Hey all
As you may or may not know, we do not have unlimited bandwidth on our server. And some of our players do not have unlimited bandwidth either. New players coming in to the mod already have to download a large amount of files currently, maps only add to that. This is fine, if the maps they download are actually maps they will get to play on some time. Herein lies our problem.
Currently we have too many maps that are simply not getting any or hardly any plays for a wide variety of reasons. So it's time we cut these maps out, this way we can add more new maps that are actually worthy of everyone's bandwidth.
In addition, quality is key for these maps. Not only once loaded, but also in the way these maps are presented to the players. This is why we have a standardisation system which requires all maps to follow a set of basic guidelines. (Requiring them to have a loading screen, proper map name, description and preview image)
The following maps are being removed4p_Doghouse
The following maps could be removed with a community consensusµ
6p_Radar Station
The following maps need to be updated ASAP to meet basic map requirements4p_France - Needs Loading Screen
4p_Provence - Needs Loading Screen and proper map name. (Preferably a non streched preview image too)
4p_Lanteville - Needs loading screen, proper map name
6p_St Lambert - Loading Screen
6p_Tanteville - Loading Screen
6p_Mountain Valley - Loading Screen, Preview Image, Map name
Hell's Highway - Map name
If these maps are not fixed over time, they will be removed.
I don't care who updates these maps to have a loading screen and preview image, as long as someone does.
Some of these maps may also require some changes to make them more popular, it seems to me like some of these maps may not be getting a lot of plays for a reason. So while you update the above, it may be a good idea to listen to feedback and make more changes as well.
If you do not know how to add a loading screen or proper map preview image, you can always ask for help.
That is all