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Topic: Japan Before & After (Read 20136 times)
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Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #60 on:
March 17, 2011, 02:23:44 pm »
u have to far man, u have to far.
Quote from: jackmccrack on August 03, 2014, 01:58:51 pm
Like Jesus, Keeps died for us
He made a funny thread for bear, and got banned.
Now bear makes his own funny thread. It's unsurprisingly not funny.
Keeps died for our funny threads.
Resident forum troll. Fucked unkn0wns mom
Posts: 6294
Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #61 on:
March 17, 2011, 02:25:02 pm »
Why cant you get banned Deadbolt?
I am not asking why you havent been banned but why cant you be banned?
Has noone ever wanted to stand up to you?
Last Edit: March 17, 2011, 02:27:46 pm by TheIcelandicManiac
Quote from: Grundwaffe
Quote from: Shabtajus on May 18, 2013, 02:16:45 am
gj icelandic i am proud of u
Quote from: aeroblade56 on June 21, 2013, 11:47:37 am
Sometimes its like PQ doesnt carrot all.
Work Harder
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Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #62 on:
March 17, 2011, 02:27:53 pm »
lol @ what a fag i was in that interview.
Last Edit: March 17, 2011, 02:39:51 pm by deadbolt
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Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #63 on:
March 17, 2011, 02:30:26 pm »
Quote from: SX23 on March 17, 2011, 01:38:52 pm
A mere thousand people dying? That's considered as sad? Just around 24 000 individuals die due to starvation each day, and this plainly YOUR fault, since you most likely eat meat.
(92% of the world's crop in sent to feed animals, that will in turn feed us).
Then let's understand the fact that more than 155,000 people die EACH day. That is 3 times more than the whole death toll of Japan, if not more.
Don't pretend to be any better than anyone here with your "morals", which are innately retarded and oriented by medias.
So, you like your cup of real-life? Wanna have some sugar with it?
This is true but all those people didn't die for the same reason. You can't prevent murder and sickness around the world but you can prevent a nuclear plant disaster and you can help the victims of an earthquake/eruption/floodwave (and many times prevent them too). Feeling sorry for someone is another thing, but it's not really gonna help anyone, it'll only weaken yourself.
Sharks are not monsters Henley, they are cute, cuddly and misunderstood. They love humans. sometimes they love TOO much. They love people so much that sometimes their kisses separate people into two flailing pieces which are consumed by other sharks in a frenzy of peace and joy.
Resident forum troll. Fucked unkn0wns mom
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Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #64 on:
March 17, 2011, 02:39:37 pm »
Common Bolt, you have said some smart shit before so why dont you just try to do it now without posting a picture or some troll comment?
Probably Banned
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Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #65 on:
March 17, 2011, 02:42:33 pm »
i like trolling.
ill say some relevant stuff when the time is right and im playing coh/eir again ^^
EIR Veteran
Posts: 95
Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #66 on:
March 17, 2011, 04:24:38 pm »
I tend to mostly be quiet and not write so much here on the forum anymore but .... You are fucking braindead
Makes you wonder why no one bans Deadbolt entirely from EiR ....
I can hardly find any words to describe how I felt when I read some comments and especially your's Deadbolt!
It is disgusting to see that things like this behavior is allowed here on the forum!
I have been away from EiR long and do not play often at all, but ....
I will never again play EiR as long deadbolt and the other idiots who can not have empathy for fellow human beings, is still here.
Resident forum troll. Fucked unkn0wns mom
Posts: 6294
Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #67 on:
March 17, 2011, 04:51:16 pm »
Well they wont ban deadbolt for he is One of the best players of Coh and one of the best EIR players out there, and he is the boss of Bug forum?
He might be a Troll right now or a "Man Baby" But you should not Not play Eir just becouse of an Annoying troll and you should rather not play becouse of the annoying people PLAYING Eir For deadbolt aint one of them.
Basicly: deadbolt dose nothing but troll the forum and Do minor amount of stuff here but for the last time I saw He dose not play activly in EIR.
Quote from: deadbolt on March 17, 2011, 02:42:33 pm
i like trolling.
Last Edit: March 17, 2011, 05:03:49 pm by TheIcelandicManiac
EIR Veteran
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Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #68 on:
March 17, 2011, 05:20:57 pm »
I understand what you mean but I disagree with you. When a person is behaving in this way will it not matter who it is or where he came from.
When I started playing EiR it was perhaps not as large player base and perhaps you had to wait an hour or so before the game could start. But there was almost never like these immature posts we can see today.
The first answer to this serious topic was: "well, for some really personal and family reasons, who cares:". Then came a picture of Pearl Harbor.
okay, it was not nice of them.
But what did you do against them ... oh, just that you dropped two atomic bombs on Japan.
Not more than 500 000 Americans lost their lives during the war, while about 2-3 million Japanese died, if not more.
I do not know if there are any statistics on how many civilians who died at Pearl Harbor, nor the Nagaski or Hiroshima. But I think you can draw your own conclusion, which has killed the most civilians ..
Last Edit: March 18, 2011, 02:40:24 am by Dnice559
Resident forum troll. Fucked unkn0wns mom
Posts: 6294
Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #69 on:
March 17, 2011, 05:27:20 pm »
I dont really care about history.
Shitty people did shitty Things at shitty times witch caused Shitty consequences And those shitty consequences Were written down by Shitty Writers Who then Sold books About those Shitty things and shitty people and Just for propoganda sakes Added bunch of propoganda from all sides Sooooo....
The people who have died Trougout time have been alot and Most of them have been unfare but we cant do anything about it now.
we just have to Forget about the past and think about the preastent and Make sure Those Shitty things wont happen again.
So deadbolt is an troll and ignore him
The Inquisitor
Posts: 6904
Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #70 on:
March 17, 2011, 05:39:26 pm »
Quote from: deadbolt on March 17, 2011, 02:00:16 pm
Godzilla uses tsunami!
It's super effective!!
Japan faints.
rofl @ me.
It's dark humor, it's a hit or miss depending on the audience, there isn't anything inherently wrong with it.
Last Edit: March 17, 2011, 05:41:58 pm by Killer344
Quote from: brn4meplz on April 18, 2013, 01:23:05 am
If I get shot and it's a gay medic fixing me up, he's not gonna be fondling my balls while he does it. You can't patch a chest wound and suck a cock at the same time.
EIR Veteran
Posts: 120
Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #71 on:
March 17, 2011, 05:59:24 pm »
Ooooooh sometimes I forget that the internetz and the world is globalized and that you can be sitting in your living room with an M.D., a Ph.D., a Nobel Peace Prize, and a library of books that you've written for the good of humanity, and somebody like nugnugz can post in the same forum as you, slap a trollface on it, and say LOL MY PERSPECTIVE = POOPOO AND PEEPEE AND I LIKE DEAD AMERICAN SOLDIERS AND LOL JAPAN.
I grew up wrong, far too nice and accepting of other points of view, which is funny because liberalization bites hard when the brainless horde comes knocking and all you have is feelings of equality and fairness to hand them. I don't think I or America or the West has it all figured out, but I'll take it in bucketloads in comparison to your worldview.
Nugz and deadbolt, among others, you're not worth a piece of dirt I've shit on. And btw, my favorite part of Iraq was calling in an A-10 strike on one of your friends. A-10s = the American Stuka. Nugz I'd eat my hat if you'd had an ounce of the balls your dead friends had.
And btw, go fuck yourself.
EIR Veteran
Posts: 2210
Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #72 on:
March 17, 2011, 06:14:15 pm »
^ deep shit amigos
I will never forget the rage we enduced together
Quote from: brn4meplz on March 08, 2013, 12:46:54 pm
Ohh Good, AmPm can pay in Doubloons.
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Posts: 4838
Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #73 on:
March 17, 2011, 09:51:15 pm »
Quote from: SX23 on March 17, 2011, 01:38:52 pm
A mere thousand people dying? That's considered as sad? Just around 24 000 individuals die due to starvation each day, and this plainly YOUR fault, since you most likely eat meat.
The fact is that we don't know how many people will die due to the fallout and the contamination or the consequences down the road. Right now they said fallout drifting over seas is 'unlikely' but not impossible. Remember, Chernobyl is still a hazard 25 years after the fact, and its not in the middle of a high density area.
As to all the Pearl Harbour shit, no matter what the feelings on it are. Other then a dwindling amount of soldiers that are left, everyone who's to blame on both sides are dead.
Quote from: Sachaztan on March 24, 2013, 03:49:43 pm
Yes that's me, the special snowflake.
Warmap Betatester
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Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #74 on:
March 17, 2011, 10:31:10 pm »
Successful Troll is Deadbolt
Generalleutnant of The Reichs Wolves
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Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #75 on:
March 18, 2011, 03:22:29 am »
U mad?
EIR Veteran
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Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #76 on:
March 18, 2011, 05:25:22 am »
Quote from: Dnice559 on March 17, 2011, 04:24:38 pm
I tend to mostly be quiet and not write so much here on the forum anymore but .... You are fucking braindead
Makes you wonder why no one bans Deadbolt entirely from EiR ....
I can hardly find any words to describe how I felt when I read some comments and especially your's Deadbolt!
It is disgusting to see that things like this behavior is allowed here on the forum!
I have been away from EiR long and do not play often at all, but ....
I will never again play EiR as long deadbolt and the other idiots who can not have empathy for fellow human beings, is still here.
Kewl, be seeing you in a hundred years then.
Quote from: Tymathee on March 01, 2012, 03:10:58 pm
Demon posession is real and it's not funny, it's the creepiest thing you will ever experience.
Quote from: Jodomar on October 18, 2012, 09:45:42 am
I would also like to add I watch fox news everyday all day and will continue to watch it while being proud of that fact. I'm sure you enjoy your communist news network just as much.
EIR Veteran
Posts: 2667
Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #77 on:
March 18, 2011, 05:32:42 am »
Quote from: SX23 on March 17, 2011, 01:38:52 pm
A mere thousand people dying? That's considered as sad? Just around 24 000 individuals die due to starvation each day, and this plainly YOUR fault, since you most likely eat meat.
(92% of the world's crop in sent to feed animals, that will in turn feed us).
Have a cup of real life? Of course, dear friend. Let's start by considering that you are an idiot biased by media, attaching importance only to the latest news. Let's then look at the fact that your simple comfort is not worth 50 human lives, (Unless, of course, you sold everything already to actually SAVE humans lives, which I highly doubt is the case, since you've got a comp. with an internet connection).
Then let's understand the fact that more than 155,000 people die EACH day. That is 3 times more than the whole death toll of Japan, if not more.
Don't pretend to be any better than anyone here with your "morals", which are innately retarded and oriented by medias.
So, you like your cup of real-life? Wanna have some sugar with it?
This part made me roflmao
"this plainly YOUR fault, since you most likely eat meat.
(92% of the world's crop in sent to feed animals, that will in turn feed us)."
It's just so retarded I don't even know where to begin.
EIRR community manager
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Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #78 on:
March 18, 2011, 09:05:00 am »
enough with the trolling or this will be locked.
That is unless tank doesnt do it before I do. It is his thread, he can lock it himself.
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Re: Japan Before & After
Reply #79 on:
March 18, 2011, 12:34:15 pm »
blah blah blah...
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