What if the germans had invaded the United kingdom before they had a chance to invade france first?
What if england gave up the fight against the Nazi's like they did against the Roman Empire.
What if the Scots refused to give up the fight and held out with all tenacity they could muster, like there many wars of independence and invasions into there lands?
"With rumours that nazi germany is being overrun with zombies, germany has pushed forwards its plans to invade the united kingdom. Hitler sneakely sent an ultimatum to the Churchill, stating, 'if you resist we shall invade, if you do not, we shall live in peace' England rolled over as its supplies were dwindeling and its econemy hitting the floor. But Scotland, the stubborn country it was, refused to give up the fight and so fights to save its country against the nazi invasion!
Ladys and gentlemen, being the poius scotsman I am, I Scotzmen, shall build a map of the mightest castle to be built in Scotland, commonly reffered to as "the Castle of Castles", The mighty castle standing atop a high hill, with 1000+ years of history ontop of it, attracting 1 million+ visitors every year, (if you cant guess it by now you need to go back to school) I shall give you Edinburgh Castle.
After a funny convo that turned into a map discussion with Smokaz, he asked why no one had made a map inside of a castle, and why no one had done a flooded city also! Smokaz said he completly endorses this (i havnt a clue what hes bringing to the table
) After agreeing with him, he requested i make it, so i shall.
Just a small request people, none of this gameplay bullshit requests like
"add farms and fields, r make your river fordable, or dont add water its a big game breaker blah blah blah blah blah." This is Edinburgh castle, not some poxy fake looking renevation of it like those damn catwalk models you see in size 0.
Thank you
- Scotzmen