An earlybird has arrived with a message:
My new project will be to try and get Neuville in shape for 4vs4 games. Living up to the Neuville standards is going to be a hard and challenging mission. It will be a dangerous journey with many haters n scoundrels luring in green cover ready to undermine further Neuville glory. Good thing we are equipped with top of the line superiour armour freshly forged from Neuvillarian steel. Not even 130 jumbo tanks using Hate Reapers can penetrate such greatness.
The Neuville brand has established a good foothold in the Game of Maps being king of the 3vs3 market, but I feel there is room for growth. The 4vs4 market is still wide open. The only true contender to the throne being Schijndel. But Schijndel is old and tired, yet its fields remain green, very green. When it comes to facing a real opponent... you know nuthing Schijndel. You have no clue what is about to hit you, all the certified power has united to mansRaid your buildings, steel your plays and bury you at the bottom of the maplist.
However this has to be done right so we'll have to take it slow and steady. Small steps will be the course of action in combination with close reviewing of every version. It might be a long process with many updates and tests along the way but I am confident we will in the end deliver a knockout blow to Schijndel. A knockout blow from which it wont recover.
Schitdel, get your farmfields ready. Your situation will soon be very dire-wolf. We are coming a 100.000 plays strong, including many Giant games, to set your haybills on fire like the world has never seen before.
Today is the start of a new era for the Neuville brand. Rise up my fellow soldiers. The battle for the kingdom of 4vs4 has begun. Do your duty and remember: a Neuvillainisster always plays his maps!
Download links:2vs2 - - these are uploaded into the launcher you can try them out by renaiming them to: Betamap.sga
You put them in: C:\Program Files\THQ\Company of Heroes\EuropeInRuins\Archives
Made a new map with a 2vs2 aswell as a 3vs3 version, using 1vs1 Semois as the basis.
Removed all the water, increased the town with extra buildings, changed map size, overall changed and added a lot of new things.
Fighting will be concentrated in the center, around the church + graveyard, which both are located in 1 sector, this sector is important and thats what you'll be fighting over.
Its right in the middle of the map and therefor doesnt automatically belong to 1 team/sideofthemap, both teams can take it, the team that can manage to capture it will have the advantage of having 1 extra sector compared to the enemy, assuming the rest of the map is divided equally down the middle. The question is, can you hold it ?
Around the town you have open fields with only a few (new) seperate buildings, good open areas for flanking around the little town in the middle.
Here are some screenshots, low quality, if you have high settings ingame it will look amazing, so dont worry about that.
2vs2 TACMAP - final version has the sectors a bit smoother and finetuned in some areas, layout is the same
Middle town
Right side
Area on the left side
Download links:2vs2 - - these are uploaded into the launcher you can try them out by renaiming them to: Betamap.sga
You put them in: C:\Program Files\THQ\Company of Heroes\EuropeInRuins\Archives
Thanks to IP4K and especially LeoPhone for helping, giving feedback, checking the map etc. They know.