Right, now that it isn't 3:30AM...
I will add a further note to what I've already said.
Everybody still present in the community will have a clean slate from MY perspective. Everybody will be treated equally, but according to the guidelines set in place.
Said guidelines are to be found here and adhered to unless decided otherwise (In which case, there will be an obvious announcement):
http://forums.europeinruins.com/index.php?topic=25046.0I will also be acting as liaison between the dev team and the community. If there is any feedback, any commentary or any concerns directly related to the dev team, I will be your first port of call. Attempting to head to either the coders or Tank first will result in a catastrophic loss of care on my part to deal with whatever you may wish to bring up, be it good or bad. We've spent far too much time having key individuals tied up in shit they don't need to. The only notable exception to this of course, will be technical support.
That aside, if there are any concerns people wish to bring up, my PM box is always open, and the disputes section is still there for game-related mishaps.
Finally, whilst I will be handling the bulk of moderation and other small tasks, keep it firmly in mind that Tank's word is final. Pissing him off directly whilst we're getting shit back in gear is ill-advised.