them, i have maybe one or two, they're a needed unit for the pe.
EIRRMod Offline
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Posts: 11009

« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2009, 11:28:02 pm »

They were increased due to the buff that relic gave them.
Killing machine bug. (well, not quite)

Basically, ACs and IHTs are quite a bit more powerful than they were (Especially compared to vCOH) - thus reflecting the cost increase.

Quote from: brn4meplz
Shit I'm pretty sure you could offer the guy a cup of coffee and he'd try to kill you with the mug if you forgot sugar.
Quote from: tank130
That's like offering Beer to fuck the fat chick. It will work for a while, but it's not gonna last. Not only that, but there is zero motivation for the Fat chick to loose weight.
Quote from: tank130
Why don't you collect up your love beads and potpourri and find something constructive to do.
Tymathee Offline
Posts: 9741

« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2009, 11:53:45 pm »

yeah, iht does have more supppression power i dunno about ac's, no change for me there, they still suck Tongue
Bubz Offline
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Posts: 726

« Reply #25 on: April 27, 2009, 12:32:26 am »

Probably everything that bursts has the rate of fire bug... Undecided
« Reply #26 on: April 27, 2009, 01:02:00 am »


the panther change was a good thing
look at the buffs at least us armor got since 2.4
they buffed the sherman upgun und they buffed the m10 range

before almost everyone agreed that the panther was way to expensive

even now its risky to get one on the field because you use pure AT in a 16 popcap unit

i can understand that the ac was annoying but at guns are almost insta death of an ac....the ac and the mortar halftrack were the only really useful units for pe...both are powerful but have their weakness

i've still 2 acs for old price left, but probably they die next game (as they almost always die in a game) than no ACs for me anymore...not cost effective

next are changes to inf halftrack....can't understand why it had to go up...PE is so fuel heavy and from my games they really helped for suppression (the thing pe is lacking of) but got no kills (max. was 3 or 4 inf kills many got 0 kills) and ppl always die 4 me when it explodes...so no inf halftracks for me

my pe setup will be limited to a small variety of units now

fuel is for a panther, mortar hts and as many marders i can get
since i've always problems with tanks and light vehicles as pe because no recrewable at guns and no at guns that can not countered by other at guns over half the map

the remaining menpower will go into infantry... 12 4men panzergrens, 4x4men assault grens..some shrekgrens

change marder popcap please why its doubled pop of other AT guns when it is the most crappy of them? and change it fuel...
the panzer4 ist is fucking useless too


pershing VS panther almost didnt change if you look at MP
a pershing is now like a panther in MP and tigers or jagdpanther are fucking expensive now compared to a pershing
pershing got buffs from relic and made cheaper by eir?
and no change to the most overpowered noob unit in the game...called calliope

riflespam will be back with a availability of 14 now because the BAR owns (don't know if i like it)
maybe there is really a change to bar needed that it get supression fire as an upgrade or if it comes on cooldown on the field
.30 cal change was ok


nebelwerfer was good before don't know if it needed to go down in fuel...but the change in menpower was a good thing
since availability of only 1 and the much counter artillery it might be ok
stukka change is very good might help against sim city
since it was 2pp before i never got it...stukka got nerved by relic i will see how it works out for still the same costs

mp44 change is very good too maybe now my storms get one and i will use them for other tasks than just scouting
mp40 is still to expensive i will not get it
puma upgun i'll never used it..don't know if i'll do it now


some brit nerfs were really required will see how it pays off..but i'm wondering no changes to emplacements self healing insta build and that insane 17 pounder range?
« Last Edit: April 27, 2009, 01:07:57 am by BigDick » Logged
Scyn Offline
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Posts: 1011

« Reply #27 on: April 27, 2009, 01:49:24 am »

pershing got buffs from relic and made cheaper by eir?

I spoke with EIRRMod and asked about unit files and if they ran off of Relic. He made it clear to me that every unit in EIRR has its own separate file and that no change that Relic has made to any unit affects EIRR in any way.

God is a genetically induced obsession that we interpret in such a way as to maintain our obedience.
« Reply #28 on: April 27, 2009, 01:58:48 am »

pershing got buffs from relic and made cheaper by eir?

I spoke with EIRRMod and asked about unit files and if they ran off of Relic. He made it clear to me that every unit in EIRR has its own separate file and that no change that Relic has made to any unit affects EIRR in any way.

as far as i see they overwrite the original unit data for some things they changed..but this mod still uses vCOH units stats just replacing some of them by changes
DuckOfDoom Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 318

« Reply #29 on: April 27, 2009, 02:44:57 am »


=Sappers 210 MP (from 195 MP, 4 pop)
=Piat 100 Mu (from 85 Mu)

=Nebelwerfer - 400 MP, 35 Mu, 100 F from (450 MP, 35 Mun, 120 F)
=Stuka Availability for non defensive doctrine 1, 1, 2 from (0,1,2)
=Panther -  610 Mp, 500 F From (770 MP, 590 F, 16 pop)
=Mortar - 480 Mp, 65 Mun from (495 MP, 70 Mun, 4 pop)

Are you out of your fucking mind? You are NERFING an already struggling units and BUFFING the retardedly OP units even more? Seriously, I am this close to not playing this game because of the molten piece of shit for balance Eirr has at the moment. I AM GAY AND ANGRY RARGH

Lets review!


Nebelwerfer is already BETTER then any DOCTRINAL allied or axis artillery piece, bar the stuka (stuka is on par). A priest costs 465mp and 355 fuel, not to mention it costs a whopping 3 pps to field in a company. Nebelwerfers costs  a whopping 1/6th manpower less and 2/3rds less fuel in exchange for a negligible munition cost.

And thats just the fucking cost of a unit. Lets look at the attributes:

By just looking at the price, it can be thought that the priest is better then a nebelwerfer in every single way. That is not even remotely true. A priest, the best artillery piece the allies have, doesnt even come close to the awesomeness that is the nebel. The only factor which makes a priest worth buying, damage, is completely negated by the miserable accuracy the priest has. It doesnt matter AT ALL how many shells it fires in a single barrage, since their scatter is negligible, so if your first shell doesnt hit the target, NONE OF THEM WILL. Nebelwerfer rockets have a magical ability to home in on units both in and out of Fog Of War. That is fatal to any unit in a ridiculously large area that the nebel covers in its barrage - in fact, nebelwerfer works completely different to other artillery pieces. Nebelwerfer works like a constant FOO, which spawns shells OVER the units head with a minimal scatter (relying on the player spotting the incoming shells to move out of the way), instead of actually firing and landing a shell at its destination, where the scatter is dependent on a distance traveled. In addition, the nebelwerfer creates suppression - just like the FOO. Now as far as I remember, the number 1 complaint against the overtly powerful FOO is that you CANT get out of its way because of the suppression the first shells cause. Sounds familiar? Why yes, DuckOfDoom, that sounds exactly what nebelwerfer does with EACH FUCKING VOLLEY. In addition, the damage over time seals the fate of any unit caught in it, since it is a well known fact that aside from intended ingame effects of suppression making the unit take additional damage, the suppression COMPLETELY BREAKS THE UNITS PATHING, MAKING THEM UNABLE TO GET OUT OF THE AOE DAMAGE. Its not uncommon to see a unit still crawling on the ground some 5 or 6 minutes later, even after the suppression is long gone. The icing on the cake is that a nebelwerfer is FASTER then a vet 0 priest and the fire can do some 5-10% hit point damage to tanks, which doesnt even make sense. Literally, the only advantage the priest has over a nebelwerfer right now is a .50 cal machinegun, which is laughable. Other allied artillery pieces dont even get that benefit.


When compared to a nebel, stuka trades off aoe damage and suppression for increased mobility and damage, but it inherits all the problems of the nebel of being virtually un -dodgebal and extremely accurate. Also its sound effect is very quiet and hard to distinguish from the background noise


I have yet to see a panther die in a hands of a good axis player. Panther is capable of out-ranging every single tank and anti-tank gun the allies have, including the firefly backed by a command tank. This combo is also 1 pop more then a panther, and now, thanks to the devs infinite wisdom, costs LESS then the ff+ct combo ( FF: 615 mp 390f CT: 220mp 115 f, total: 835 mp, 505 f ). Oh, and the ff + ct combo is completely incapable of countering a panther on its own, since the panther will just drive away every time to get repaired if it takes any significant damage. So wait, as a cw player, what am I supposed to do to counter that unit? The obvious answer is buttoning, however buttoning has 1/2 of the panthers range, AND requires a line of sight and for the buttoning to work. But wait, lets assume a miracle occurred and a bren squad made it close enough to the panther because the wehr player went to make himself a saurkraut sandwich while his amazing block of support weapons is keeping 3 allied players at bay. His panther is buttoned while the firefly and the command tank are in range and firing on it. Well, no problem, any decent wehr player will just focus a nebel or an mg42 on the bren squad, or sick some assault troops on it. Ok, so now I need to have 22 pop worth of units (Firefly + command tank, + bren squad) on the field to counter a 16 pop unit, and now I need MORE units to protect the buttoning unit from harassment. Its also worth mentioning, that a panther can survive 1 button worth of a firefly's pounding on it from max range. Getting closer is really not an option as the firefly doesnt have the armor to stand up to any sort of at fire, paks or shreks, and panthers are rarely alone and unsupported. So why does a panther get a price decrease?

Wehr Mortar

The best mortar in the game gets a price discount. Wow, just wow. At least the wehr mortar is not as hard to counter, since its quite vulnerable to fire and has to remain stationary. But it still doesnt make sense to reduce the price of a unit that is ALREADY THE BEST IN ITS CATEGORY.

Sappers and PIATS

Sappers are the only reliable at the brits have beside the firefly. What makes them reliable? The fact that 17pndrs are immobile, and are therefore useless. You are basically stuck with sappers as your at early on, unless you have armor reinforcements. So, why are they getting a price increase along with their at weapon? I will agree that PIATs are really good as an anti infantry weapon, but shouldnt that be solved by increasing its scatter/accuracy vs infantry, rather then increasing its cost to that of panzershrek (well, nearly). I dont understand why brits only at is being made more expensive, especially since the bren guns are not at all useful now even vs the lightest armor (halftracks and armored cars). Why are brits and allies in general being forced to pay more resources for vastly inferior units? Logic says that the price of a unit should be a proportional to is specialty or its overall quality, but this is not the case with the allies at all, since the allied units have continuously suffered a price increase over the past few changes.

I have a suggestion: why dont you just call the mod Europe: Allies in Ruins.

« Last Edit: April 27, 2009, 04:57:47 am by DuckOfDoom » Logged
« Reply #30 on: April 27, 2009, 02:51:43 am »


=Sappers 210 MP (from 195 MP, 4 pop)
=Piat 100 Mu (from 85 Mu)
=Bofors 40mm emplacement 295 MP, 110 Mun from (295 MP, 75 Mun, 4 pop)
=Bofors availability: 1,2,2 from (1,2,1)

=Nebelwerfer - 400 MP, 35 Mu, 100 F from (450 MP, 35 Mun, 120 F)
=Stuka Availability for non defensive doctrine 1, 1, 2 from (0,1,2)
=Panther -  610 Mp, 500 F From (770 MP, 590 F, 16 pop)
=Mortar - 480 Mp, 65 Mun from (495 MP, 70 Mun, 4 pop)

Are you out of your fucking mind? You are NERFING an already struggling units and BUFFING the retardedly OP units even more? Seriously, I am this close to not playing this pile of molten shit you call a game any more.

what do you mean? the piat blob was struggling? lol?

or the way to expensive panther that no one liked was retardedly op?

can someone delete my post herE? did a misclick by modifiing and quoted myself
« Last Edit: April 27, 2009, 03:03:56 am by BigDick » Logged
EIRRMod Offline
Administrator / Lead Developer
Posts: 11009

« Reply #31 on: April 27, 2009, 02:53:09 am »

Sappers and PIATs - Whats the problem there, they are in no way 'struggling'

Bofors emplacement, is death incarnate now with Relics POS rapid-fire-no-reload-if-i-kill-a-man-lolz ability.

Stuka, change is PP oriented - it should never have been 0,1,2

Panther drop is too big, as is the nebby, I'll concede that one Wink

I am this close to not playing this pile of molten shit you call a game any more.
Im glad you appreciate the many MANY hours I sacrifice to even provide you the ability to play this game.
« Reply #32 on: April 27, 2009, 02:54:24 am »


=Sappers 210 MP (from 195 MP, 4 pop)
=Piat 100 Mu (from 85 Mu)
=Bofors 40mm emplacement 295 MP, 110 Mun from (295 MP, 75 Mun, 4 pop)
=Bofors availability: 1,2,2 from (1,2,1)

=Nebelwerfer - 400 MP, 35 Mu, 100 F from (450 MP, 35 Mun, 120 F)
=Stuka Availability for non defensive doctrine 1, 1, 2 from (0,1,2)
=Panther -  610 Mp, 500 F From (770 MP, 590 F, 16 pop)
=Mortar - 480 Mp, 65 Mun from (495 MP, 70 Mun, 4 pop)

Are you out of your fucking mind? You are NERFING an already struggling units and BUFFING the retardedly OP units even more? Seriously, I am this close to not playing this pile of molten shit you call a game any more.

what do you mean? the piat blob was struggling? lol?

i did that by myself and played with 12 tommies 8 sappers+piats and 3 commando piats+leutnants and captains....no tanks only a mortar bofor and 17 pounder

that was ridicules steamroll without need of micro or tactics...just blob and rely on your us teammate for triage center....
but i know that is that what you want..make a big blob and move it without need of micro lazy by selecting all around the map...
that is how you played in EiR with your raidborne airbornes...only single unit type that can handle everything...play moorhuhn if you don't want tactics and strategy in a game....

or the way to expensive panther that no one liked was retardedly op?

Nebelwerfer is already BETTER then any DOCTRINAL allied or axis artillery piece, bar the stuka (stuka is on par). A priest costs 465mp and 355 fuel, not to mention it costs a whopping 3 pps to field in a company. Nebelwerfers costs  a whopping 1/6th manpower less and 2/3rds less fuel in exchange for a negligible munition cost.

that is just not true...a nebelwerfer is effective when you blob yes and it can be annoying but it has fucking drawbacks like it is almost immobile can be destroyed by allies artillery
just don't sit back like a noob waiting for cooldown to insta barrage where an opponent unit is shown
wait when nebel fires and than it is easily to counterarty a nebel...you can outrange it and you can outdamage it...

a nebel is fucked too if it gets rushed by almost anything it has a shit accuracy, damage is kind of random , it is slow..no armor......

what i want to say is that it is some kind of useful (medium artillery) unit but with major drawbacks (good thing)

a fucking calliope is the artillery piece that has zero drawbacks...
decent armor decent speed decent damage decent range decent accuracy decent low popcap...

its just completely bullshit to say a nebelwerfer is better than a calliope or better than a priest

ps: just don't blob and you will have no problems with nebeldamage or nebel supression
« Last Edit: April 27, 2009, 03:21:57 am by BigDick » Logged
Baine Offline
Steven Spielberg
Posts: 3713

« Reply #33 on: April 27, 2009, 03:47:08 am »

Why the panther change, it's already the bane of allied armies and every, and i mean EVERY wehr army has a nebel, so obviously price wasn't an issue. It's insanely tough to kill and rapes infantry in buildings and support weapons.

Panther could be a little tiny bit more expensive i agree, and i don't understand the change to nebelwerfer as i thought it was fine. COuld be a little less in cost.

But EVERY wehr army has a nebelwerfer? seriously, you must be playing the same guy over and over. So far i have played like 10 - 15 games, and nobody, i mean none of my teammates has had a nebelwerfer so far. And believe me, it was a lot of different people.

VariantThirteen Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 116

« Reply #34 on: April 27, 2009, 04:13:56 am »

Oh man, I make it my mission to hunt arty pieces. Especially vet ones.
DuckOfDoom Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 318

« Reply #35 on: April 27, 2009, 04:42:07 am »

Sappers and PIATs - Whats the problem there, they are in no way 'struggling'

Bofors emplacement, is death incarnate now with Relics POS rapid-fire-no-reload-if-i-kill-a-man-lolz ability.

Thats true, bofors is great on paper but in the reality its designed to counter light vehicles which can drive out of its field of fire before it can even turn around. Anti infantry wise its nuts though.

Stuka, change is PP oriented - it should never have been 0,1,2

Ok, that makes sense.

Panther drop is too big, as is the nebby, I'll concede that one Wink


I am this close to not playing this pile of molten shit you call a game any more.
Im glad you appreciate the many MANY hours I sacrifice to even provide you the ability to play this game.

Ok I am sorry that was shitty of me to say that.

I love Eirr, Eirr supremacy <3xxx

Also, I wanted to point out that FOO is still 100 munis and not 140 as the change said, and FOO does need to be nerfed either by losing suppression or giving it 1-2 more seconds before it comes down.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2009, 05:58:05 am by DuckOfDoom » Logged
CafeMilani Offline
Posts: 2994

« Reply #36 on: April 27, 2009, 05:50:54 am »


=Sappers 210 MP (from 195 MP, 4 pop)
=Piat 100 Mu (from 85 Mu)

=Nebelwerfer - 400 MP, 35 Mu, 100 F from (450 MP, 35 Mun, 120 F)
=Stuka Availability for non defensive doctrine 1, 1, 2 from (0,1,2)
=Panther -  610 Mp, 500 F From (770 MP, 590 F, 16 pop)
=Mortar - 480 Mp, 65 Mun from (495 MP, 70 Mun, 4 pop)

Are you out of your fucking mind? You are NERFING an already struggling units and BUFFING the retardedly OP units even more? Seriously, I am this close to not playing this game because of the molten piece of shit for balance Eirr has at the moment. I AM GAY AND ANGRY RARGH

Lets review!


Nebelwerfer is already BETTER then any DOCTRINAL allied or axis artillery piece, bar the stuka (stuka is on par). A priest costs 465mp and 355 fuel, not to mention it costs a whopping 3 pps to field in a company. Nebelwerfers costs  a whopping 1/6th manpower less and 2/3rds less fuel in exchange for a negligible munition cost.

And thats just the fucking cost of a unit. Lets look at the attributes:

By just looking at the price, it can be thought that the priest is better then a nebelwerfer in every single way. That is not even remotely true. A priest, the best artillery piece the allies have, doesnt even come close to the awesomeness that is the nebel. The only factor which makes a priest worth buying, damage, is completely negated by the miserable accuracy the priest has. It doesnt matter AT ALL how many shells it fires in a single barrage, since their scatter is negligible, so if your first shell doesnt hit the target, NONE OF THEM WILL. Nebelwerfer rockets have a magical ability to home in on units both in and out of Fog Of War. That is fatal to any unit in a ridiculously large area that the nebel covers in its barrage - in fact, nebelwerfer works completely different to other artillery pieces. Nebelwerfer works like a constant FOO, which spawns shells OVER the units head with a minimal scatter (relying on the player spotting the incoming shells to move out of the way), instead of actually firing and landing a shell at its destination, where the scatter is dependent on a distance traveled. In addition, the nebelwerfer creates suppression - just like the FOO. Now as far as I remember, the number 1 complaint against the overtly powerful FOO is that you CANT get out of its way because of the suppression the first shells cause. Sounds familiar? Why yes, DuckOfDoom, that sounds exactly what nebelwerfer does with EACH FUCKING VOLLEY. In addition, the damage over time seals the fate of any unit caught in it, since it is a well known fact that aside from intended ingame effects of suppression making the unit take additional damage, the suppression COMPLETELY BREAKS THE UNITS PATHING, MAKING THEM UNABLE TO GET OUT OF THE AOE DAMAGE. Its not uncommon to see a unit still crawling on the ground some 5 or 6 minutes later, even after the suppression is long gone. The icing on the cake is that a nebelwerfer is FASTER then a vet 0 priest and the fire can do some 5-10% hit point damage to tanks, which doesnt even make sense. Literally, the only advantage the priest has over a nebelwerfer right now is a .50 cal machinegun, which is laughable. Other allied artillery pieces dont even get that benefit.


When compared to a nebel, stuka trades off aoe damage and suppression for increased mobility and damage, but it inherits all the problems of the nebel of being virtually un -dodgebal and extremely accurate. Also its sound effect is very quiet and hard to distinguish from the background noise


I have yet to see a panther die in a hands of a good axis player. Panther is capable of out-ranging every single tank and anti-tank gun the allies have, including the firefly backed by a command tank. This combo is also 1 pop more then a panther, and now, thanks to the devs infinite wisdom, costs LESS then the ff+ct combo ( FF: 615 mp 390f CT: 220mp 115 f, total: 835 mp, 505 f ). Oh, and the ff + ct combo is completely incapable of countering a panther on its own, since the panther will just drive away every time to get repaired if it takes any significant damage. So wait, as a cw player, what am I supposed to do to counter that unit? The obvious answer is buttoning, however buttoning has 1/2 of the panthers range, AND requires a line of sight and for the buttoning to work. But wait, lets assume a miracle occurred and a bren squad made it close enough to the panther because the wehr player went to make himself a saurkraut sandwich while his amazing block of support weapons is keeping 3 allied players at bay. His panther is buttoned while the firefly and the command tank are in range and firing on it. Well, no problem, any decent wehr player will just focus a nebel or an mg42 on the bren squad, or sick some assault troops on it. Ok, so now I need to have 22 pop worth of units (Firefly + command tank, + bren squad) on the field to counter a 16 pop unit, and now I need MORE units to protect the buttoning unit from harassment. Its also worth mentioning, that a panther can survive 1 button worth of a firefly's pounding on it from max range. Getting closer is really not an option as the firefly doesnt have the armor to stand up to any sort of at fire, paks or shreks, and panthers are rarely alone and unsupported. So why does a panther get a price decrease?

Wehr Mortar

The best mortar in the game gets a price discount. Wow, just wow. At least the wehr mortar is not as hard to counter, since its quite vulnerable to fire and has to remain stationary. But it still doesnt make sense to reduce the price of a unit that is ALREADY THE BEST IN ITS CATEGORY.

Sappers and PIATS

Sappers are the only reliable at the brits have beside the firefly. What makes them reliable? The fact that 17pndrs are immobile, and are therefore useless. You are basically stuck with sappers as your at early on, unless you have armor reinforcements. So, why are they getting a price increase along with their at weapon? I will agree that PIATs are really good as an anti infantry weapon, but shouldnt that be solved by increasing its scatter/accuracy vs infantry, rather then increasing its cost to that of panzershrek (well, nearly). I dont understand why brits only at is being made more expensive, especially since the bren guns are not at all useful now even vs the lightest armor (halftracks and armored cars). Why are brits and allies in general being forced to pay more resources for vastly inferior units? Logic says that the price of a unit should be a proportional to is specialty or its overall quality, but this is not the case with the allies at all, since the allied units have continuously suffered a price increase over the past few changes.

I have a suggestion: why dont you just call the mod Europe: Allies in Ruins.

howies and callies have like 30 kills each game
nebels? 10 was my best; they dont kill, they SUPPRESS

nearly every allied has a howie or a callie in his company because nobody play AB anymore because callies and howies are fucking cost effective

DuckOfDoom Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 318

« Reply #37 on: April 27, 2009, 05:56:01 am »

howies and callies have like 30 kills each game
nebels? 10 was my best; they dont kill, they SUPPRESS

nearly every allied has a howie or a callie in his company because nobody play AB anymore because callies and howies are fucking cost effective

Not even remotely true, my priest gets maybe 10-12 kills every game if its lucky.

AOE fire kills dont show up on the nebel kill counter for some reason, so you can easily double or tripple that number.

I just had a priest fire 3 times on an 88 with line of sight on it, and it missed all 3 consecutive barrages. Have you even seen a nebel miss completely? I dont think I have! The difference here is that nebel is always guranteed to so some damage, where the allied arty either hits for huge damage or misses completely, and since its accuracy is really low it makes its huge damage potential worthless.

Blobbing makes no difference against a nebel, you can have your squads as far apart as you like, if they are in nebels aoe they might get hit regardless. As brits you are totally boned because your guys have to stay in range of an officer to be useful, which limits the area you can spread out in. Also, even if ONE squad gets supressed, because of the wonders of pathing the suppressed squad might crawl closer to your other squads and spread the suppression to them, because johny the retard decided to crawl all the way around a building and a nebel rocket hit the roof.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2009, 06:14:02 am by DuckOfDoom » Logged
Unkn0wn Offline
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Posts: 18379

« Reply #38 on: April 27, 2009, 05:57:54 am »

He said howies and callis Tongue.
Akranadas Offline
Honoured Member
Posts: 6906

« Reply #39 on: April 27, 2009, 06:00:14 am »

I play Airborne Sad

And with the Airborne Availability changes, I may just attempt to build a all Airborne Company
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