Scenario two: Allied airborne and commando elements attempt to establish a foothold. Meeting engagement.
Allies: 2 American and 1 British with all airborne and glider dropped companies. Give them an objective (or objectives) to hold onto for 10 minutes. They'll have to be swift so as to keep the Germans from bringing their full power up.
Axis: 1 PE and 2 Wehrmacht with mess of random shit including heavier armor (Tigers or KTs!!?11!???1!?) must pull themselves together and hold onto (or retake) the objective. I'm thinking a lot of volks mixed with some elite units like KCH or Stormtroopers and various assorted support weapons and tanks.
A bridge map would be awesome (and accurate to the history), but I don't think one exists in EIR that would fit. Could always make it an industrial or urban map instead. Also, I think it'd be neat to only tell the Germans what the objective is once the battle has started. An "Oh snap, THAT'S what they're going for!" moment.
AxisTerror -

Tank Destroyers -

Blitzkreig -
AlliesAirborne -

Airborne -

Commandos -

Allied companies MUST be almost entirely paradropped and glider-borne, as much as is humanly possible. For Airborne this is AB, glider rifles, AB support teams, AB Medic & AB sniper. For Commandos is Mandos, Mando support teams, Tetrarchs, & Mando sniper. Commandos will also be able to use Bren Carriers garrisoned with Tommy Squads or Sappers. If the allies can kill the Axis hero units, it will benefit the Allies in the final mission.
You may use Airborne.
You may use Glider Riflemen.
You may use Airborne Weapon Teams.
You may use 1 Airborne Sniper.
You may use up to 4 Quad's.
You may use up to 2 Airborne Medic's.
You may NOT use ANY other fuel based units.
You may NOT use ANY other form of infantry or weapons teams.
You may use each Offmap ONCE.
CommandosYou may use Commandos.
You may use Commando Weapon Teams.
You may use 1 Commando Sniper.
You may use up to 6 Tetrarchs.
You may use up to 3 Commando Officers.
You may use up to 4 Staghound's.
You may use a SINGLE Firefly.
You may use a SINGLE CCT.
You may use Tommies & Sappers IF they are in a Bren Carrier.
You may NOT use ANY other fuel based units.
You may NOT use ANY other form of infantry or weapons teams.
You may NOT use Radio Triangulation.
You may use each Offmap ONCE.
Axis companies do not have to arrive in any specific manner, but it is advised they are arranged into specialized call-ins.
Axis companies will each have 1 hero unit. These must be called on one at a time. One at 15 minutes, one at 20 minutes, one at 25 minutes. Blitzkreig's Tigers count as one hero unit. The Axis team will have to organise between themselves who will call on their hero unit first. These hero units, if kept alive until the end of the game, will benefit the Axis in the final mission.
TerrorHero Unit - King Tiger
You may NOT use ANY fuel based units other than the King Tiger, 2 Bikes, 2 Ambulances, and 20mm Puma's.
You MUST use 4 Oak Leaves KCH.
You MUST use 6 Panzershreck Grenadiers.
You MUST use 4 Panzerfaust Grenadiers.
You may use any other infantry.
You may use up to 2 HMG42's.
You may use 1 Mortar.
You may use up to 2 Nebelwerfers.
You may use up to 2 Pak's.
You may NOT use a Sniper.
You may use each Offmap ONCE.
BlitzkreigHero Unit - Dual Tigers
You may NOT use ANY other fuel based units other than the Tigers, 2 Bikes, 2 Flammenwerfers, and 2 50mm Puma's.
You MUST use both your Tigers in the same call-in.
You may use all your infantry, including doctrine unlocks and weapon unlocks.
You may use up to 4 HMG42's.
You may use up to 2 Mortars.
You may use up to 3 Neberlwerfers.
You may NOT use a Sniper.
You may use up to 2 Pak's.
You may use each Offmap ONCE.
Tank DestoyersHero Unit - JagdPanther
You may use any infantry you wish.
You may use up to 2 Hetzers.
You may use up to 2 LATHT's.
You may use up to 4 Stummels.
You may use up to 6 IHT's.
You may use 1 Mortar Halftrack.
You may use up to 2 Munitions Halftracks.
You may use up to 3 Scout Car's.
You may use 1 IST.
You may use 1 Vampire Halftrack.
You may use up to 4 Pak 36's.
You may use up to 3 Kettengrads.
You may use up to 2 Schwimmwagens.
You may use a SINGLE Bergetiger.
You may NOT use Marders.
You may NOT use 50mm Halftracks.
You may NOT use Panthers.
You may NOT use ANY Hotchkiss variant.
You may NOT use Armoured Cars.
You may use each Offmap ONCE.
I care not about Advantages, but it would be helpful for Allies to have more Manpower.
Other than these rules your companies can be whatever, and other than the Axis Hero Units, which must be a call in of their own and cannot be called in until at least 15 minutes, call in's can be customised to whatever.
If anyone thinks there are glaring errors I've made, or things that would be retarded, please post in a constructive manner. I'm bound to have messed something up, I am very tired